Dershowitz and Fraud

Dershowitz is a lawyer and Jew who has been getting mouthy about two Harvard men who wrote an article called The Israel Lobby - The Jews Who Control America. Dershowitz is very much part of that lobby and that was why he wrote a book which advocates torturing Israel's enemies. Somebody out there has chosen to remind us of one of his previous try ons. There are others.

The Ludicrous Attacks on Carter's Book
Norman Finkelstein tells us that Dershowitz is a loud mouthed liar, a deliberate liar who will tell any lie if it is for Israel. He is getting away with because the main stream media is controlled by liars and Zionists. Dershowitz could sue for libel if he weren't guilty as Hell. He hasn't because he is guilty as Hell.


Dershowitz Versus Desmond Tutu
Archbishop Tutu, Nobel Peace Prize winner tells the world that Apartheid is very awful even when Jews are the perpetrators. Dershowitz abuses the good Bish for telling truth.


Finkelstein versus Dershowitz
Norman Finkelstein wrote a book telling us that the Holocaust had been grossly abused and that Jews had extorted millions if not billions from Swiss banks, Germany and others. Norm is right but Dershowitz wrote a book claiming that he was wrong. This argument  is still  running  [ 2006 ].


Why Terrorism Works
Dershowitz tells us that Islamics are dangerous which is true, but ignores the far greater  dangers from Zionists like himself He then advocates torturing enemies of Israel. Given that he made a career as a human rights lawyer you might think that going the other way is the act of an unprincipled rogue and hypocrite.


Harvard Plagiarism Archive
Here is a reminder of one of his previous try  ons. Copying from other people's work is plagiarism and if the source is copyrighted it may well be actionable in court. Dershowitz knows this and knows how to get away with it but he is a careless liar or an incompetent liar. His own hand written note said copy the stuff from Joan Peter's book. The Peters book was fraudulent on its own account but that is another matter.


Sapere Aude! = Dare to think for yourself
Norm tells us in detail that Dershowitz is lying in his teeth. It looks as though Dersh has bottled out of suing for libel yet again.


Alan Dershowitz Advocates Torture And Drove His Wife To Suicide
The Dirt On Dershowitz: Defender of Misogynists and Apartheid Israel, by Myles O. Morales

Alan Dershowitz has become perhaps the most prominent spokesman for Israeli interests, and is also famous for defending famous alleged wife-killers such as Claus von Bulow and OJ Simpson, just to name a few. He has also been caught plagiarizing and putting forth lies (say it ain't' so!) in his books, such as his "The Case for Israel"....... 

Dershowitz's first wife found out that he was having an affair with another woman. His wife became enraged and brashly took many of Dershowitz's important legal papers from cases he was handling and tossed them into the street to be scattered by the winds to and fro. In response, Alan Dershowitz allegedly pummelled and beat his wife up so badly that she had to be hospitalized. He then took custody of their two young sons, divorced and stripped his wife of financial support except for the bare minimum allowed. She then killed herself by jumping off the Brooklyn Bridge. Alan Dershowitz promptly took a lie detector test to prove his "innocence" that he did not kill her.
His advocacy of torture was in one of his books and was only meant to be used against people that Jews don't like. He is a loud mouthed liar; Norman Finkelstein showed that rather well. The bit about GBH [ grievous bodily harm ] surprises me not at all. It seems that she gets a mention in his book, Chutzpah by Dershowitz
PS The links were not very productive so this qualifies as not solidly confirmed.


Errors & omissions, broken links, cock ups, over-emphasis, malice [ real or imaginary ] or whatever; if you find any I am open to comment.

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Updated  on  Sunday, 28 February 2010 09:26:53