The Key Of Knowledge

Scriptural/Historical Timeline

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The purpose of this page is to graphically represent historical events.

Century   Date Persons Hebrews Greeks Romans   TeNaKh
(New Strong’s Concordance)
  2166 - 1876   Abraham
Abraham enters
the land 2091;
Joseph Prime Minister 1885
(New Strong’s Concordance)
19th BCE 1876 - 1446   EGYPTIAN SOJOURN
(New Strong’s Concordance)
    Egypt enslaves the Israelites  
1812 BCE Time of Abraham Begins
Jewish History Timeline
  Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations in flower  
18th BCE 1712 BCE Time of Isaac Begins
Jewish History Timeline
17th BCE 1652 BCE Time of Jacob Begins
Jewish History Timeline
16th BCE 1544 BCE Joseph sold into slavery
Jewish History Timeline
1522 BCE Joseph welcomes his family to Egypt
Jewish History Timeline
15th BCE 1446 - 1406   Moses WILDERNESS WANDERING
Law Given 1446
(New Strong’s Concordance)
      Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy
1428 BCE Israelites enslaved in Egypt
Jewish History Timeline
    Egyptian cities of Pithom and Ramses are built
1406 - 1050   Joshua
Fall of Jericho 1406
(New Strong’s Concordance)
    Palestine occupied Joshua
14th BCE   1392 BCE   Time of Moses Begins
Jewish History Timeline
1312 BCE   Exodus
Jewish History Timeline
Torah given at Mt. Sinai
Jewish History Timeline
13th BCE   1272 BCE   Conquest of Promised Land
Jewish History Timeline
1273 BCE   Hebrews enter the Promised Land
Jewish History Timeline
12th BCE   1106 BCE   Time of Judges begins
Jewish History Timeline
    Phillistines occupy coastal area of Israel?  
11th BCE 1050 – 931   Samuel
Kingdom Established 1050
(New Strong’s Concordance)
    Surrounding nations defeated by Israel Ruth, Samuel, Psalms, Song of Solomon, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes
10th BCE       DIVIDED MONARCHY 931 – 722
Kingdom Divided 931
(New Strong’s Concordance)
South North
931 – 875   Rehoboam Jeroboam I     Armean Kingdom 931 – 732
(New Strong’s Concordance)
9th BCE   879 BCE   Saul anointed kingJewish History Timeline        
877 BCE   Time of King David beginsJewish History Timeline        
(New Strong’s Concordance)
Jehoshaphat Ahab       Obadiah, Joel
836 BCE   King Solomon begins his rule
Jewish History Timeline
825 BCE   First Temple completed
Jewish History Timeline
    Assyrian Empire rising in the north  
8th BCE   796 BCE   Israel split into two kingdoms        
(New Strong's Concordance)
Uzziah Jeroboam II       Jonah, Amos, Hosea, Isaiah, Micah
753 BCE       Rome founded.
(The Romans)
732         Fall of Aram (New Strong's Concordance)  
726 Hezekiah       Assyrian domination of Palestine 745 - 650
(New Strong's Concordance)
Nahum, Zephaniah
722 BCE   YHWH scattered Yisra'el (Besorah pg 1012) Because of their continual breaking of the Covenant that was given to Adam then Noah, then Abraham and finally written down through Moses, Israel was taken into captive by the King of Assyria in 722B.C. (Identity Crisis – 0:33:09 - Jim Staley)        
722   Fall of Samaria
(New Strong's Concordance)
7th BCE   640 Josiah JUDAH ALONE 722 - 586
(New Strong's Concordance)
    Babylonia Supremacy
(New Strong's Concordance)
Jeremiah, Lamentations, Habakkuk, Kings, Daniel, Ezekiel
605   Daniel's Captivity    
6th BCE   597 BCE   Ezekiel's Captivity     Haggai, Zechariah
586 BCE Jeremiah Fall of Jerusalem    
586 BCE   Yahuah scattered Yahudah
(Besorah pg 1012)
The House of Judah also played the harlot and was taken into captivity in Babylon in 586B.C. for 70 years.
(Identity Crisis - 0:33:19 - Jim Staley)
538 - 409 BCE 538 BCE Zerubbabel RESTORATION 538 - 409
Second Temple
(New Strong's Concordance)
539 - 331 BCE           Medo-Persian Rule
539 - 331
(New Strong's Concordance)
536 - 515 BCE   Haggai
555 BCE   Assyrians overrun Northern Israel; Ten Tribes are lost
Jewish History Timeline
547 BCE   Sennacherib attacks Jerusalem

