Tom Lantos Dies

Huffington Post   First Posted: 03/28/08 03:45 AM ET Updated: 05/25/11 01:25 PM ET


Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death.

The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the nation and a terrible loss for me personally.

"As the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to Congress, Tom Lantos devoted his life to shining a bright light on dark corners of oppression. He used his chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee to empower the powerless and give voice to the voiceless throughout the world. Having lived through the worst evil known to mankind, Tom Lantos translated the experience into a lifetime commitment to the fight against anti-Semitism, Holocaust education, and a commitment to the state of Israel.


The AP reports that:

Rep. Tom Lantos of California, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, has died, his spokeswoman said Monday.

Lynne Weill said that Lantos, 80, passed away at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in suburban Maryland.

Lantos, a Democrat who chaired the House Foreign Affairs Committee, disclosed last month that he had been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus.

Keep reading.

Rep Lantos was on the list of Hillary Clinton endorsers.
Rep. Lantos was a Huffington Post contributor who blogged about foreign affairs. His most recent contribution, submitted in November, discussed the Middle East Peace Conference in Annapolis, Maryland.

I want to commend the Administration for conducting a sober, serious, and hopeful conference on Middle East peace today. The task ahead is difficult, but the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue launched by today's conference creates new possibilities that the obstacles will be overcome. One thing is absolutely clear: there can be no peace without dialogue.

In that regard, I was particularly pleased that the Administration invited Syria -- albeit under the guise of its membership in the Arab League "Follow-Up Committee ." And I am pleased that Syria chose to accept the invitation. This invitation constitutes recognition by the Administration that the only hope for peace with Syria is th="li_politics"> POLITICS
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  • Tom Lantos Dies

    Huffington Post   First Posted: 03/28/08 03:45 AM ET Updated: 05/25/11 01:25 PM ET


    Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death.

    The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the nation and a terrible loss for me personally.

    "As the only Holocaust survivor ever elected to Congress, Tom Lantos devoted his life to shining a bright light on dark corners of oppression. He used his chairmanship of the Foreign Affairs Committee to empower the powerless and give voice to the voiceless throughout the world. Having lived through the worst evil known to mankind, Tom Lantos translated the experience into a lifetime commitment to the fight against anti-Semitism, Holocaust education, and a commitment to the state of Israel.


    The AP reports that:

    Rep. Tom Lantos of California, the only Holocaust survivor to serve in Congress, has died, his spokeswoman said Monday.

    Lynne Weill said that Lantos, 80, passed away at the Bethesda Naval Medical Center in suburban Maryland.

    Lantos, a Democrat who chaired the House Foreign Affairs Committee, disclosed last month that he had been diagnosed with cancer of the esophagus.

    Keep reading.

    Rep Lantos was on the list of Hillary Clinton endorsers.
    Rep. Lantos was a Huffington Post contributor who blogged about foreign affairs. His most recent contribution, submitted in November, discussed the Middle East Peace Conference in Annapolis, Maryland.

    I want to commend the Administration for conducting a sober, serious, and hopeful conference on Middle East peace today. The task ahead is difficult, but the Israeli-Palestinian dialogue launched by today's conference creates new possibilities that the obstacles will be overcome. One thing is absolutely clear: there can be no peace without dialogue.

    In that regard, I was particularly pleased that the Administration invited Syria -- albeit under the guise of its membership in the Arab League "Follow-Up Committee ." And I am pleased that Syria chose to accept the invitation. This invitation constitutes recognition by the Administration that the only hope for peace with Syria is through dialogue, not isolation.

    Read additional blogs by Rep. Tom Lantos.

    Read more about Rep. Tom Lantos on his congressional website.


    Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death. The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the natio...
    Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death. The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the natio...
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    art deco style
    07:16 AM on 02/12/2008
    As a Hungarian, I was always proud of Mr Lantos. He did good works and send my sympathies to his family.
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    Drawing lions in the sand
    11:42 PM on 02/11/2008
    For those here who have a twit of a pea sized brain, who have spent their youth watching EMPTV, Mr Lantos epitomizes all you can never achieve or brave or even know.
    11:08 PM on 02/11/2008
    He was a beautiful person who had been to hell and back. I think those of you making AIPAC comments and the like should read his obituary and stop being self-righteous.

    Read additional blogs by Rep. Tom Lantos.

    Read more about Rep. Tom Lantos on his congressional website.


    Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death. The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the natio...
    Update: Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi released a statement on fellow Democratic Representative Tom Lantos' death. The passing of Tom Lantos is a profound loss for the Congress and for the natio...
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    art deco style
    07:16 AM on 02/12/2008
    As a Hungarian, I was always proud of Mr Lantos. He did good works and send my sympathies to his family.
    This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program
    Drawing lions in the sand
    11:42 PM on 02/11/2008
    For those here who have a twit of a pea sized brain, who have spent their youth watching EMPTV, Mr Lantos epitomizes all you can never achieve or brave or even know.
    11:08 PM on 02/11/2008
    He was a beautiful person who had been to hell and back. I think those of you making AIPAC comments and the like should read his obituary and stop being self-righteous.
    10:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    Lantos was an extremely decent man, and a tough, hardworking Congressman. Working in the House in the early 90s, I remember making many visits to his office, where he his small dog running freely through the rooms, and sometimes out into the marble hallways of the Rayburn Building. I also remember his amazing cross examination of George H. W. Bush's HUD secretary in hearings in the 1980s.

