My Covid 19 Questions

Who made the decision that every human being on the planet must be vaccinated by whatever means necessary?
Censorship, coersion, propaganda, and secrecy are NOT tools used by the 'good guys'
The purpose of this page is to collect and analyze information about the Covid-19 virus and the reaction to it.
Since the very beginning, back in late 2019, I was been suspicious of what I was witnessing. From the very start, the Government(s), the Corporate Stream Media, and the Medical Industrial Complex in the United States, have been promoting a vaccine as the ONLY way out of this alleged crisis.
Additionally, this entire campaign started with a constant barrage of fear. Anyone taking the time to analize the data as it was coming in was able to see how the Medical Industrial Complex, the corporate media, and the government were playing 'fast and loose' with the data. Essentially, anything that wasn't 'pro-vax' was censored.
While anonymous 'leading medical experts' have been claiming that a vaccine is the ONLY way to achieve herd immunity, anyone who understands the basics of virology, knows this is not true. If you do nothing at all, either herd immunity will be achieved or the population will be wiped out (for example, a plague).
Since Covid-19 has been shown to be lethal in less than 2% of the people who have tested positive, and in less that 1.5% of the total population it seems odd that this virus is being labeled as 'deadly'.
Once I found out about the 'Event 201' pandemic exercise, I realized this whole crisis is indeed a 'Plannedemic' hosted by Bill Gates and that certain select people got together and decided how they were going to react to the next pandemic. All attendees were either heavily financially invested in vaccine technology and/or were in favor of a vaccine program. From this meeting came the plan that they were going to vaccinate the entire population and the were going to use mass media censorship to stiffle any opposition to their plan.
I am very upset that a group of psychotic self proclaimed rulers have decided that they know what is best for the rest of the world. You have a group of hundreds of the richest people in the world [The World Economic Forum (WEF)] who have decided they are going to pool their money, power, and influence to control the world in a way that is most profitible to them!
The potential for abuse in this scenerio is enormous and the 'powers that be' have taken this opportunity to put a vise grip on the human race.
They have decided they are going to inject every man, woman, and child on the planet by whatever means necessary!
Fear, propaganda, coercion, and secrecry are NOT techniques used by the good guys.
“COVID Chronicles” gives a concise look at the pandemic, answering some of the questions that have left many people scratching their heads, because the reality and science don't seem to match up with what the media is reporting
Every positive COVID-19 test is considered a case, but these are two completely different things, since you can test positive without being ill
When COVID-19 was left to behave in a manner that would allow it to spread amongst the healthy, about two-thirds of the population displayed antibody levels naturally
Mask mandates did not noticeably change the number of cases or deaths the way they should if they actually reduce transmissibility; countries that used minimal masks were not worse off than neighboring countries with mask mandates
It's important to stay grounded and think critically to avoid falling victim to unnecessary panic and stress
COVID Chronicles (2022-0108)
An excellent up to date, summary of how we got here.
APRIL 2021
MAY 2021
Yet another example of media bias. They are tying to redefine the term. Mankind has survived on natural herd immunity for thousands of years before vaccines.
Yet another example of media bias. The headline should say SOME scientists say yes. There is a considerable number of scientists that question the official narrative but they are being repeatedly ignored, censored, and silenced by the Government, the medical industrial complex, and the corporate media.
June 2021
For thousands of years before vaccines were ever invented, we already had natural herd immunity. Vaccines promised to enhance natural herd immunity. Now you have governments, corporate media outlets, and medical industrial complexes claiming they have the ability to replace natural herd immunity.
Dr. Ben Tapper on Dr. Fauchi
'But the effect of natural immunity is all around us. The plummeting case numbers in late April and May weren't the result of vaccination alone, and they came amid a loosening of both restrictions and behavior.'
'Natural immunity is durable. Researchers from Washington University in St. Louis reported last month that 11 months after a mild infection immune cells were still capable of producing protective antibodies. The authors concluded that prior Covid infection induces a “robust” and “long-lived humoral immune response,” leading some scientists to suggest that natural immunity is probably lifelong. Because infection began months earlier than vaccination, we have more follow-up data on the duration of natural immunity than on vaccinated immunity.'
Simply incredible! The entire article talks about the benifits of natural immunity, yet the headline still says to take an injection.
'There's ample scientific evidence that natural immunity is effective and durable.'
Once again, another article which states how powerful natural immunity is but AGAIN this constant barrage of 'you should get the vaccine anyway because it MIGHT offer some additional protection.
Some very good points on natural immunity and the proper allocation of vaccines. I found it to ring true when Senator Paul said that he thinks the largest area of disinformation is coming from the government.
Once again it appears that we have been lied to.
In the push for the jab, the medical industrial complex is completely ignoring natural immunity and its positive impact.
More than 15 studies now show the natural immunity you get after recovering from COVID-19 is far superior and more long-lasting than what you get from the COVID shot
What the Medical Industrial Complex is doing is absolutely criminal,
and the US Federal government is supporting them!
We need to end governmental control of medicine and allow doctors to practice their craft. These doctor's have all been through the same training as the government doctors but are not limited and controlled by the bureaucracy and therefore they can react faster.
Many health officials and world leaders are finally acknowledging that the COVID shots cannot end the pandemic and that we must learn to live with the virus. Some have even started speaking out against repeated boosters
A major driver for this U-turn in the pandemic narrative is the emergence of the Omicron variant. While incredibly infectious, it causes only mild cold symptoms in the vast majority of people; it's ripping through populations, leaving natural herd immunity in its wake. As a result, many are now claiming the end of the pandemic is in sight
Nearly 100% of COVID cases in the Boston area are now Omicron. In New England, the current outbreak is predicted to rapidly wane and disappear during the month of February 2022. As of early January 2022, Omicron was responsible for about 73% of all COVID cases in the U.S.
After two years of repetitive fearmongering, most people have had enough. The general consensus appears to be that people are ready to brave life even if the threat of COVID remains
With that baseline of natural immunity that Omicron provides, populations will, going forward, be far better equipped to handle any new strains that emerge, without a significant increase in mortality
Everything the 'leading medical experts' said about 'herd immunity' is now being proven to be false.
Topics that were aired a year ago and deemed 'misinformation' are now being found to be true. Lives and careers were destroyed because people were speaking the truth which went against the official narrative.
Four of the highest ranking U.S. health officials—including Dr. Anthony Fauci—met in secret to discuss whether or not naturally immune people should be exempt from getting COVID-19 vaccines
Another secret meeting.
Event 201
'The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security in partnership with the World Economic Forum and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation hosted Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019, in New York, NY.'
'Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response. Governments will need to partner with traditional and social media companies to research and develop nimble approaches to countering misinformation. This will require developing the ability to flood media with fast, accurate, and consistent information. Public health authorities should work with private employers and trusted community leaders such as faith leaders, to promulgate factual information to employees and citizens. Trusted, influential private-sector employers should create the capacity to readily and reliably augment public messaging, manage rumors and misinformation, and amplify credible information to support emergency public communications. National public health agencies should work in close collaboration with WHO to create the capability to rapidly develop and release consistent health messages. For their part, media companies should commit to ensuring that authoritative messages are prioritized and that false messages are suppressed including though the use of technology.'
Isn't this REALLY saying that there is only one right answer and we are the ONLY ones who knows what that is?
'The Event 201 pandemic exercise, conducted on October 18, 2019 co-hosted by the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, World Economic Forum, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, vividly demonstrated a number of these important gaps in pandemic preparedness as well as some of the elements of the solutions between the public and private sectors that will be needed to fill them.'
'Governments and the private sector should assign a greater priority to developing methods to combat mis- and disinformation prior to the next pandemic response.'
Isn't this REALLY saying that there is only one right answer and we are the ONLY ones who knows what that is?
This was the esteemed Dr. Fauci's (America's 'leading expert' in infectious disease's) first assessment of Covid-19.
APRIL 2021
'Texas and 15 other states have eased COVID restrictions for over a month with no cooresponding spikes or surges.'
'Florida lifted restrictions in April of 2020 with no cooresponding spikes or surges.'
'Minnesota and California, states with rigid restrictions, currently ARE experiencing spikes and surges.'
'Asserting that Dr. Anthony Fauci continues to make claims on TV that are not “matched by the science of his own institute,” U.S. Sen. Rand Paul said on Fox Business Live that Fauci “should be voluntarily removed” for such fear-mongering.'
'Hudson explains the ugly truth about COVID-19, which is that the world is being needlessly crippled by fear due to a false narrative'
'The pandemic response has created “homosapienophobia” — the idea that everyone is dangerous until proven healthy'
'Data compiled by PANDA found no relationship between lockdowns and COVID-19 deaths per million people; the disease followed a trajectory of linear decline regardless of whether or not lockdowns were imposed'
MAY 2021
'Hudson explains the ugly truth about COVID-19, which is that the world is being needlessly crippled by fear due to a false narrative'
'The pandemic response has created “homosapienophobia” — the idea that everyone is dangerous until proven healthy'
'Data compiled by PANDA found no relationship between lockdowns and COVID-19 deaths per million people; the disease followed a trajectory of linear decline regardless of whether or not lockdowns were imposed'
'In contrast, we hardly ever hear politicians, bureaucrats, and big money media saying we should “take vitamins,” “eat healthier foods,” “lose weight,” or “get enough sleep.” Why not? All these actions can help people improve their health, including by strengthening their immune systems' ability to protect them from coronavirus. As a bonus, a person with improved health and immune system will be in a better position to fend off other diseases and to enjoy life more fully.'
Be advised this video may contain offensive language.
'What a small world we live in. The “Nu variant” scare you keep hearing about is coming from the same people and institutions that spawned the last COVID scare, and the one before that, and the one before that one, dating back all the way to the onset of COVID Mania.'
Looks like another round of fear mongering to push the beast narrative.
Despite a scary-sounding name, the Omicron variant appears to be all hype and no real threat. Primary symptoms of infection with this SARS-CoV-2 strain is a couple of days of fatigue, headache, body aches, scratchy throat and intermittent cough
South Africa reports that no patients so far have required oxygen or even hospitalization for their symptoms. All have been very mild. The first four cases in Botswana were all fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Africa's low vaccination rate is irrationally being blamed for the emergence of Omicron, even though the continent has extremely low levels of spread compared to the U.S., Canada and Europe
A plane with 600 passengers was diverted for testing when the news about Omicron broke; 10% of the passengers were found to have COVID, 13 of the 61 positive passengers had Omicron, while the rest had Delta or some previous strain. So, clearly, vaccine passports are not preventing spread. Fully “vaccinated” people are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated
Australia, a test ground for this totalitarian takeover, is quietly trying to pass legislation to expand its digital identity system
This looks like a ploy to cover the fact that middle Africa is NOT suffering from Covid despite the fact that they only have a 6% vaccination rate. Of course they have routinely been using Ivermectin for years now to combat the disease 'river blindness'.
On the afternoon of December 20, Harris County, Texas's top elected official, Judge Lina Hidalgo held a press conference to announce what she claimed was the county's first death from the Omicron variant of COVID-19. It was a moment in the national spotlight for the 30-year-old Democrat, who, since her teenage years, has been rising through elite institutions and forging ties with the national security state. Those connections, and her close ties to a highly-sophisticated billionaire influence operation, revealed in detail in this investigation, would prove to be vital in shaping Hidalgo's formulation of COVID-19 and other policies.
The WEF Beast system has installed another agent.
In 2015, Bill Gates said that the world population needs to be reduced by 15% through the use of vaccines because of global warming.
The same Bill Gates in 2020 said 7 billion people must be vaccinated.
Why would I take a vaccine for my health from someone who's advocating the use of vaccines to reduce the world population?
In his book “United States of Fear,” psychiatrist Mark McDonald diagnoses the U.S. as suffering from mass delusional psychosis, driven by an irrational fear of what is now a rather innocuous virus
The fearful overreaction didn't have its origin in what happened in 2020. Government, corporations and powerful individuals have engaged in a systematic “grooming” effort toward irrational fear addiction for decades
Without fear, they cannot rob us of our freedoms
The underlying motivation of this psychological campaign has been an attack on the core structures, foundations and institutions of society in order to nurture a sense of dependency on government
To overcome their addiction to fear, a person must still have a sense of curiosity and be willing to look at new information. If they're not, they're not treatable and cannot be stopped from trading their (and our) freedom for a false sense of security. So, the key is finding those who are still open and receptive to new information, so that we can reach a tipping point where there are more fearless people than fear addicted ones
'As explained by McDonald, this is not a data war. We won that a long time ago. It's a psychological war, and it really needs to be thought of that way. '
'So, I really do believe that the attacks on masculinity, on femininity, are specifically designed to end the family unit and to cause all men and women to turn towards government for their security rather than to one another, as has traditionally been the case ...”'