Jewish History Timeline
    Babylonians overrun Assyrian Empire
  500 BCE       The residents of Rome have overthrown the monarchy ruling them and have established a republic ruled by a senate. An oligarchy, the senate was made up of upper class, land-owning male citizens called the "patricians."
(The Romans)
5th BCE   458 BCE

(New Strong's Concordance)
  Ezra's Return       Chronicles, Ezra, Ester
444 BCE

(New Strong's Concordance)
Malachi Nehemiah's Return       Nehemiah, Malachi
422 BCE   Babylonians conquer Israel and destroy Temple
Jewish History Timeline
    Persians overrun Babylonian Empire  
4th BCE   370 BCE   Jews return to Israel from Babylonian Exile
Jewish History Timeline
355 BCE   Miracle of Purim
Jewish History Timeline
352 BCE   Consturction of Second Temple begins
Jewish History Timeline
347 BCE   Time of the Great Assembly begins
Jewish History Timeline
    Greeks overrun Persian Empire  
~332 BCE   Alexander the Great conquered the Land of Israel.
(Hanukkah Reconsidered.pdf)
Alexander the Great conquered the Land of Israel.
(Hanukkah Reconsidered.pdf)
323 BCE     Alexander the Great dies.
(Hanukkah Reconsidered.pdf)
312 BCE   Greeks conquer Israel
Jewish History Timeline
3rd BCE 285 - 246 BCE
200 - 150 BCE
  The Septuagint Text   The Septuagint Text


On the eighth of Tevet, King Ptolemy of Egypt forced 70 Jewish scholars to gather and translate the Hebrew Bible into Greek. Even though the Talmud relates to us that this project was blessed with a miracle -- the 70 scholars were all placed in separate cubicles and yet they all came up with the same translation -- the general view of the rabbis of the time towards this project was decidedly negative. The Talmud records that when this translation became public "darkness descended on the world."

This translation -- the Septuagint -- eventually became the basis for the Old Testament section of the Christian bible a few centuries later. The Greek translation of the Bible also further aided the advance of the agenda of the Hellenist Jews to bring Greek culture into Jewish life, and to attempt to reform Judaism in the image of Greek values and lifestyle. The "koshering" of the Greek language by its use in translating the Hebrew Bible had wide ramifications in Jewish society and undermined some of the efforts of the rabbis in combating the allure of Greece in Israel of then.
264 - 146 BCE   Punic Wars
(The Romans)
  245 BCE   Torah is translated into Greek
Jewish History Timeline
2nd BCE   175 BCE   Antiochus Epiphanies (Antiochus IV) rose to power.
(Hanukkah Reconsidered.pdf)
168 BCE Antiochus loots the Temple in Jerusalem.
(Hanukkah Reconsidered.pdf)
167 BCE Revolt of Maccabees begins
Jewish History Timeline
139 BCE ALLEGED Miracle (Myth) of Chanukah
Jewish History Timeline
Romans overrun Greek Empire
1st BCE   72 BCE   Slave revolt led by Spartacus (The Romans)    
63 BCE   Romans invade Israel
Jewish History Timeline
  The last two Hasmonean rulers (from the line of the Maccabees) were two brothers: Hyrcanus and Aristobolus. Quarreling with each other as to who should be king, they hit on the idea of asking Rome to mediate in their dispute. And thus, in 63 BCE, Pompeii was invited to move his armies into Israel. (The Romans)    
60 BCE   First Triumvirate formed (The Romans)    
49 BCE       A key role in the Roman takeover of Israel was played by Hyrcanus' chief advisor ― the Idumean general Antipater. The Idumeans bore testimony to an unprecedented lapse in observance among the Jews ― they were the people whom Yochanan Hyrcanus forcibly converted to Judaism.
Antipater, the real strength behind the weak Hyrcanus, made sure, of course, that he positioned his own family in power while he had a chance. He continued to guide Hyrcanus and ― when in 49 BCE, Pompeii and Julius Caesar became engaged in internal struggle ― helped him choose the winning side. Soon, Antipater was the man in power.
The Romans judged correctly that this forcibly converted Jew did not identify with Jewish values or nationalism, and that with him in power, "militant monotheism" would not again rear its dangerous head. (The Romans)
While Antipater did not go down in history as a household name, his son Herod ― who took after his father and then some ― did. Coming from a family of forced converts that was only nominally Jewish, he nevertheless became one of the most famous kings of the Jews.
He went down in history as Herod, the Great.
37 BCE   Herod the Great begins his rule
Jewish History Timeline
32 BCE   Time of Hillel and Shammai
Jewish History Timeline
The Messiah on the earth
1st CE   66 CE  

First Jewish Revolt to go up against the might of the Roman Empire was nothing short of suicidal, and indeed, the Jewish War would end in great tragedy. But when it began in 66 CE, it had some astonishing successes with Florus fleeing from Jerusalem for his life and the Roman garrison isolated and overwhelmed.