    Tom Lantos was one of my favorite members of Congress, and deserved to represent his district for as long as he did.
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    10:11 PM on 02/11/2008
    In 1996 Rep. Lantos opposed President Clinton's and the GOP leadership's anti-gay legislation, DOMA. Lantos was one of the few Democrats in either house of Congress who refused to play along with the GOP's gay bashing nonsense.

    Lantos will be missed.
    08:26 PM on 02/11/2008
    He used to be my congressman before I left CA. Didn't always agree with him, but I always respected him. Not many people in Washington with that kind of moral authority.
    06:28 PM on 02/11/2008
    RIP - my condolences to his family.
    Salta prima di inacidire
    06:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    He may have been a Holocaust survivor in Congress, but he was also a long-time supporter of Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide.
    05:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    Too much of a neo-con,pro Iraq/Iran war, AIPAC kind of a guy for me. Rest in Peace anyway.
    06:41 PM on 02/11/2008
    His push for 1st Iraqi war w/ Bush 1 was obscene. It helped set the stage for the present disaster. See my post below for ugly details.
    06:43 PM on 02/11/2008
    Neocon? He was a old-time Democrat, the opposite of a neocon.
    05:14 PM on 02/11/2008
    It's time to get back to politics.Now we got the damn dim witted democrats on the ropes again,with one less vote against the republicans.Whats that saying about the only good democratic is a...
    03:04 AM on 02/12/2008
    History will judge Tom Lantos more favorably than any of the future felons of the current administration. There's something about integrity and honesty that annoys neocons.
    10:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    Lantos was an extremely decent man, and a tough, hardworking Congressman. Working in the House in the early 90s, I remember making many visits to his office, where he his small dog running freely through the rooms, and sometimes out into the marble hallways of the Rayburn Building. I also remember his amazing cross examination of George H. W. Bush's HUD secretary in hearings in the 1980s.

    Tom Lantos was one of my favorite members of Congress, and deserved to represent his district for as long as he did.
    This user has chosen to opt out of the Badges program
    10:11 PM on 02/11/2008
    In 1996 Rep. Lantos opposed President Clinton's and the GOP leadership's anti-gay legislation, DOMA. Lantos was one of the few Democrats in either house of Congress who refused to play along with the GOP's gay bashing nonsense.

    Lantos will be missed.
    08:26 PM on 02/11/2008
    He used to be my congressman before I left CA. Didn't always agree with him, but I always respected him. Not many people in Washington with that kind of moral authority.
    06:28 PM on 02/11/2008
    RIP - my condolences to his family.
    Salta prima di inacidire
    06:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    He may have been a Holocaust survivor in Congress, but he was also a long-time supporter of Turkey's denial of the Armenian Genocide.
    05:25 PM on 02/11/2008
    Too much of a neo-con,pro Iraq/Iran war, AIPAC kind of a guy for me. Rest in Peace anyway.
    06:41 PM on 02/11/2008
    His push for 1st Iraqi war w/ Bush 1 was obscene. It helped set the stage for the present disaster. See my post below for ugly details.
    06:43 PM on 02/11/2008
    Neocon? He was a old-time Democrat, the opposite of a neocon.
    05:14 PM on 02/11/2008
    It's time to get back to politics.Now we got the damn dim witted democrats on the ropes again,with one less vote against the republicans.Whats that saying about the only good democratic is a...
    03:04 AM on 02/12/2008
    History will judge Tom Lantos more favorably than any of the future felons of the current administration. There's something about integrity and honesty that annoys neocons.
    05:04 PM on 02/11/2008
    Great, I see that Huffington refused my post that was critical of Lantos.
    04:42 PM on 02/11/2008
    Lantos got beat up a little bit by my fellow progressives. But what I saw of him in various committee hearings, he was a stand up guy. I'll miss him.
    Arts bring light to the dark ages.
    04:40 PM on 02/11/2008
    The world has lost a great spirit. He was a kind, caring soul with a tough will. His words were insightful and spot on. He had insight most of us could never see because he had been through hell and back.

    Rest easy Mr. Lantos. You earned it.
    04:39 PM on 02/11/2008
    He was a traitor. His allegiance was ALWAYS to Israel before America.
    04:16 PM on 02/11/2008
    Condolences to the family and friends of Tom Lantos.

    While I did not always agree with Rep Lantos, he was a decent human being. Perhaps this is what we can all best aspire to be.

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