'Based on what I've seen and heard, I suspect even personal losses won't wake some of them up. I've seen cases where a loved one has died within minutes or hours of their COVID shot, and if they've lived through it, the person brushes it off as coincidence and schedules their booster. They simply refuse to see the correlation.'
'I think that people today, they do not intrinsically crave freedom. I think they crave being taken care of. And one of the great strengths of totalitarian regimes throughout the 20th century is that they have offered security at the expense of freedom.
'At its core, the totalitarian system offers a cheat. It says, 'Stop believing in a higher power that isn't real, God, and believe in a higher power which is me and the party. I can offer you the potatoes. I can offer you the guards ... I can offer you all of that right now. What can God offer you? ... You can't rely on him. Well, you can rely on me.' It's almost like a devilish kind of Faustian play that these totalitarian despots always engage in, but people fall for it.'
Why are they censoring information?
It would seem that, at a time like this, you would want to encourage the sharing of information in order to determine the best course of action in an event as unique as this.
However, this is NOT being done. Instead, the government, corporate media, and the medical industrial complex have apparently pre-decided that total global vaccination is the ONLY way out of this crisis and they have taken obvious steps to stifle, censor, ridicule, and deny ANY and ALL information that contradicts the official narrative of global vaccination.
In this post, I have been forced to download Dr. Mercola's articles and repost them myself as the government is censoring him and he only leaves material on his site for 48 hours. You will notice that I have included backup PDF files for all the links in this page. The government is not only censoring content but also removing information that is counter to the official narrative.
I can understand wanting to put a throttle on social media but why are doctors, scientists, and academians all being silenced if they don't promote the official pro Vax narrative?

APRIL 2020
When major decisions must be made amid high scientific uncertainty, as is the case with Covid-19, we can't afford to silence or demonize professional colleagues with heterodox views. Even worse, we can't allow questions of science, medicine, and public health to become captives of tribalized politics. Today, more than ever, we need vigorous academic debate.
Has there ever been a time in the history of mankind when censorship wasn't used to hide the truth?
December 2020
March 2021
'The Bureau of Investigative Journalism (TBIJ) is funded by Bill Gates, Google, George Soros' Open Society Foundation and Wellcome, all of which are easily identified as parts of the technocratic globalist network'
'In November 2019, TBIJ was given a $1,068,169 grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for an advocacy program related to “Global health and development public awareness and analysis”
'George Soros' Open Society Foundation funds TBIJ projects involving “shadow wars and decision machines”'
'TBIJ is writing a hit piece on me, claiming the articles I post on my website and social media channels “often include misinformation about the pandemic, the coronavirus or vaccines, as well as misinformation on other topics”'
'mRNA gene therapy “vaccines” are fast-tracked products released under emergency use authorization — animal trials were skipped and human trials aren't even completed yet — and based on historical and preliminary evidence, significant short and long term side effects are inevitable'
APRIL 2021
'Prashant Bhushan, an advocate-on-record for the Supreme Court of India, put a post on Twitter that recommended reading a peer-reviewed study demonstrating that masks are ineffective and can cause substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects Twitter removed the tweet, citing a violation of Twitter rules
The study suggests that by mechanically restricting breathing, wearing a face mask may lead to a low level of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) along with excessive carbon dioxide in your bloodstream (hypercapnia), which in turn may lead to numerous long-term health effects'
This is official censorship!
They are threatening disciplanary action to anyone who 'contradicts public health orders and recommendations'.
They are setting up Government approved agencies and doctors as the sole authority of the medical industrial complex.'
MAY 2021
'The College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario (CPSO), which regulates the practice of medicine in Ontario, has issued a statement prohibiting physicians from making comments or providing advice that goes against the official narrative
According to CPSO, physicians in isolated incidents have been spreading blatant misinformation via social media, which is undermining “public health measures meant to protect all of us”
The physicians were threatened with investigation and disciplinary action should they speak out regarding the many inconsistencies and questions surrounding pandemic lockdowns, masks and COVID-19 vaccines
Clapping back at CPSO's blatant overreach, a group of Canadian physicians sent out a declaration calling for the statement's recission and describing it as “unethical, anti-science and deeply disturbing”'
'Two Facebook insiders — a data center technician and a data center facility engineer — have come forward with internal documents showing how the social media platform is suppressing science and medical facts in the name of combating “vaccine hesitancy”
Documents prove Facebook is working on behalf of Big Pharma and in coordination with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and the World Health Organization to protect and promulgate the false narrative that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for everyone
Facebook is beta testing a new algorithm that classifies users who post counternarrative information about vaccines into “vaccine hesitancy” tiers. The beta group comprises 1.5% of the total user base
The users are secretly assigned a “VH score” that dictates whether their posts and comments will be removed, demoted or left alone, regardless of whether they're factually accurate
Facebook's suppression strategy is currently reducing “vaccine hesitant” comments by 42.5% within the test group'
June 2021
'June 11, 2021, the inventor of the mRNA vaccine technology, Dr. Robert Malone, spoke out on the DarkHorse podcast about the potential dangers of COVID-19 gene therapy injections. The podcast was quickly erased from YouTube
Malone is concerned about government not being transparent about risks, and that people are being coerced into taking these experimental injections, which violates bioethics laws
He believes the risks outweigh the benefits in children, teens and young adults, and that those who have recovered from natural SARS-CoV-2 infection should not get the injection
Five days after his DarkHorse podcast appearance, Malone's scientific accomplishments and contributions were scrubbed from Wikipedia
As recently as June 14, 2021, Malone's contributions were extensively included in the historical section on RNA vaccines' Wikipedia page. June 16, his name was removed and his accomplishments attributed to nameless researchers at the Salk Institute, the University of California, and the University of Wisconsin'
They are censoring ANYONE who does anything short of praising the mRNA shot.
Why are doctors in good standing being silenced and censored?
He is the inventor of the mRNA shot. Why is he being silenced?
White House press secretary discussing US Government censorship of American citizens.
'YouTube's parent company, Google, is directly invested in the AstraZeneca/Oxford COVID “vaccine.” This is why YouTube censors anything that threatens the rollout and future profits of COVID-19 gene modification therapies
Silicon Valley has been pushing to transform the health care system into a system based on telemedicine and personalized care through the use of artificial intelligence (AI). Google is heavily involved in this movement
Google is also partnered directly with the U.S. military, which is increasingly working on a transhumanist agenda
DARPA is heavily invested in transhumanist technologies for the use in soldiers, including brain-machine interfaces and other even more extreme ideas. They recently teamed up with the Wellcome Trust to create something called “Wellcome Leap,” a movement to usher in transhumanism
Normally, there are very strict rules and regulations surrounding the testing and use of gene modification technology in humans. It's only because they're calling the COVID shots “vaccines” that they were able to get the EUA, which allows some standard safety regulations to be bypassed'
Now we know why Google is pushing censorship.
August 2021
Looks like a flashy hit piece from Reuters. Yet another scientist smeared for not following the official protocol.
The official propaganda narrative of the American Medical Association (AMA) with regards to COVID.
'The Winter 2021 “AMA COVID-19 Guide: Background/Messaging on Vaccines, Vaccine Clinical Trials & Combatting Vaccine Misinformation,” issued by the American Medical Association raises serious questions about the AMA's adherence to transparency, honesty, ethics and the moral standards to which it will hold its members
The guide lists nine “key messages” the AMA wants doctors to focus on when communicating about COVID-19. This includes stressing the importance of eliminating nonmedical vaccine exemptions, the importance of flu vaccines and COVID shots, and expressing confidence in vaccine development
In the guide, the AMA instructs doctors on how to disinform the public using psychological and linguistic tools. This includes explicit instructions on which words to swap for other more narrative-affirming choices
Word swaps include changing “hospitalization rates” to “deaths,” two terms that are not even remotely interchangeable
Swapping the term “Operation Warp Speed” for “standard process” is another rather egregious misdirection. The two are not interchangeable. In fact, they're diametrically opposed to one another'
The government has a single minded narrative of mandatory vaccinations which they will not discuss and will not deviate from.
The AMA is telling doctors what they should say.
'Censorship almost always creates more damage than whatever's being censored would've caused
If you don't object vehemently to the censorship of ideas expressed in writing, speaking, and video, you are essentially agreeing to the idea of a Truth Police, because somebody's got to make the decision on what constitutes disinformation.'
Who decides what is disinformation?
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, shares scientific censorship that's running rampant in medical journals
Data on repurposing existing drugs to treat COVID-19 is being blocked, rejected and buried Scientific journals depend on revenue from selling journal reprints to pharmaceutical companies — major financial motivation to print only research that's favorable to the pharmaceutical industry
Rampant lawlessness, in which rules and regulations about bioethics are being completely disregarded, has taken over
We're experiencing a threat of global slavery of the entire population to financial interests that can be traced back to BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world
Is this 'following the science'? Safe drugs are being stalled, while dangerous drugs are rushed through the system.
The beast is targeting the resistance.
The emails show Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins attempting to coordinate a 'devastating takedown' of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD)
AIER, a libertarian think tank, sponsored the GBD, which largely abandons lockdowns in favor of herd immunity strategy that allows life to return to normal
In an October 8 email from Collins to Fauci, the head of the NIH calls the GBD the work of 'three fringe epidemiologists' that 'seems to be getting a lot of attention'
Collins adds that 'there needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don't see anything like that online yet - is it underway?'
Fauci later sends Collins multiple op-eds trashing the GBD in Wired and The Nation Magazine
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya - one of the authors and a contributor - tweeted that he was the subject of a propaganda attack by his own government
Is this how doctors are supposed to behave, especially during a pandemic? Ignore and attack the well articulated argument of fellow medical professionals and trained doctors?!
Are we to believe that only Government doctors have the true knowledge?
December 30, 2021, Joe Rogan interviewed Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA gene transfer technology. YouTube and Twitter promptly deleted the interview
Google has also been caught red-handed manipulating search results such that Malone's Rogan interview won't show up when searching for “mass formation psychosis”
Malone was permanently banned from Twitter December 29, 2021, likely triggered by a post that included a video by the Canadian COVID Care Alliance, which reviewed Pfizer data showing the COVID jab causes more illness than it prevents, and that the Pfizer trial was flawed both in design and construction
Alternatively, Malone may have been banned due to a post showing how the World Economic Forum controls the global media narrative
A Physicians Declaration by the International Alliance of Physicians and Medical Scientists, signed by more than 16,000 doctors and scientists, states that “healthy children shall not be subjected to forced vaccination” as their clinical risk from SARS-CoV-2 infection is negligible and long term safety of the shots cannot be determined prior to such policies being enacted
People are finally waking up to the fact that the WEF is driving this plandemic.
One of the most knowledgable men on the planet with regards to the mRNA technology and the Powers That Be have made him a Pariah.
During the oral arguments over the Biden vaccine mandates last week, two largely disconnected views emerged from the right and left of the Supreme Court. Conservative justices hammered away at the underlying authority of the Biden Administration to issue these mandates, particularly after President Joe Biden's own Chief of Staff admitted that the agency rules were “workarounds” of his constitutional limitations. Conversely, the liberal justices used the “equity” aspects of an injunction to raise more emotive, if not apocalyptic, arguments on the dangers of Covid-19. That led Justice Elena Sotomayor to make a claim about children with Covid that even the Washington Post called “absurdly high” and worthy of “four Pinocchios.”
The COVID bureaucracy preaches lies, censors anyone who challenges the lies, and eventually admits the same truths they previously denounced.
1. The 'Vaccine' Doesn't Prevent Transmission
2. COVID Disproportionately Affects the Vulnerable
3. Deaths from and with COVID Aren't the Same thing
I've witnessed more than two years of people having the lives destroyed for spreading misinformation and vaccine hesitancy. Here I see the CDC director stating, as fact, the very same information these people were destroyed for revealing! The WEF is the cause of all of this as they have the power and money to control governments globally.
December 21, 2021, after business hours, PayPal notified the National Vaccine Information Center that it would no longer process donations from their supporters — effective immediately
Other organizations also dropped by PayPal include the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) and Organic Consumer's Association (OCA)
In October 2021, self-proclaimed “media watchdog” group Media Matters accused PayPal and GoFundMe of “hosting crowdfunding campaigns for organizations that spread harmful COVID-19 misinformation”
PayPal is actively researching transactions that fund hate groups, antigovernment organizations and extremists; it's unclear, however, how they define these terms or the groups that fall under them
Instead of ignoring, fearing or abandoning information that is being targeted with censorship, use censorship as a cue or guide that you should delve more deeply into the topic at hand to reveal the underlying truth
Revelation 13:17 - And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
With the FLCCC, they are censoring a group of licensed medical doctors! I guess now you are not a real doctor unless you support the official narrative.