67 CE The Great Revolt of Jews against Rome begins
Jewish History Timeline
70 CE

Vespasian is made Caesar and returns to Rome. His son Titus takes over the siege of Jerusalem.  The city is captured and the 2nd temple is burned to the ground.

Jerusalem conquered by the Romans, 17th of Tamuz

Jewish History Timeline

Temple destroyed by Romans 9th of Av

Jewish History Timeline

73 CE Josephus reports on the capture of Masada in 73 CE        
2nd CE   120 CE  

Rebellion of Bar Kochba

Jewish History Timeline

133 - 135 CE    

Second Jewish revolt put down by Roman Emperor Hadrian.


  136 CE  

Rabbi Akiva martyred

Jewish History Timeline

170 – 200 CE           The Mishnah written down  
3rd CE 160 - 230 CE  

The antagonism of the early Christians towards the Jews was reflected in the writings of the early Church Fathers. For example, Justin Martyr (c. AD 160) in speaking to a Jew said: "The Scriptures are not yours, but ours." Irenaeus, Bishop of Lyon (c. AD 177) declared: "Jews are disinherited from the grace of God." Tertullian (AD 160-230), in his treatise, "Against the Jews," announced that God had rejected the Jews in favor of the Christians.


219 CE  

Mishna compiled by Rabbi Yehudah HaNasi

Jewish History Timeline

  Mishnah compiled  
  < 300 CE           The Peshitta
4th CE  

In the early 4th century, Eusebius wrote that the promises of the Hebrew Scriptures were for Christians and not the Jews, and the curses were for the Jews. He argued that the Church was the continuation of the Old Testament and thus superseded Judaism. The young Church declared itself to be the true Israel, or "Israel according to the Spirit," heir to the divine promises. They found it essential to discredit the "Israel according to the flesh" to prove that God had cast away His people and transferred His love to the Christians.


  305 CE  

Already at the Church Council in Elvira (Spain) in AD 305, declarations were made to keep Jews and Christians apart, including ordering Christians not to share meals with Jews, not to marry Jews, not to use Jews to bless their fields, and not to observe the Jewish Sabbath.


306-321 CE    

At the beginning of the 4th century, a monumental event occurred for the Church, which placed "the Church Triumphant" over "Vanquished Israel." In AD 306, Constantine became the first Christian Roman Emperor. At first, he had a rather pluralistic view and accorded Jews the same religious rights as Christians. However, in AD 321, he made Christianity the official religion of the Empire to the exclusion of all other religions. This signaled the end of the persecution of Christians, but the beginning of discrimination and persecution of the Jewish people.


  312 CE  

Constantine converts Roman Empire to Christianity

Jewish History Timeline

Jewish History #41


Fall of Rome and Rise of Byzantine Empire

313-315 CE    

Imperial Rome, in AD 313, issued the Edict of Milan, which granted favor to Christianity, while outlawing synagogues. Then, in AD 315, another edict allowed the burning of Jews if they were convicted of breaking the laws. As Christianity was becoming the religion of the state, further laws were passed against the Jews:

The ancient privileges granted to the Jews were withdrawn.

Rabbinical jurisdiction was abolished or severely curtailed.

Proselytism to Judaism was prohibited and made punishable by death.

Jews were excluded from holding high office or a military career.

These and other restrictions were confirmed over and over again by various Church Councils for the next 1,000 years.


  358 CE  

The Sanhedrin ceased to exist.
(“The Imposter” –

  359 CE  

Hillel II calendar established according to rabbinical tradition in 359 CE

  363 CE  

The Roman Empire shuts down the Sanhedren.

Jewish History #43

363 – 364 CE    

Council of Laodicea

The Council of Laodicea was a regional synod of approximately thirty clerics from Asia Minor, that assembled about 363-364 AD in Laodicea, Phrygia Pacatiana..

Spiritual & Patriotic Notes


Scriptures were canonized.