This is truly beyond belief! I've only done a few hours of research into the use of Ivermectin in the treatment of humans and I know without a doubt that it is a safe and effective treatment for COVID-19.
Not only has Ivermectin been used successfully on MILLIONS of people in Africa to treat a disease called River Blindness, there exist over 60 case studies and over 30 randomized control trials that show Ivermectin reduces hospitalizations and/or death by 50-85%!!!
The FDA and CDC refuse to consider these studies and refuse to conduct studies of their own so they can continue to push their mass VAX PROGRAM as the only solution. This is a crime against the human race!
An Open Letter to Spotify: A call from the global scientific and medical communities to implement a misinformation policy (WWW.SPOTIFYOPENLETTER.WORDPRESS.COM)Interesting to note that this allegedly comes from 'the GLOBAL scientific and medical communities.'
PDF COPYScience has ALWAYS been about questioning and finding answers. Why are they so afraid of someone passing information to millions of people when they have Dr. Fauci and the WEF/Plandemic team broadcasting the "Officially Sanctioned Narrative" to BILLIONS worldwide?
Is the "Official Narrative" of 'leading medical experts' so lame that it can't use facts and data to disprove the information posted by a podcaster?
Dr. Nass is a medical doctor in Maine with a stellar reputation and a long career under her belt
She is an expert in epidemics and bioterrorism who has testified for seven Congressional committees on bioterrorism vaccines, the anthrax letters and Gulf War syndrome
Recently, Dr. Nass had her medical license suspended — and a psych evaluation was ordered on her — for spreading “misinformation” and prescribing ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine
Dr. Nass called the “lab origin” of the pathogen as early as March 2020
She also broke the story in June 2020 on using near-lethal dosages of hydroxychloroquine in “Solidarity,” “Recovery,” and “Remap” trials
The Beast is silencing any dissent against the official narrative.
Why the need to silence doctors?
MARCH 2022
The Kansas health agency stopped airing television advertisements promoting the COVID-19 vaccine after some Republican lawmakers took issue with calling the shots safe and effective.
Finally, some relief from the endless barrage of pro-vax propaganda.
Even in this article, there are consistant pro vax jabs at every statement being made.
MAY 2022
JULY 2022
The CDC colluded with Big Tech to prevent COVID "vaccine" informed consent
Never in the history of mankind has censorship been used by the "good guys". It has ALWAYS been used to hide the truth.
MARCH 2023
APRIL 2020
'While you are now being bombarded with messaging telling you that getting vaccinated is a patriotic duty, and refusal is selfish and immoral at best, or an act of domestic terrorism at worst, failing to participate in noble acts is not immoral'
'This is particularly true in the case of COVID-19 “vaccines,” as the shots do not make you immune; you can still get infected, and they do not prevent you from spreading the virus if you're infected'
'While some claim vaccine passports are your “path to freedom,” if rights you had before are now removed, how can it be a path to freedom?'
'Vaccine passports are a means to eliminate personal freedoms and liberties, to facilitate the implementation of a technocratic-led global governance resembling that of communism'
'Conclusions: Our results are indicative of a relatively well-informed cohort implementing appropriate protective measures. However, key knowledge deficiencies exist with regards to vaccination against COVID-19, which future efforts should aim at correcting.'
So, even though the study group is 'relatively well-informed', they are still leery of the mRNA shot and need more knowledge.
Will that 'knowledge' include dissenting opion or merely parrot the main stream narrative? There is a reason that people are typically advised to 'get a second opinion' BEFORE undertaking a major medical procedure. Doctor's make mistakes, just like everyone else.
Are they trying to inform the masses or pushing the viewpoint of the medical industrial complex?
I have yet to see an attempt to accurately inform the public. Instead what I see, is a narrative being pushed by the declaration of a world wide crisis. (The Hegelian Dialectic: Problem-Crisis-Solution)

December 2020
'Politicians and “public health experts” around the world are using faulty models on a new variant of the novel coronavirus in order to cover for their failures in stopping its spread, while simultaneously leveraging the issue to demand renewed lockdowns and other punishing restrictions. Not much is known about the so-called “new strain” of the virus, but that hasn't stopped the ruling class from using it to their advantage.
The latest narrative, which is being used as a vector for endless amounts of COVID-19 panic and fear mongering, is related to the claim that there is a new mutation of the novel coronavirus spreading, which is claimed to be much more contagious — a claimed 70%(!) increase in transmissibility — than the original dominant variant.
Here's the problem with that claim: it's based solely on a single model put together by a team of epidemiologists with a track record of failure. There is no actual evidence that the new variant of the coronavirus is any more or less transmissible or deadly than previous strains.'
I predict an endless series of variants/strains to be announced each time they need to scare the public.
APRIL 2021
At the time of this video, studies from the CDC show that almost everything she says in this video is false.
'Dr. Fauci says that the FDA's decision to pause deployment of the Johnson & Johnson vaccine is the right one because “we are ruled by the science and not any other consideration”:
This is nonsense. Indeed, it's almost self-parodic nonsense. The “science” tells us that, as far as we know, six people out of the seven million who have taken the Johnson & Johnson vaccine have developed blood clots. It does not tell us what to do about this. There is no “scientific” answer to that question. It's a matter of judgment, of tradeoffs, of consideration. One might as well say that one has come to the correct scientific conclusion as to what the speed limit should be. There is no such thing.'
Who gets to decide what is accurate information and what is mis-information?
MAY 2021
The certain did 'load' the title to this video.
An obvious propaganda piece from start to finish. I think Jimmy Kimmel would have kissed Dr. Fauchi if he could.
'A recent study counted 905,000 coronavirus deaths in the U.S., nearly double the amount recorded by federal health officials.'
So ALL the federal health officials in the United States and around the world have been counting wrong because a single study done by a company in Washington State says so.
Fauchi also claims there is "no doubt" when I have seen plenty of doubt. Most people think the count has been greatly exaggerated.
Not a single explanation as to why Fauchi is so certain.
People do not trust the Government, the medical industrial complex, or the corporate media. Their solution? More propaganda.
How about an open, honest debate? Seems to me that would be a better solution than the constant fear mongering.
'A citizen journalist begins filming reporter David Kaplan from WTAE in Pittsburg just before he's about to go on-air for a news segment
Neither the reporter nor the cameraman were masked until they were about to go on air, at which point the reporter put his mask on, saying it's their policy and he wanted to set a good example
Throughout the pandemic, the media have been fanning the flames of fear, including with displays like this, in which viewers see an image of a reporter masked up against the virus — who promptly removes said mask as soon as the camera is off
It's a veritable theater, a show of a person's willingness to obey, even when the rules seem to defy common sense, like wearing a mask outdoors when you're far away from other people
Another video shows an unnerving compilation of multiple reporters from local affiliate news stations owned by Sinclair Broadcast Group reciting the same script as though it's actual journalism'
Watch how they all parrot the EXACT SAME tag line. It looks like they all have been given the same script. So much for independent reporting.
June 2021
'For the past year, anyone who discussed the possibility of SARS-CoV-2 coming from a lab was slandered and censored. Mainstream media insisted SARS-CoV-2 made the jump from bats to humans at one of Wuhan's open-air wet markets
To support this assertion, mainstream journalists relied on papers and “scientific consensus” statements concocted by individuals who are deeply involved in the very research that might have created this pandemic
Many legacy journalists now find themselves in the uncomfortable position of being called out for their collusion with people who have worked to deceive us
If the world accepted the natural origin theory, those conducting dangerous gain-of-function research that may have caused this pandemic, would be able to justify the expansion of such research
As it stands, evidence points to COVID-19 being the result of a lab leak, which would necessitate rethinking the legality of gain-of-function research that makes pathogens more dangerous'
So for the last year, the corporate main stream media and Dr. Fauci have been lying the American people and the world.
At the same time the corporate main stream media were labeling this as a 'conspiracy theory', they were actively covering up the truth.
'The CDC study also showed that the “few” fully vaccinated Americans who still contract COVID-19 have milder and shorter illness and are less likely to spread the virus.'
How many is 'a few'? Doesn't seem like the mRNA shot is all that effective at anything but generating profits.
'The CDC study also showed that the “few” fully vaccinated Americans who still contract COVID-19 have milder and shorter illness and are less likely to spread the virus.'
How many is 'a few'? Doesn't seem like the mRNA shot is all that effective at anything but generating profits.
Six months ago the corporate media was trying to deny there was any connection, now it appears they are trying to garner sympythy!

JULY 2021
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a general practitioner in Cheshire, England, has made it his mission to add some balance to the widespread fear-mongering that occurs at the hands of the health care lobby and media, including in regard to COVID-19
The top COVID lies include that there's no such thing as naturally acquired herd immunity and that vaccines induce stronger and longer lasting immunity than recovery from natural infection
COVID-19 death statistics are also misleading, and the universal mask mandates and lockdowns said to save lives are a farce
Other COVID lies include the myth of asymptomatic spreaders driving the pandemic and the “official” narrative that the virus didn't leak from a laboratory accident
The corporate mainstream media continues to be the largest source of misinformation, disinformation, and out right lies.
August 2021
Dr. Dan Stock
First, they try to attack him personally and his credentials. Then they try to dispute his claims with the official narrative. Interesting to note that while they pick at the edges of the doctor's statements, they do not dispute the basis of his claims. Once again, anonymous, leading medical experts all agree AND they present absolutely no references or studies to back up their claims.
The fundamental question they establishment refuses to answer is:
When did mass vaccination become the only solution?
Who made that decision for all of mankind?
Mankind has survive plagues much worse than this virus for thousands of years. Mass vaccination is most defintely NOT the only solution and, from the data leaking in from unofficial sources, it not a good solution either. an interview with MSNBC, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and chief medical adviser to the president of the U.S., exhibited his unique brand of justifying behavior as he talked about the virus and the shot program...
...within the space of four minutes Fauci said that without a doubt, people can get infected after vaccination and carry enough virus to transmit the infection — BUT — if the overwhelming majority of people are vaccinated the virus would be crushed.
'Disney+ is the streaming home of National Geographic, which released a documentary on Dr. Anthony Fauci, whom they describe as “one of our most vital public servants, whose work saved millions while he faced threats from anonymous adversaries”
National Geographic is the place where Fauci told one of his most pernicious lies in May 2020 — that there is no scientific evidence the coronavirus was made in a Chinese lab
January 31, 2020, Fauci received an email stating that the virus did, in fact, look unusual and had features that potentially looked engineered
Fauci's opinions are held so highly by the public that if the government were to go against his statements, backlash would ensue; this enables him to essentially hold the government hostage and use his platform to push questionable COVID-19 policies'

In recent days, the pandemic narrative has undergone a remarkable number of U-turns
January 9, 2022, CDC director Dr. Rochelle Walensky sent out a tweet saying “We must protect people with comorbidities from severe COVID-19,” in other words, focused protection, which is what tens of thousands of doctors have been calling for since the creation of The Great Barrington Declaration in early October 2020
January 10, 2022, Walensky admitted that the COVID shots cannot prevent transmission
The CDC is now saying you should not retest once you've recovered from COVID, as the PCR can provide false positives for up to 12 weeks after the infection has been resolved. They're also cutting the isolation requirement from 10 to just five days — probably because the failing economy is hurting Biden's approval rating so they need people to work
The narrative is also changing on what makes for a COVID case and how deaths are counted. Walensky recently admitted about 40% of “COVID patients” tested positive but do not have symptoms and are hospitalized for something else. She has also promised to deliver data on how many people have actually died “from” COVID and how many died “with” it
The influence of the WEF/Beast system can be seen now. Interesting how the whole world government immediately changes course and information that was once labeled misinformation and used to destroy any opposition is now being reported as 'the science'.
Amazing propaganda piece. Point by point they simply say, "That's not true." without a shred of evidence. They keep talking as if the VAX program was undeniably good in face of the mountains of evidence show the VAX Program is an abysmal failure and the entire Plandemic is a global coup attempt.
Madison County's government recently suggested that the immunity people get against COVID-19 after catching the coronavirus could be more effective than the immunity provided by vaccines.
But is that true?
When asked about immunity from catching the virus compared to taking the vaccine, representatives from Gateway Regional Medical Center, Anderson Hospital, HSHS St. Joseph's Hospital in Highland and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said they recommend vaccination.
An entire article that NEVER answers the question! They duck and dodge, quote anonymous sources and opinions but do not answer the question. (Mountains of evidence show natural immunity is far superior to the limited level of protection offered by the VAX Jab.)
Also interesting to note that the board voted 20-7 AGAINST mandates.
This article claimed, "The board was not in complete agreement on the resolution."
I'm sure if the vote had been the other way they would have claimed, "overwhelming support" for their position.
Mass formation involves the formation of a hypnotic state around a shared consensus
Those under its spell obsessively focus on a failure of the normal world or a particular event or person, who becomes the focus of the attention and can effectively control the masses
Mass formation can occur in a society with feelings of social isolation and free-floating anxiety among a large number of people; it leads to totalitarian thinking and, eventually, to totalitarian states
After Dr. Robert Malone mentioned mass formation on an episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the term went viral
The technocrats quickly took action, manipulating search results and populating Google with propaganda to discredit Malone and the mass formation psychosis theory
Brainwashing people to accept the Beast system.
The Beast system does not want people to realize they are being herded like lambs to the slaughter.
What will our life today sound like to the future generations? Will they be able to understand how we agreed to this?
In order to create massive confusion, those in power have constructed a massive tower of lies
Yes, Fauci did compare COVID to influenza in a paper published in February 2020
BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street own majority stakes in every big company in every major industry, including in the media
The entire official COVID narrative of the past two years rests on a number of bold lies, and people are being medically murdered to justify corporate profits and a transition to the Great Reset
An official narrative built on lies, secrecy, and propaganda.
MARCH 2022
A Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by TheBlaze shows Health and Human Services spent $1 billion for a media campaign to build public confidence in, and uptake of, COVID-19 vaccines using mainstream news outlets
News outlets that did respond to TheBlaze assured them the editorial staff are not influenced by advertising money, but it's not hard to imagine management would not look kindly on editorial staff who write content that doesn't align with the advertising narrative
Mounting evidence demonstrates why the government is paying for good press since insurance companies reported a rise in all-cause mortality in late 2021
The first batch of Pfizer documents the FDA used to approve Comirnaty (Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine) were released March 1, 2022; mRNA technology inventor Dr. Robert Malone believes these papers show a break in the indemnification clauses, exposing Pfizer to potential civil and criminal liability
The government is using US taxpayer money to lie to the American people. Why is such a level of promotion necessary if the VAX JAB works?
JUNE 2022
Top scientists from famous universities, and industrial and government organizations. Were these people any more or less trustworthy as they are today? The allegedly best scientists of the day created a product that turned out to be dangerous to every living thing on the planet.
I wonder if they thought these were safe and effective?
Interesting to note that with all the characters in the video, the heads are seperate from the bodies. This is common in Government propaganda animations. I wonder if there is a symbolic meaning to this?

Remembering the vast criminal enterprise
MAY 2021
'Six miners in Mojiang, China, were infected by a bat coronavirus in 2012. Three died of a disease near-identical to that of COVID-19 after long bouts of illness
The “Mojiang miners passage theory” proposes a precursor to SARS-CoV-2 — known as RaTG13 — sickened the miners, and once inside these patients, mutated into SARS-CoV-2
Samples from the mine and four of the hospitalized miners were all sent to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in 2012, from where the virus may then have escaped in late 2019
Shi Zheng-Li, Ph.D., heads up the biosecurity level 4 laboratory in Wuhan. She has studied the RaTG13 virus and conducted gain-of-function research on coronaviruses, in which viruses are manipulated to increase their infectivity and/or pathogenicity
Several U.S. government officials have indicated they have credible evidence pointing to the COVID-19 pandemic being the result of a laboratory accident'
China isn't the only one hiding the truth, the US Government and Dr. Anthony Fauci have been funding research at this lab in Wuhan China.
'President Joe Biden's team shut down a closely-held State Department effort launched late in the Trump administration to prove the coronavirus originated in a Chinese lab over concerns about the quality of its work, according to three sources familiar with the decision.'
This reaks of official cover-up to me
'Intelligence officials told the White House that they have a large amount of unexamined evidence related to the origins of COVID-19, which is part of what prompted President Biden to announce publicly he asked them "redouble their efforts" to find the source of the pandemic.'
Why hasn't this evidence been examined yet? What are they waiting for?
'President Joe Biden's instructions to the US intelligence community to redouble its efforts in investigating the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic came on the heels of intelligence officials informing the White House that they possessed unreviewed evidence necessitating greater computer analysis that could potentially provide answers, The New York Times reported Thursday.'
It seems like President Biden is trying to decide just which intelligence officials he wants to hear from.
'WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden's decision to announce an intensified 90-day review into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic came about in part because of the Chinese government's refusal to participate in an investigation by the World Health Organization, a source familiar with the decision said.'
China's stonewalling??? We know that the US Government, via the NIH, via the NIAID, headed by Dr. Fauci gave ~7.4 million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China and that research was terminated in October of 2019. One month before Covid-19 appeared on the world stage. Why isn't this being investigated?
'President Joe Biden on Wednesday told Americans he had ordered US intelligence agencies to report in 90 days on whether the virus originated not in animals and spread to humans but might have escaped from a Chinese laboratory.'
This story was first reported by Newsweek over a year ago on April 28th, 2020.
After all this time, President Biden's first response is to shut down all ongoing investigations and to get US intelligence agencies involved. I am quite sure we will eventually see the 'threat to national security' blanket cover this critical line of investigation.
While we absolutely know that Dr. Fauci channeled ~$7.4 Million dollars to Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China, all the official, and corporate media want to talk about is whether it was for gain-of-function research. The real question is: Why was Dr. Fauci sending ANY money to the Wuhan Institute of Virology in Wuhan, China?!
What a total farce! I guess CNN is embarrassed that they got 'scooped' by ABC's retraction 4 days earlier.
Interesting to note that President Biden claims to want a complete report within 90 days but the first thing he does is shut down and ignore the current investigation and all its evidence!?
JULY 2021
'Expert testimony from two scientists adds to evidence that clarifies the origin of COVID-19, which they believe leaked from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, as a result of controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research
There is no evidence to support the theory that SARS-CoV-2 emerged from a wet market in China, and no animal host or widespread animal-to-human transmission has been found
SARS-CoV-2 has a unique trigger on the surface called a furin cleavage site and a unique code in the genes for that site called a CGG-CGG dimer; these markers do not exist in natural coronaviruses, but are known to have been used in GOF research
SARS-CoV-2 was preadapted for optimal human-to-human transmission, another sign of GOF research'
The evidence seems to be mounting supporting the position that this is a man made virus.
I am surprised that this man is allowed to speak. I will be watching to see if they either ignore him or try to discredit him.
June 2021
'Many Republicans focused their ire on the fact that Fauci received messages in early 2020 warning that the virus had been “engineered” or may have otherwise emerged from a lab in Wuhan, China while publicly dismissing the possibility.'
It would appear that Dr. Fauci was covering his trail.
'The Wuhan Institute of Virology was awarded hundreds of thousands of dollars more in federal grant money than chief White House medical adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci indicated to lawmakers last week, newly released emails show.'
Hmmm... The money trail that Rand Paul (and others) are following indicate MILLIONS of US taxpayer dollars but Fauci's emails allegedly say hundreds of thousands? The corporate media has 'sat' on this story for over a year. I am watching very carefully for how they are going to try and sweep this under the carpet.
'In a Senate hearing late last month, top doctor Anthony Fauci told lawmakers the U.S. granted $600,000 in funding to the Wuhan Institute of Virology over a five-year period, but documents provided by the Department of Health and Human Services Friday show the actual number was a third higher.'
It appears that CNN is trying to defend Dr. Fauci. The headline cites 'GOP descriptions', what is the Democratic Party's description of Fauci's emails?
Since this article seems to group all of Fauci's opponents into one camp, it begs the question, "What is the Democratic Party's description of Fauci's performance to date?"
The official narrative is so laughable that comedians are able to mock it. (2021-0615)
The official narrative is so laughable that comedians are able to mock it. (2021-0615)
This SkyNews piece has some interesting observations and commentary.
And finally, FOX News offers its explanation.
JULY 2021
'Moderna, together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), sent mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill on December 12, 2019 — raising significant red flags
The providers agreed to transfer “mRNA coronavirus vaccine candidates developed and jointly-owned by NIAID and Moderna” to the university's investigator and was signed by Ralph Baric
Baric pioneered techniques for genetically manipulating coronaviruses, which became a major focus for research at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV)
Baric worked closely with WIV's Shi Zhengli, Ph.D., on research using genetic engineering to create a “new bat SARS-like virus ... that can jump directly from its bat hosts to humans”
Serious questions need to be answered, including: Were Moderna, NIAID and Baric aware that COVID-19 was circulating in mid-December 2019, or did they have knowledge far before that such a vaccine would soon be in demand?'
So they knew about Covid and were working on a vaccine BEFORE the disease was known about! Hmmm...
Genetic match discovered in Covid's unique furin cleavage site on spike protein
Matched genetic sequence patented by Moderna for cancer research purposes
Researchers say one in 3 trillion chance Covid developed the code naturally
Critics of the study are sceptical of its author's conclusions, suggesting that the sequence match is not as rare as has been claimed
I wonder who the critis are?
The Gain-of-Function Hall of Shame series chronicles the biological weapons industrial complex, the bureaucrats who fund it, the corporations that shape it and the existential risk that genetic engineering and synthetic biology pose to us all.
We began this series as part of our search for the origins of COVID-19, something OCA International Director Ronnie Cummins wrote about in his best-selling 2021 book co-authored with Dr. Joseph Mercola, The Truth About COVID-19: Exposing The Great Reset, Lockdowns, Vaccine Passports, and the New Normal.
We hope that reading this series will inspire you to join the movement to ban gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens, along with emerging biotechnologies like gene editing that could also be used as biological weapons.
This type of research needs to be stopped.
Translation: Biological Threat Reduction Program - Ukraine, Caucasus and Central Asia
Notice the date!!! When Fauci was denying the lab in Wuhan, he KNEW about all these labs in the Ukraine.
APRIL 2020
'“I mean,” Giuliani said, “if this laboratory turns out to be the place where the virus came from — we paid for it. We paid for the damn virus that's killing us.”
'Meanwhile, the larger question is why American taxpayers would be funding the Wuhan lab at all.'
'The US Government, Dr. Fauci, and NIAID gave $7.4 million U.S. taxpayer dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for research including 'gain of function' research on bat corona viruses!'
This story was confirmed when NIAID responded that they had not given ALL $7.4 million dollars to the Wuhan Institute of Virology'
'Like It Was Designed To Infect Humans; COVID-19 'Cell Culture''
'New study finds evidence of a sign of human intervention in COVID-19 pandemic'
'A forthcoming Australian scientific study concludes that the coronavirus causing the global pandemic contains unique properties suggesting it was manipulated in a Chinese laboratory and was not the result of a natural occurrence.'
'Professor Nikolai Petrovsky said Covid-19 appeared to have an 'exceptional' ability to enter human bodies from day one. He added the theory it had originated in a lab could not be ruled out'
'Information obtained via FOIA requests reveals researchers at the University of Pittsburgh are working on “corona-thrax.” They intend to insert the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein — which allows the virus to gain entry into human cells — into Bacillus anthracis, the causative agent of anthrax'
'EcoHealth Alliance collaborated with the Wuhan Institute of Virology for years, collecting coronavirus samples from bats and manipulating it to jump to humans
The dangerous gain-of-function research was carried out via a grant awarded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)'
March 2021
APRIL 2021
14:38 Seeing Dr. Nikolai Petrovsky smile as he is describing the man made creation of a 'highly lethal human virus' is chilling.
Not one word about the $7.4 million the U.S. gave to the Wuhan lab via NIAID and the NIH (run by Dr. Anthony Fachi).
'Fauci's 'gain of function' research should be banned'
MAY 2021
What they missed:
- The testing and thus the “case counts” were fraudulent
- "Asymptomatic spreaders" was fraudulent
- The death count was fraudulent
- Masks to “stop the spread” was fraudulent
- “Social distancing” was fraudulent
- “Everyone at risk” was fraudulent
- “No natural immunity” was fraudulent
- “The vaccine is approved by the FDA” is fraudulent. It's authorized for emergency use which is most definitely NOT FDA approval.
Fauchi sounds a lot like Bill Clinton's famous, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
Fauchi sounds a lot like Bill Clinton's famous, "I did not have sexual relations with that woman."
A longer view of the exchange.
The real question is, why was he funding ANY viral research in Wuhan, China?
While Dr. Fauci tries to redefine the term 'gain of function', the looming question is why was he funding ANY viral research in Wuhan, China?
The real question is, why was he funding ANY viral research in Wuhan, China?
June 2021
'Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has defended the natural-origin theory for SARS-CoV-2 since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic
In his biggest about-face to date, Fauci is now saying he's “not convinced” the virus had a natural origin after all, and that we must continue to investigate “what went on in China until we find out, to the best of our ability, what happened”
Considering Fauci's opinion has been used by mainstream media and fact checkers to censor any and all other experts, this very public 180 is no doubt causing embarrassment among mainstream reporters
Fauci is now also denying ever having funded gain-of-function research, even though there's irrefutable evidence that he did. It seems he's trying to redefine “gain-of-function,” such that none of the research he paid for will fall under that definition
National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins is backing Fauci's denials in what appears to be a preemptive attempt to distance the NIAID/NIH from future blame, should the lab leak theory be determined to have caused the COVID-19 pandemic'
So all the evidence that was originally dismissed by the corporate main stream media as 'conspiracy theory' is NOW being investigated as the most likely hypothesis.