5th CE ~ 400 CE    

Jerome translates the TeNaKh from Hebrew to Latin.

Treatise on the Biblical Calendar, by Herb Solinsky


Palestinian or Jerusalem Talmud issued.

  402 CE          


6th CE ~ 500 CE          

Babylonian Talmud issued.

  585 CE          

The Syriac Bible of Paris

7th CE   625 CE  

Banishment of the Jewish tribe of Banu Nadir from Medina.

Invasion of Banu Nadir

  638 CE  

Islamic Conquest of Jerusalem

Jewish History Timeline

As part of his conquests Caliph Omar invaded Jerusalem in 638, taking it away from the Byzantines.

Jewish History #43

  691 CE  

In 691, some fifty years after Omar's conquest, an Omayyad ruler named Abd al Malik built the Dome of the Rock, called Qubbat as Sakrah, there.

Jewish History #43

8th CE                
9th CE                
10th CE                
11th CE ~ 1000 CE            

Masoretic Text

  1040 CE  

Time of Rashi begins

Jewish History Timeline




Shlomo Yitzhaki

(aka Rashi)

  1096 CE  

Time of Crusades begins

Jewish History Timeline

12th CE   1105 CE          
  1135 CE  

Time of Maimonides begins

Jewish History Timeline

  1144 CE  

First Blood Libel

Jewish History Timeline

13th CE   1263 CE  

The Great Disputation; Time of Nachmanides

Jewish History Timeline

12th CE   1348 CE  

The Black Plague

1380 CE           Wycliffe
15th CE ~ 1440 CE           Printing Press invented  




1478 CE         Start of the Spanish Inquisition  
1492 CE  

Jews expelled from Spain;

Columbus discovers America

Jewish History Timeline

    Ottoman Empire takes over the Middle East  
16th CE 1516 CE           Textus Receptus
1517 CE  

Protestant Reformation;

Time of Martin Luther

Jewish History Timeline

1560 CE           Geneva
1567 CE  

Jews invited into Poland

Jewish History Timeline


Time of the Ari and the Kabbalists

Jewish History Timeline

1582 Oct 15        

Change from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar.

10 Days omitted.

17th CE 1611 CE   King James Bible
1648 CE  

Chmielnicki Massacres in Eastern Europe

Jewish History Timeline

1651 CE  

Time of Shabbtai Txvi, false messiah

Jewish History Timeline

1654 CE  

First Jews arrive in America

Jewish History Timeline

1698 CE  

Time of the Ba’al Shem Tov begins; the Chassidic Movement

Jewish History Timeline

18th CE 1772 CE  

Time of the Misnagdim and ilna Gaon

Jewish History Timeline


The Enlightenment;

American & French Revolutions

1791 CE  

Emancipation of the Jews begins in Europe

Jewish History Timeline

1791 CE  

Jews herded into the Pale of Settlement in Russia

Jewish History Timeline

19th CE 1810 CE  

Reform Movement begins in Germany

Jewish History Timeline

1834 CE         End of the Spanish Inquistion  
  1881 CE  

Jews made scapegoats of Tzar of Russia

Jewish History Timeline

  1882 CE  

First Aliyah to Israel

Jewish History Timeline

  1887 CE  

Conservative Movement founded in America

Jewish History Timeline

  1894 CE  

Dreyfuss Affair in France

Jewish History Timeline

  1897 CE  

First Zionist Congress

Jewish History Timeline


World War I;

End of Ottoman Empire

  1898 CE           Youngs Bible
20th CE   1901 CE           American Standard
  1917 CE  

British Mandate begins in Palestine; Balfour Declaration

Jewish History Timeline

  1927 CE  

Country of Jordan created by the British on the East Bank of the Jordan

Jewish History Timeline

  1928 CD  

Ottoman Empire Collapses

Israel Created Hamas to Avoid Peace

  1933 CE  

Hitler Comes to power in Germany

Jewish History Timeline


World War II

  1942 CE  

Final Solution allegedly formulated by the Nazis

Jewish History Timeline

  1947 CE  

Partition of Palestine by the UN

Jewish History Timeline

  1948 CE  

State of Israel Declared

Jewish History Timeline

  1948 CE  

War of Independence

Jewish History Timeline

  1950 CE          

New World Translation

  1964 CE  

PLO founded

Jewish History Timeline

  1967 CE  

Six Day War and Reunification of Jerusalem

Jewish History Timeline

21st CE   2003 CE          

Restoration Scriptures