'Considering Fauci's opinion has been used by mainstream media pundits and fact checkers to censor any and all other experts — including people with far more impressive credentials than Fauci, who at the end of the day is an administrator, a paper-pusher, not a working scientist — this very public 180-degree turn is no doubt causing embarrassment among many mainstream reporters.'
Why is the US Government, the Department of Defense, and the medical industrial complex funding experiments that wipe out the human race? Why is the corporate main stream media going to such lengths to cover it up?
Why is Dr. Fauci conducting research, in secret, that threatens the life of the human race?
'Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has long supported controversial gain-of-function (GOF) research, which you can hear him speak about at a hearing before the Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs at the U.S. Senate, held April 26, 2012
GOF research refers to studies that have the potential to enhance the ability of pathogens to cause disease, including enhancing either their pathogenicity or transmissibility; GOF is a type of dual use research
Fauci speaks favorably of dual use research of concern, or DURC, stating, “the risk-benefit ratio of such research clearly tips towards benefiting society”
Due to its controversial nature and potential to fuel bioweapons, several moratoriums have been placed on GOF research, including one in October 2014, after a string of high-profile “incidents” at U.S. biocontainment laboratories
NIAID has funded GOF research on bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV), but Fauci — amid growing calls that COVID-19 was the result of a laboratory accident — has denied that such funding occurred'
August 2021
October 2021
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced a $125 million grant to Washington State University to detect "emerging viruses." Viruses that have not yet "emerged" are those that are manipulated in the lab, aka gain-of-function research
There are 12 partner countries focusing on unknown pathogens from three families, which include coronaviruses (COVID-19), filoviruses (Ebola) and paramyxoviruses (measles and Nipah)
Documents released following a Freedom of Information Act request showed gain-of- function research was performed on two types of coronaviruses to boost pathogenicity and statements from the NIH and NIAID directors before Congress were lies
The August 1, 2021, addendum to the House Foreign Affairs Committee report showed SARS-CoV-2 was released in Wuhan in September and spread through the world using athletes from the 2019 Military Games held in Wuhan in October 2019
Some GOP members are calling for the head of the NIAID to resign or to be fired; Sen. Rand Paul has referred the director's actions to the Department of Justice for an investigation on possible perjury charges
October 2021
While attempts have been made to assess the risks posed by research on lethal pathogens, we still know very little. We don't know the frequency at which lab accidents happen, how often lab accidents result in exposures, or the underlying factors that allow for incidents and exposures
We also do not know what features might be most effective at mitigating incidents, and we lack answers to basic questions such as fluid dynamics of a spill
Human error is 100 times more likely to cause an accidental release of a dangerous pathogen than any kind of mechanical failure
In recent weeks, a number of news reports have hinted at the possibility of a bioterror attack involving smallpox. November 4, 2021, Bill Gates warned about the possibility of a smallpox terror attack during a Policy Exchange future pandemics meeting
November 3, 2021, the CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices reviewed two presentations featuring a newer attenuated live smallpox vaccine called JYNNEOS. Smallpox has also been featured in pandemic exercises such as Operation Dark Winter in 2001
Looks like the 'leading medical experts' are planning the next attack!
Real-time tracking of pathogen evolution
Nextstrain is an open-source project to harness the scientific and public health potential of pathogen genome data. We provide a continually-updated view of publicly available data alongside powerful analytic and visualization tools for use by the community. Our goal is to aid epidemiological understanding and improve outbreak response. If you have any questions, or simply want to say hi, please give us a shout at
An interesting and informative data site.
Two myths have hindered investigations into the origins of the SARS-CoV-2 virus: one, that viruses seldom escape from laboratories; and two, that most pandemics are zoonotic, caused by a natural spillover of a virus from animals to humans.
A very interesting and informative read. The more research I do on vaccines, the more evidence I find of their ineffectiveness coupled with obvious monetary interests that glossed over problems and amplified even the smallest successes.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his military to seek and destroy US-Deep State bio-labs engaged in top-secret zoonotic and infectious disease research in dozens of locations across Ukraine.
The reason for the situation in the Ukraine is becoming apparent. Once again, the U.S. Government is right in the thick of it.
MARCH 2022
They can lie much faster than you can prove they are lying.
As has become their modus operandi, DENY - DEFLECT - DIFFUSE
When this story was first released, the corporate media, in unison with the government, completely denied the allegation.
Now, after failing to 'contain' the information, the official explanations are presented. Eventually we will have the official 'finger pointing' to something else.
Remember how “America's Favorite Doctor,” Anthony Fauci, and the U.S., along with the Chinese military, funded the reckless “gain-of-function” lab experiments in Wuhan that gave rise to COVID-19?
Despite being signatories (along with China, Russia, and 183 nations) to the Biological Weapons Convention of 1972 the U.S. military (under the Clinton, Bush, Obama, Trump, and Biden administrations) and its Big Pharma collaborators have been quietly funding since 1993, shortly after the dissolution of the Soviet Union in (with over $100 million dollars) the “dual-use” (medical and military) weaponization of viruses and pathogens in 26 secretive biolabs in the Ukraine, just as the Russians did before them.
The reason for the situation in the Ukraine is becoming apparent. Once again, the U.S. Government is right in the thick of it.
MARCH 2022
March 11 (Reuters) - The World Health Organization advised Ukraine to destroy high-threat pathogens housed in the country's public health laboratories to prevent "any potential spills" that would spread disease among the population, the agency told Reuters.
The WHO and the US Government knew about this BEFORE the Russians allegedly attacked Ukraine.
APRIL 2022
According to bioweapons expert Francis Boyle, Russia,s accusation that Ukraine is conducting U.S.-funded bioweapons research appears to be accurate
If true, everyone involved is subject to life in prison under the Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989
According to Boyle, the U.S. government and Pentagon have had a “comprehensive policy” to “surround Russia with biological warfare laboratories” and “preposition biological weapons” there for use against them
The problem with trying to make a distinction between “biodefense” and “biowarfare” is that, basically, there is none. No biodefense research is purely defensive, because to do biodefense work, you,re automatically engaged in the creation of biological weapons, and all dual use research can be used for military purposes. SARS-CoV-2 may be the result of such dual use research
Boyle believes we can hold the culprits behind the SARS-CoV-2 bioweapon accountable by asking local prosecutors to convene a grand jury to seek the indictment of those responsible for the pandemic for murder and conspiracy to commit murder
The hypocrasy and corruption of the world's government is becoming blatant.
NOVEMBER 2010!!!
99,625 views Jan 27, 2022
A collection of Simpsons clips that explain what is happening through the 2020-2022 "pandemic"
So the makers of The Simpsons knew what was coming in 2010! Do you STILL believe this wasn't an Plandemic?
Why aren't these doctors being broadcast?

October 2021
Leilani Lutali is not taking someone's spot on the transplant list, but she and her direct donor are mandated to take the COVID shot, or she will not get the life-saving surgery
The hospital reasons the shot will reduce the risk of infection and death when Lutali takes antirejection drugs for the transplant, but they do not mandate the flu vaccine to reduce the risk of rejection and severe infection, or death
Data show that there is a high percentage of transplant patients who have comorbid conditions strongly associated with severe COVID disease and death, such as obesity, Type 2 diabetes and chronic pulmonary disease
How many of the COVID deaths can be attributed to the disease or to the lack of effective treatment? Although the answer is unknowable, it is known that effective treatments are being withheld from patients and they are instead being given medication with little efficacy and dangerous consequences to kidney health
So now the Medical Industrial Complex is withholding treatment unless you comply and obey.
Comply and obey or the Medical Industrial Complex will let you die.
The non response of the prestigious British Medical Journal.
So let's see now... We have a complaint, Pfizer assures us that everything is okay, case closed.
Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated
In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two manipulated studies — one suggesting the jab reduces all-cause mortality, and another claiming the shot is five times more protective than natural immunity
Both studies are of questionable quality and have several problems, including selection of time and date ranges that allow them to pretend that the COVID shots are safer and more effective than they really are
According to all-cause mortality statistics, the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018 (the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality) and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?
CDC data reveal that while the number of hospitalized patients with natural immunity fell sharply over the summer, when the delta variant took over, the number of vaccinated people being hospitalized soared, from three per month on average during the spring to more than 100 a month in late summer. Since these vaccinated patients were less than six months from their second dose, they should have been at or near maximum immunity
Another example of Government 'leading medical experts' cooking the books in favor of their sacred vaccine program.
'Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer's pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports'
'A recent investigative piece by Full Measure revealed a serious death rate miscount in Colorado, including two people out of five who were not dead
Analysis of the number of people who died in Santa Clara and Alameda counties in California found there was a 22% and roughly 25% overcount in the death rate
Former CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield admitted financial policies may have artificially inflated hospitalization rates and death toll statistics
The CDC is now counting people who die within 14 days of their shot as an unvaccinated death, further skewing the death toll results and hiding deaths that result from the COVID jab
New guidelines from the AMA are teaching doctors how to participate in misinformation campaigns using “language swaps” and approved social media posts to ensure the public doesn't look closely at vaccine injuries'
Once again, evidence of inflation of statistics to drive a narrative.
Why are we having to find this out from independant journalists on independant channels?
Why isn't the mass media industrial complex broadcasting this information?
Pfizer/BioNTech's Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted for Comirnaty, the two products are clearly legally distinct and not the same
A licensed vaccine is not shielded from liability until or unless it's added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule by the CDC. So, if you were injured by Comirnaty, you could sue Pfizer. You cannot sue if injured by the EUA Pfizer shot (or any of the other EUA COVID injections)
Even though several hundred claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) for injuries resulting from the COVID shots — which is the only possible avenue to obtain damages — not a single claim has been paid out
Natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wanes within a few months. The shots may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to later be exposed or infected with COVID
Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That's against the law, but the government has done it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but the CHD has not given up and is still pursuing the case
Once again, a total disregard for the law and ethical behavior.
The American Medical Association explicitly teaches doctors how to deceive patients and the media when asked tough questions about COVID-19, treatment options and COVID shots
The AMA also supports expansion of COVID jab mandates for private employees, and together with the Biden administration encourages employers with 100 employees or more to implement mandates even though the Fifth Circuit Court has permanently blocked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from implementing and enforcing its COVID jab rule
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the OSHA emergency temporary standard (ETS) exceeds the scope of OSHA's authority and/or is unconstitutional
The AMA, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and other leading nursing organizations threaten doctors and nurses who speak out against COVID measures and/or the COVID jab with revocation of their professional licenses
Aiding them in this task is a liberal front group called No License for Disinformation, created by Chris Gilroy, a marketing strategist who also created EverydayAmericanJoe, a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden's presidential campaign
They are blantantly breaking the law. When the government breaks the law, there is no law.
December 2021
The FDA has refused to even explore approval of cheap, safe, and effective repurposed drugs for 20 months, despite mounds of evidence from studies vouching for their efficacy and safety. So, naturally, now that the agency is on track to issue an emergency use authorization to the first outpatient drug for COVID, this one must be the greatest thing since penicillin, right? Wrong! In fact, the drug is so dangerous and has so many known and unknown side effects that the FDA advisory committee members basically admitted this was a “difficult” decision and that they could rescind the authorization later on. This decision makes their rejection of ivermectin, fluvoxamine, nitazoxanide, and hydroxychloroquine all the more indefensible.
It would appear that the FDA is more concerned with selling a high profit treatment then they are with public health.
Janci Chunn Lindsay, Ph.D., a molecular biologist and toxicologist, has called for an immediate halt to COVID-19 mRNA and DNA vaccines due to multiple safety concerns
There's credible concern that the COVID jabs will cross-react with syncytin (a retroviral envelope protein) and reproductive genes in sperm, ova and placenta in ways that may impair fertility and reproductive outcomes
In the case of the COVID shots, important animal studies that help ascertain toxic and systemic effects were not done. We're now seeing danger signals that are not being heeded. Preliminary safety results of mRNA COVID shots used in pregnant women, published in April 2021, revealed an 82% miscarriage rate when the jab was administered during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
CDC data reveal more than 300 children between the ages of 12 and 18 have died from myocarditis, a now-recognized side effect of the COVID jab, yet the shot is now authorized for children as young as 5
Since the COVID gene therapies do not prevent infection, but only lessen symptoms, they are actually a treatment, not a prevention. And there are far safer and more effective treatment available, including nebulized peroxide, ozone therapy, and hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin regimens
The government, media, and medical industrial commplex is hiding the dangers.
If there was any doubt that this was a plandemic that had nothing to do with public health and safety, this video blows huge holes in that belief!
This is the FULL 2 hour and 45 minute interview that has been shunned by the medical industrial complex and banned by the mass media industrial complex.
Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine core platform technology, shares scientific censorship that's running rampant in medical journals
Data on repurposing existing drugs to treat COVID-19 is being blocked, rejected and buried Scientific journals depend on revenue from selling journal reprints to pharmaceutical companies — major financial motivation to print only research that's favorable to the pharmaceutical industry
Rampant lawlessness, in which rules and regulations about bioethics are being completely disregarded, has taken over
We're experiencing a threat of global slavery of the entire population to financial interests that can be traced back to BlackRock and the Vanguard Group, the two largest asset management firms in the world
Is this 'following the science'? Safe drugs are being stalled, while dangerous drugs are rushed through the system.
The beast is targeting the resistance.
Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci have created a formidable public-private partnership that wields incredible power over the American public, along with global health and food policies
Inspired by Rockefeller's business model, Bill and Melinda Gates donated $36 billion worth of Microsoft stock to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation between 1994 and 2018
Gates also created Bill Gates Investments (BGI), which predominantly invests in multinational food, agriculture, pharmaceutical, energy, telecom and tech companies with global operations
Gates strategically targets BMGF's charitable gifts to give him control of the international health and agricultural agencies and the media, allowing him to dictate global health and food
Fauci and Gates met in person, shaking hands in 2000 in an agreement to control and expand the global vaccine enterprise
You can read all of the details in Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s best-selling book, “The Real Anthony Fauci,” which contains more than 2,200 footnotes of referenced data
The medical industrial complex arm of the beast. The beast wants total control of your health.
Let's see now. We have a ruthless, monopolistic businessman, coupled with a power grabbing bureaucrat, trying to control world health policy. What could possibly go wrong?
The emails show Fauci and NIH Director Francis Collins attempting to coordinate a 'devastating takedown' of the Great Barrington Declaration (GBD)
AIER, a libertarian think tank, sponsored the GBD, which largely abandons lockdowns in favor of herd immunity strategy that allows life to return to normal
In an October 8 email from Collins to Fauci, the head of the NIH calls the GBD the work of 'three fringe epidemiologists' that 'seems to be getting a lot of attention'
Collins adds that 'there needs to be a quick and devastating published takedown of its premises. I don't see anything like that online yet - is it underway?'
Fauci later sends Collins multiple op-eds trashing the GBD in Wired and The Nation Magazine
Dr. Jay Bhattacharya - one of the authors and a contributor - tweeted that he was the subject of a propaganda attack by his own government
Is this how doctors are supposed to behave, especially during a pandemic? Ignore and attack the well articulated argument of fellow medical professionals and trained doctors?!
Are we to believe that only Government doctors have the true knowledge?
Another cache of emails obtained via a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by the American Institute for Economic Research (AIER) reveals Dr. Anthony Fauci and his boss, National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins, colluded to quash dissenting views on the lockdowns
October 4, 2020, three medical professors — Martin Kulldorff from Harvard, Sunetra Gupta from Oxford and Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford — launched the Great Barrington Declaration, which called for focused protection of high-risk individuals rather than the continuation of blanket lockdowns
As support of the declaration rapidly spread, Fauci and Collins discussed how they could stop the call for a sane, science-based approach. In an email to Fauci, Collins wrote, “There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises”
The emails between Fauci and Collins are the smoking gun showing that it is they who are waging war against science
Despite having a combined annual budget of $58 billion, and a combined staff of 31,000, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the NIH/NIAID have not yet conducted an actual study to determine how natural immunity stacks up against the COVID jab, likely because they don't want to know the answer
If facts and data do not match the governments narrative then they must be false, right? After all, only the government doctors can be correct, right?
They think of themselves as gods with all the right answers. Any dissenting opinion must therefore be silenced.
Just like the orginal strain, the latest strain looks like it is man mad.
We are having to plead with the CDC and NIH to do what should already be happening!
I fact checked the fact checkers and couldn't believe what I found. Despite the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government telling us otherwise, it is absolutely true that there is no FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available any time soon.
I know it's hard to believe, but it's 100% true. And this reality implicates both Big Pharma and the US Public Health bureaucracy in an incredible scandal.
On August 23, the FDA granted full approval for a COVID-19 vaccine to Pfizer-BioNtech for a specific product sold under the brand name Comirnaty. The landmark moment — the “full approval” endorsement from the FDA — was heralded by the Biden Administration and countless states, and quickly leveraged to coerce millions into taking the shots. This product, Comirnaty, was fully authorized for the “prevention of COVID-19 disease in individuals 16 years of age and older.”
Yet Comirnaty itself has never made its way into the United States. The fully-approved version is nowhere to be found within our borders.
More evidence of the beast coming to power. They are literally doing whatever they want and daring people to try and stop them.
According to Brook Jackson, a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
The FDA did not follow up on Jackson's complaint or investigate the allegations before granting full licensing to Pfizer's Comirnaty shot
FDA now wants 75 years to drip out the data it relied on to grant full licensing to Comirnaty
An adverse event report from Pfizer, covering December 2020 through the end of February 2021, shows the shot causes severe and often long-term, unresolved injuries
Pfizer's data also show the shot causes severe injuries in pregnant and nursing women. Based on these data alone, which the FDA was aware of at the end of April 2021, the Pfizer shot should have been pulled from the market
The evidence of lies, deceit, and deception is overwhelming. Yet the government, medical industrial complex, and the corporate media have gone out of their way to cover it up.
The medical industrial complex and the government have known since April of 2020 that the VAX Jab was unsafe and should be pulled from the market!
Shocking Revelations in First Batch of FOIA Docs (2021-1231)
Even with only the trickle of information that the medical industrial complex has been forced to release have shown that the VAX Jab is unsafe, ineffective and should be pulled from the market. Yet, the medical industrial complex, the government and the corporate media are still pushing the narrative that every man woman and child on the planet must be vaccinated! This is murder!
This withholding of information in the medical industrial complex has been going on for decades. Secret trials, secret tests, secret results, and you are not allowed to see the data until they feel like releasing it.
Dr. Robert Malone analyses the situation.
They continue to push their VAX jab as the ONLY solution when it is obvious that it is unsafe and ineffective. Anyone or anything that goes against their pre-determined narrative is attacked.
There was a goal (stop cases). There was a method (state compulsion). And there was a test (cases were supposed to go down and go away). There would be a war on a virus and the state would win! And now we look around and see the evidence of failure so pronounced, so impossible to deny, that we must face that which so many have worked so hard to deny for so long.
The vaccine program is an abysmal failure and needs to be abandoned!
Does anyone else remembering them promising if you took the jab you would not catch covid and the virus would stop with you.
Now after months of breakthrough infections (a.k.a. vaccine failures) the CDC, FDA, and NIH admit that the jab does NOT keep you from getting covid and the jab does NOT stop the spread of covid.
And finally, additional reports have shown that mRNA jab was not designed to provide immunity but merely as a treatment for the symptoms in an already infected person!
Tyranny is rearing its ugly head all over the planet
The tyrants have a rich arsenal of weapons, such as direct violence, destruction of food supply chains, going after the children, blatant deceit, fake “community values,” and the “New Moral”
We are in a spiritual battle of our time, and we are the heroes we have been waiting for
The beast system is coming to power.
Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vliet from Truth for Health Foundation lays bare what's been happening inside America's hospital system over the last two years, bringing to mind the 1977 dystopian Eagles' hit song, “Hotel California,” where people can check in, but they can never leave
Where once people could sign out of the hospital against medical advice (AMA), the Foundation's COVID Care Strategy Team has sometimes needed a show of force from police, attorneys, media and family members to liberate patients from a hospital
Hospitals have good reason to want to keep patients from leaving since the government has incentivized them to keep you there and watch you die, paying bonuses for every patient tested, admitted or treated with remdesivir for COVID, for every COVID patient on a ventilator and every COVID death
Human rights attorney Thomas Renz estimates each of these bonuses can potentially add up to $100,000 extra per COVID patient; this may be one more reason why hospitals are not administering safe and effective medications like ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine
Vliet cautions people not to get overwhelmed by fear, and instead take action; get prepared with a COVID survival kit and make an action plan if you must be admitted to the hospital
Profits over people.
Insurance companies and bureaucrats have destroyed the practice and purpose of medicine.
Seven applicants, on behalf of the British population, have filed a complaint with the International Criminal Court (ICC), accusing 16 individuals of genocide, crimes against humanity, war crimes and crimes of aggression
The 16 defendants include Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Peter Daszak, Bill and Melinda Gates, the CEOs of Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson, U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson along with several other British authorities, as well as the presidents of the Rockefeller Foundation and the World Economic Forum
According to the ICC complaint, the 16 defendants have violated the Nuremberg Code and Articles 6, 7, 8, 15, 21 and 53 of the Rome Statute
The Nuremberg Code is a set of medical research ethics principles that grew out of the “Doctors Trial” in Nuremberg following World War II. The war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg established 10 standards to which doctors must conform when performing experiments on human subjects
The ICC is a permanent, independent court that investigates crimes that concern the international community. Its activities are governed by an international treaty called the Rome Statute, which has been ratified by more than 120 countries, including the U.S. It can step in when a member state fails to take appropriate action to bring a criminal to justice. In theory, member states are supposed to cooperate with the court
Looks like the WEF's desire to reduce the population by 90% is being carried out.
The depopulation agenda is becoming apparent.
Yes, it's been a crime against humanity since March 2020
How many died of simple neglect, dehydration, despair?
They are asking the right questions but then covering up the obvious problem.
Data show COVID-19 deaths have been wildly exaggerated by counting people who died from other conditions but had a positive COVID test within 28 days of their death
U.K. data released in response to a Freedom of Information Act request show that the number of deaths between January 2020 and the end of September 2021 in England and Wales, where COVID-19 was the sole cause of death, was just 17,371 — not 137,133 as reported
Of the 17,371 people who had COVID-19 as the sole cause of death, 13,597 were 65 or older. The average age of death in the U.K. from COVID in 2021 was 82.5 years
Compare that to the projected life expectancy in the U.K., which is 79 for men and 82.9 for women. This hardly constitutes an emergency, least of all for healthy school- and working-age individuals
Estimates suggest there's been an extra 50,000 cancer deaths over the past 18 months — deaths that normally would not have occurred. Delayed diagnosis and inability to receive proper treatment due to COVID restrictions are thought to be primary reasons for this
Just like the AIDS crisis, the Medical Industrial Complex is trying to make a mountain out of a mole hill.
Gotta keep the fear level high.
Their goal is to get biometrics implanted in every human being on the planet by whatever means necessary. As Fauci said, "...we don't care about your perception is, we are going to address the problem." In other words, we are going to do what we want.
The COVID pandemic is rife with cover-ups, starting with China intentionally allowing the outbreak to spread by saying there was no evidence of human-to-human transmission
In 2019, Dr. Anthony Fauci and a former director of the U.S. Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) hinted at a pandemic being a perfect excuse for transitioning from conventional vaccine manufacturing into experimental mRNA technology that would otherwise take decades to bring to market
Two of the biggest cover-ups have been the persistent denials of SARS-CoV-2 being the result of gain-of-function research, and that the pandemic was the result of a lab leak (whether accidental or intentional)
Cover-ups have created irrational narratives, which in turn have resulted in a number of irrational beliefs and behaviors, including the excessive dependence on plastic sheathing, plastic barriers, single-directional walking directives, the idea that natural herd immunity doesn't exist but asymptomatic spread does, and the belief that lockdowns lower infection rates
One of the most persistent irrational beliefs spawned during this pandemic is that masks prevent the spread of the virus. A recent U.K. Department of Education report found no evidence that universal mask wearing in schools reduced absences due to illness, and therefore should not be mandated
They seem to believe if they lie long enough, people will believe them. They are obviously going to try to get everyone to receive 'the mark'.
What is even more amazing is there are people who actually believe the lies as long as the government or media say they are true. A person can go to the CDC, NIH, and FDA websites, read the actually research done by these organizations and know for a fact these agencies are lying through their teeth.
Dr. Malcolm Kendrick, a general practitioner in Cheshire, England, has made it his mission to add some balance to the widespread fear-mongering that occurs at the hands of the health care lobby and media, including in regard to COVID-19
The top COVID lies include that there's no such thing as naturally acquired herd immunity and that vaccines induce stronger and longer lasting immunity than recovery from natural infection
COVID-19 death statistics are also misleading, and the universal mask mandates and lockdowns said to save lives are a farce
Other COVID lies include the myth of asymptomatic spreaders driving the pandemic and the “official” narrative that the virus didn't leak from a laboratory accident

Hey, remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?
Hey, remember how they told you the mRNA in the vaccines could NEVER wind up in human DNA?
Another government lie exposed.
MARCH 2022
I wasn't always a holistically-minded physician. For the first five years of my private medical practice as a family physician, my focus was on prescribing drugs and administering vaccines
My transition began in the early 1990s, when I started educating myself about nutrition and alternative health strategies
The failures of the conventional paradigm have been unmasked over the past two years. Both prevention and treatment of COVID-19 were shrugged off as “impossible,” but those who listened to better judgment, used early treatment protocols and recovered, know this to be an absolute lie and they can no longer be hoodwinked
The COVID pandemic has also shown us just how important basic health is when facing infectious threats. The vast majority of those who died from COVID — 94% — had an average of 2.6 comorbidities or preexisting health conditions that contributed to their deaths
In my estimation, the absolute worst type of food you can eat are seed oils. Rich in linoleic acid, seed oils cause inflammation and mitochondrial dysfunction that drive most disease processes, and they get integrated into your cell membranes where they can remain for up to seven years
Take the time to study the curriculum of ANY major medical university and you'll fined they spend almost no time on nutrition.
Even though every thing you need to survive and grow comes from the food you eat, the fluids you drink, and the air you breathe, the medical industrial complex pretty much ignores those factors in favor of selling you a treatment for your symptoms.
MARCH 2022
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) has stopped mandatory hospital reporting of COVID-19 deaths and the CDC is hiding data about the effectiveness of the booster shots in people aged 18 to 64, or those least likely to benefit from the shot
The New York Post notes the FDA overruled an expert advisory committee and the CDC overruled their own experts to promote the booster to all age groups. Scientists must use Israeli data, which show little to no difference in those boosted or not boosted until people are over age 65
The CDC justifies not releasing the data saying it was "not ready for prime time," as it would be misinterpreted and is based on 10% of the population, or the same sample size that has been used for influenza statistics for years
Data from independent researchers and insurance companies recording all-cause death rates show the number who have died in 2021 after the release of the vaccine far exceeds the all-cause death rate in 2020 during the height of the infection
It is easy to understand why the HHS and CDC want to hide this data from scrutiny as it's more difficult to ignore with each passing day that the infection didn't kill the number of people health experts claimed and that the vaccine is killing far more than the virus is
2022 the year of the Covid cover-up.
March 7, 2022, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis hosted a roundtable discussion about COVID treatment, early treatment suppression, vaccine risks, the collateral damage from school closures and lockdowns and more
March 8, 2022, the Florida Department of Health updated its guidance, formally recommending against COVID vaccination for healthy children, 5 to 17. Florida is the first state to go against CDC vaccine recommendations
Florida Surgeon General Joseph Ladapo stressed that, as we move forward, we must insist on holding decision makers accountable for their harmful public health decisions. “Their choices, that they made for everyone, were the wrong choices that led to, basically, no appreciable benefit,” Ladapo said
According to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, one of the most egregious mistakes made was to ignore the fact that there's a thousand-fold difference in risk between the lowest and highest risk groups. Children are at virtually no risk of dying from COVID, yet children have been forced to bear the burden of disease prevention. “Almost from the very beginning of the pandemic, we adopted policies that seem like they were tailor-made to harm children,” he said
According to Dr. Sunetra Gupta, what we've seen over the past two years is an “inversion of the schedule of uncertainty.” Doubt was cast on things that were certain, while certainty was claimed for things we had no clue about. Decision makers chose to do the very things we knew, for certain, would cause harm. They inverted the precautionary principle to minimize harm, and chose to maximize harm instead
Finally, a public official who is willing to meet with the people and subject matter experts to PUBLICALLY to discusss this crisis.
Noticibly absent, any coverage by the corporate main stream media. Here you have a state Governor, with a panel of experts, meeting to discuss Covid strategy and not a peep out of the propaganda machine.
APRIL 2022
Even though we do not yet have all the data which was legally required to be released within 30 days of vaccine approval, and even though we had to sue the FDA in order to get them to release the documents the were already legally required to release, here is a recap of what we know to date:
Bear in mind that Pfizer would not report any of these adverse effects if they were of no concern. Additionally, Pfizer and the FDA would have financial reasons to downplay any adverse effects.
- Pfizer and the FDA KNEW that natural immunity was at the very least equal to the protection afforded by the vaccine. The main stream corporate media still either ignore or downplay the significance of natural immunity and making that claim will get you banned from social media.
- The adverse event rate is much higher that what was previously reported.
- Pfizer's consent form states effects on reproduction are unknown. The main stream corporate media and health officials state as 'fact' the jab does not affect reproduction.
- Pfizer knew of the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement Vaccine-associated enhanded disease (VAED)
- Pfizer and the FDA KNEW that the immune function was suppressed for one week after the first dose (leaving the person vulnerable).
April 1, 2022, another batch of 11,000 Pfizer documents were released by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer trial data reveal natural immunity was as effective as the jab, and that shot side effects were more severe in those under 55. Since the risk of severe COVID is dramatically lower in younger people, an elevated risk of side effects unacceptable, and the shot should have been restricted to those at high risk of severe COVID
The adverse event rate per dose for Pfizer's mRNA jab, based on their own studies, is nearly 1 in 800, and the myocarditis rate is 10 in 100,000 — far greater than the 2 in 100,000 rate previously reported
Pfizer's consent form specifies that the effect on sperm, fetuses and nursing children are unknown. Yet health authorities and media have espoused as “fact” that the shot does not affect reproductive health or fertility and is perfectly safe for pregnant and nursing mothers
Pfizer's documents show they've not ruled out the risk of antibody-dependent enhancement. Vaccine-associated enhanced disease (VAED) is listed as an “Important Potential Risk.” As of February 28, 2021, Pfizer had 138 cases of suspected VAED, 75 of which were severe, resulting in hospitalization, disability, life-threatening consequences or death; a total of 38 cases were lethal and 65 remained unresolved
Pfizer and FDA also knew that people of all ages experienced transient suppression of immune function for one week after the first dose
The data from Pfizer's own study clearly show that most of the claims still being made by the main stream media are false. People's lives are being destroyed becaus they refuse to comply with a lie!
The only thing she said that I can agree with is her last statement. "We administered millions of vaccines with no concern for safety.
“A lot of what is published is incorrect.” I'm not allowed to say who made this remark because we were asked to observe Chatham House rules. We were also asked not to take photographs of slides. Those who worked for government agencies pleaded that their comments especially remain unquoted, since the forthcoming UK election meant they were living in “purdah”—a chilling state where severe restrictions on freedom of speech are placed on anyone on the government's payroll. Why the paranoid concern for secrecy and non-attribution? Because this symposium—on the reproducibility and reliability of biomedical research, held at the Wellcome Trust in London last week—touched on one of the most sensitive issues in science today: the idea that something has gone fundamentally wrong with one of our greatest human creations.
Doctor's are afraid to speak the truth for fear of retaliation.
Yvette D'Ath is the “health minister” of Queensland, Australia. In the video below, she is looking like a fool, stating that she has no idea what is behind 40% growth in heart attacks in her territory. It is obvious that not only she “has no idea”, but she is also not looking for an explanation. She seems to be very actively “not looking” and hoping NOT to find the answer.
The COVID-19 pandemic is one of the most manipulated infectious disease events in history, characterized by official lies in an unending stream lead by government bureaucracies, medical associations, medical boards, the media, and international agencies.[3,6,57] We have witnessed a long list of unprecedented intrusions into medical practice, including attacks on medical experts, destruction of medical careers among doctors refusing to participate in killing their patients and a massive regimentation of health care, led by non-qualified individuals with enormous wealth, power and influence.
I have a feeling this paper will soon be retracted.
MAY 2022
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created as an early warning system to identify vaccines that may be triggering a higher than expected number of adverse events
Publicly available VAERS data clearly reveal that the COVID shots are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created, accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades
Data analyst Albert Benavides has been analyzing VAERS data since the release of these novel shots. According to Benavides, at least 10,000 reports of death or serious injury following COVID “vaccination” have vanished since the rollout of the shots — and they were not duplicate reports, which is a common “explanation” for their removal
About 2% of all COVID jab-related reports are deaths, and about 5% of death-related reports are being deleted
Only the initial VAERS reports are available to the public. Updated reports are only viewable internally. That means we have no way of knowing how many of those who were injured have since died from those injuries. This is a loophole that can make a vaccine appear less deadly than it actually is
- Pfizer committed fraud (which means they can be sued)
- 04:00 - December 2020 Pfizer knew the vaccines did not work a month after roll out. They did not tell anyone.
- 05:30 - May 2021 Pfizer and the FDA knew that 35 minors had heart damage a week after being vaccinated. In June of 2021 the FDA granted the EUA for teens. August of 2021 the US government notifies the public via press release that their is an elevated risk of myocarditis following vaccination.
- 07:00 - Pfizer knew of adverse event reports.
- 08:00 - The vaccine spreads throughout the body making blood transfusions dangerous.
- 09:00 - mRNA, lipid nanoparticles
- The dosage is not based on body weight.
These are the men that also say that only they know the truth. The phrase VAX Nazi comes to mind.
MAY 2023
Remdesivir is so lethal it got nicknamed “Run Death Is Near” after it started killing thousands of Covid patients in the hospital.
It appears they are trying to depopulate the planet.
Anthony Fauci

Fauci has been caught lying and flip-flopping since the beginning
Fauci is the highest-paid federal employee in the U.S., and 68% of his $437,000 a year salary comes from bioweapons research
Instead of safeguarding public health, Dr. Anthony Fauci turned the National Institutes of Health into an incubator for pharmaceutical products, and essentially sold the entire country to the drug industry
Fauci has had a hand in creating the vaccine gold rush. In 2000, he met with Bill Gates, who asked to partner with the NIH in an agreement to vaccinate the world with a battery of new vaccines. In 2009, this agreement was rebranded as “The Decade of Vaccines,” the objective of which was to implement mandatory vaccinations for every adult and child on the planet by the year 2020
One of the darkest stains on Fauci's career, aside from his role in the COVID pandemic, was his handling of the HIV epidemic. Suppressing the use of repurposed drugs, Fauci zeroed in on AZT, a toxic drug that has killed an estimated 300,000 AIDS patients
The similarities between the AZT scandal and what's happening today with the COVID jab and remdesivir are striking. Again, Fauci has suppressed all treatments using inexpensive and nontoxic drugs. U.S. taxpayers have paid for research, while drug companies have raked in the profits, all while having zero liability for injuries and deaths
The Real Anthony Fauci (2021-1128)
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. describes the coalition of sinister forces — intelligence agencies, pharmaceutical companies, social media titans, medical bureaucracies, mainstream media and the military — that are using a health crisis to impose totalitarian control worldwide
Anthony Fauci isn't acting alone, but he's become a prominent face of the medical cartel and medical technocracy that is wrapped up in obliterating constitutional rights globally
Big Pharma's infiltration of regulatory and public health agencies goes back more than 100 years to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation in 1913, which took control of the U.S. medical school system
Fauci controls a $6.1 billion budget that he distributes to colleges and universities to do drug research for various diseases, and another $1.7 billion that comes from the military to do bioweapons research
Fauci's NIAID conducted barbaric and illegal drug experiments on foster children; at least 85 children died as a result
Waking up to Fauci's façade is necessary to understand the orchestrated planned use of pandemics to clamp down totalitarian control
You can see 'the Beast' coming to power.
The Dr. Oz Show, now in its 13th season, is slated to end January 14, 2022, because Oz is running for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania
Oz has been criticized during the pandemic for several controversial statements that go against the official narrative
Oz stated that Anthony Fauci should be held accountable for “misleading, whether willfully or unintentionally, the American public and the United States Congress”/p>
In his candidacy announcement, Oz touched on the widespread censorship that ramped up during the pandemic; he's also criticized the handling of the pandemic, including lockdowns, noting that politicians "took away our freedom without making us safer”
Years ago, I was a frequent guest on “The Dr. Oz Show,” but virtually all of the videos have been scrubbed from the internet
Fauci needs to be tried for mass murder and conspiracy to commit mass murder.
Robert F. Kennedy Jr. succinctly summarizes how Dr. Anthony Fauci wields his power to control and manipulate science across the globe
It's Fauci's job to conduct research on chronic diseases to figure out their etiology and environmental causes to protect public health, but instead he turned the NIAID into an incubator for pharmaceuticals
Fauci has a $7.6 billion annual budget that he uses to develop new drugs, which he then farms out to universities
auci's control — in collusion with that of Bill Gates — has rendered the majority of global scientific research nothing more than pharmaceutical propaganda
Fauci shares drug patents with universities, sells them to drug companies, splits the patents with them, and walks those drugs through the FDA approval process, which he also controls; once approved, Fauci himself often profits
And the WEF/IMF Beast system controls Fauci.
MARCH 2022
Dr. Anthony Fauci is the most highly compensated federal employee and the most visible. So, it's incumbent upon all of us to give him oversight.
In 2011, I founded a national transparency organization called Last year, we filed 47,000 Freedom of Information Act requests, the most in American history. We successfully captured and displayed online $12 trillion of federal, state, and local spending.
Over the past 14 months - since January 2021 - we investigated Dr. Fauci's financials by filing FOIA requests. When I published our original reporting at Forbes, here is what happened.
The National Institutes of Health, Fauci's employer, loaded an artillery shell in their big gun and fired it at the C-suite at Forbes. Quickly, Forbes folded and my column was terminated.
'The common thread seen in the United States is the delegation of state policy to prediction modeling forecasts from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (IHME), a Washington State-based institution that is wholly controlled and funded (to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars) by The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.'
Who put Bill Gates in charge?
Judy K. Brown's book, “Perversion of Justice: The Jeffrey Epstein Story,” details the conspiracy of silence surrounding the biggest alleged pedophile and sex traffcking mogul of our time, Jeffrey Epstein, and his network of rich and powerful people, whichincludes Bill Gates
Corruption is rampant throughout our public health agencies and medical organizations. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation funds the Food and Drug Administration in the U.S. and the Medicine & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency in the U.K.
The Gates Foundation also owns shares in Pfizer and BioNTech, raising questions about corruption in the FDA and IHMA, both of which appear to have given Pfizer's COVID shot preferential treatment despite overwhelming safety concerns and questionable effectiveness
The Gates Foundation is also a primary funder of the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which was responsible for the grossly inaccurate modeling that led to several governors ordering COVID patients to be sent into nursing homes
Gates is now calling on the western world to sacrifice itself in order to stave off climate change. But the climate change crisis, like the COVID pandemic, is a red herring, used to justify the implementation of the Great Reset
I think Bill Gates is psychotic.
MAY 2022
The World Health Organization is attempting to seize control over global pandemic monitoring and response and, ultimately, all health care decisions
Bill Gates intends to play a key part in this takeover. He's building a pandemic response team for the WHO, dubbed the "Global Epidemic Response & Mobilization" or GERM Team, which will have the authority to monitor nations and make pandemic response decisions, such as when to suspend civil liberties to prevent spread of an illness
The globalist cabal plans to seize control through biosecurity governance, and they're attempting to do this using two different avenues. If we fail to fight off both attacks, we'll end up under totalitarian governance
The first attack comes in the form of amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR), which are currently being voted on by the World Health Assembly. These amendments will strip member nations of their sovereignty and give the WHO unprecedented power to restrict your medical freedoms and civil liberties in the name of biosecurity. Get involved and urge your nation's leaders to reject the amendments if passed. Unless rejected, they will become binding law in November 2022
The second attack comes through a new international pandemic treaty with the WHO. They intend to eliminate individualized medicine and provide blanket rulings for how a given threat is to be addressed, and this can only result in needless suffering — not to mention the loss of individual freedom
Skip to 07:20 and watch Bill Gates describe the NEXT pandemic they are preparing to release.
September 2023
Bill Gates purchased shares in BioNTech (Pfizer's partner for its mRNA Covid shots) in September 2019… just months before the pandemic was announced…
Gates purchased 1,038,674 shares at pre-public offering price of $18.10 per share…
Gates dumped his stocks, in November 2021 at an average sale price of $300 per share…
Gates on the same day said… “We need a new way of doing the vaccines, because the vaccines *didn't stop transmission*”… despite all of his previous claims to the contrary.
It's almost like Gates knew Covid-19 was going to be released, and he also knew the vaccines were never designed to stop transmission.
This is the head of the FDA and his wife!
Why do we, as adults, need to create a total fantasy to explain the realities of life? With all the media hype at this time about being sensitive to the number of people sick and dying, two of the government's 'leading medical experts' think that this parody is an appropriate response to our children.
As a man of God Almighty and a seeker of truth, I do not support any of the pagan, man-made traditions so prevalent in America and around the world. I support that which is beneficial to the human race. I also believe creating fantasies to explain reality to our children, is a detriment to that goal.
I am deeply concerned that people such as this are trying to force their medical ideas on the global population.
'Put the patient at the forefront of the learning experience with state-of-the-art, screen-based simulations.'
I first learned about this group in a YAHOO News piece on Deaths among the "jabbed" 2021-1104
This company is a sub company of
'Because informed decisions lead to better outcomes'
Interesting to note that while the company slogan hypes 'informed decisions', they oppose 'Open Access' publications and instead want to make any information they collect 'private domain' and inaccessable to the public.
I first learned about this company in Nov 2021 while investigating the company Shadow Health.
Why is there NO academic, scientific, or medical debate being conducted?
They eliminated the control group so there is nothing to compare to.
Sounds like biological warfare and/or genocide to me.
The information in this video is strangely similar to the information in the video "Watch the Water". When the host describes what happened when he got infected, he said it "was like a bomb going off".
00:41:15 So the Supreme Court ruled that if you genetically modify an organism with mRNA technology then that organism is a new organism that belongs to the patent holder.
So as a synthetic or genetically modified organism, you are legally no longer a human being.
This man is an attorney who defend military people who are being forced to be jabbed against their will.
March 2021
They eliminated the control group so there is nothing to compare to. Now the WHO is trying to imply that maybe we don't need control groups
BMJ editor Peter Doshi has publicly called for release of raw data from the clinical trials that led to the emergency use authorization of the COVID-19 shots. The FDA has a statutory obligation to publish the Pfizer data after drug approval, leaving Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca to provide the raw data
The delay in releasing raw data is reminiscent of Roche's handling of Tamiflu and Gilead's determination to get authorization for remdesivir to treat COVID-19, despite clinical data demonstrating the drug showed little or no positive effect
At least one Pfizer testing facility had poor practices, including data that were falsified, patients who were unblinded and poorly trained people hired to administer the injections
In an opinion piece published coincidentally on the day the FDA announced full approval of the Pfizer injection, Doshi noted Pfizer's August 2021 preprint paper held no new information since April 2021, and the shot demonstrated waning immunity in Israel, where it was used exclusively
They are legally required to have already released the data that they are saying they can't release yet.
When the government breaks the law, there is no law.
My perspective - DECEMBER 2021-1226
It is now crystal clear to me, that the reason alternative treatments are being blocked by the Medical Industrial Complex, the Government, and the corporate media is so they can maintain the use of the Emergency Use Authorization Act (EULA).
By claiming that 'their are no other safe an effective treatments, they can push their 'Vax Program' as the only safe and effective treatment.
Analysis of 30 COVID-19 early treatments, and database of 231 other potential treatments. 67 countries have approved early treatments. Treatments do not replace vaccines and other measures. All practical, effective, and safe means should be used. Elimination is a race against viral evolution. No treatment, vaccine, or intervention is 100% available and effective for all variants. Denying efficacy increases the risk of COVID-19 becoming endemic; and increases mortality, morbidity, and collateral damage.
March 2021
'In contrast, we hardly ever hear politicians, bureaucrats, and big money media saying we should “take vitamins,” “eat healthier foods,” “lose weight,” or “get enough sleep.” Why not? All these actions can help people improve their health, including by strengthening their immune systems' ability to protect them from coronavirus. As a bonus, a person with improved health and immune system will be in a better position to fend off other diseases and to enjoy life more fully.'
June 2021
'Data clearly show ivermectin can prevent COVID-19 and when used early can keep patients from progressing to the hyper-inflammatory phase of the disease. It can even help critically ill patients recover
Ivermectin has a long history of use as an antiparasitic, but its antiviral properties have been under investigation since 2012
Studies have shown ivermectin inhibits replication of SARS-CoV-2 and seasonal influenza viruses, inhibits inflammation through several pathways, lowers viral load, protects against organ damage, prevents transmission of SARS-CoV-2 when taken before or after exposure, speeds recovery and lowers risk of hospitalization and death in COVID-19 patients
Doctors have been told not to use ivermectin as large controlled trials are still lacking. However, once you can see from clinical evidence that something is working, then conducting controlled trials becomes unethical, as you know you're condemning the control group to poor outcomes or death. In fact, this is the exact argument vaccine makers now use to justify the elimination of control groups and giving everyone the vaccine
The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance recommends widespread use of ivermectin for all stages of COVID-19, including prevention'
'The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is suddenly cracking down on N-acetylcysteine (NAC), claiming it is excluded from the definition of a dietary supplement. As a result, Amazon has removed all listings featuring NAC-containing supplements
The trade group for the supplement industry, the Council for Responsible Nutrition, is challenging the FDA's position, calling it “legally invalid,” and is urging its members to continue selling NAC supplements
NAC supplements have been sold for 57 years, and the FDA has never taken action against it — until now, when 16 clinical trials are investigating its usefulness against COVID-19
NAC is a precursor to reduced glutathione, which appears to play a crucial role in COVID-19. There's evidence glutathione deficiency may worsen COVID-19 severity
NAC inhibits expression of proinflammatory cytokines that can trigger a cytokine storm, improves T cell response, benefits a variety of lung problems, and inhibits the hypercoagulation that can result in stroke and/or blood clots that impair the ability to exchange oxygen in the lungs'
'While the list of crimes committed by authorities during the COVID-19 pandemic is a long one, perhaps the biggest crime of all is the purposeful suppression of safe and effective treatments, including ivermectin. This appears to have been done to protect the COVID “vaccine” program
The COVID shots were brought to market under emergency use authorization (EUA), which can only be obtained if there are no other safe and effective alternatives available
Several systematic reviews and meta-analyses of studies looked at ivermectin for the prevention and treatment of COVID-19 infection. A rapid review performed on behalf of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) in the U.S., January 3, 2021, found the drug “probably reduces deaths by an average 83% compared to no ivermectin treatment”
According to a more recent review and meta-analysis, ivermectin, when used preventatively, reduced COVID-19 infection by an average 86%
Another recent scientific review concluded ivermectin produces large statistically significant reductions in mortality, time to clinical recovery, and time to viral clearance'
August 2021
'Critical care physician Dr. Paul Marik speaks with Dr. Mobeen Syed about trends in the management of COVID-19, including what he believes could have wiped out the virus early on
The continued recommendation that people stay home and isolate while doing nothing until they're cyanotic, or turning blue from a lack of oxygen, is a disgrace, because early treatment options are available
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group I-MASK+ protocol can be downloaded in full, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19
According to Marik, a mass distribution program of ivermectin together with melatonin, vitamin D and aspirin could end the COVID-19 pandemic in one month'
I suspect this treatment is a scam cover up for the success people have been having with Ivermectin. Seems that the medical industrial complex and the government want to push the most expensive treatment possible.
Yet another Fauci flip-flop. As is typical, the Main Stream Media Industrial Complex has, and continues, to back Fauci in any way they can.
'New York pulmonologist Dr. Pierre Kory, an unapologetic champion of evidence-based medicine, has had remarkable success treating patients with ivermectin and other therapies during the pandemic
His efforts to get the word out on this treatment protocol as part of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Working Group (FLCCC) have largely been stifled by censorship, ridicule and colleagues — brainwashed by the official narrative — unwilling to accept the science
Kory is driven to share what he's learned with as many people as possible because he believes that everyone should feel empowered to stay healthy; there are dozens of treatment options available for viral infections, about 90% of which are repurposed, cost pennies and are readily available
Kory wants everyone to know that COVID-19 is a highly treatable disease, and if you're infected, the earlier you begin treatment, the better
FLCCC's I-MASK+ protocol can be downloaded in full, giving you step-by-step instructions on how to prevent and treat the early symptoms of COVID-19'
The moderator made an interesting observation.
Working within the current Medical Industrial Complex, you run head long into bureaucracies and roadblocks. However, a small group of scientists with Internet connections were able to find multiple treatments for Covid.
'...costs pennies and are readily available...'
One paper compared Merck's data on molnupiravir against peer-reviewed data on ivermectin and found ivermectin has a low side effect profile, costs less than molnupiravir and is more effective against SARS-CoV-2
Clinical Trials data show Merck gathered 1,850 participants but released data on only 762 in the non-hospitalized arm of the study. The study with hospitalized patients anticipated 1,300 participants, but enrolled 304 before terminating for "business reasons"
Merck has applied for emergency use authorization for molnupiravir against COVID-19. Some are excited about an antiviral that may be effective against the virus, but the exclusion criteria for participants in the study may mean few will qualify to take the drug
For many, prophylaxis and early treatment do not require prescription medication. Optimize your vitamin D level to help prevent the illness, and use nebulized hydrogen peroxide after exposure or in combination with nutraceuticals for early treatment
We need to start screaming from the rooftops that this treatment is available.
I hope to see people start suing the government's 'leading medical experts' for pushing a defective treatment.
Remdesivir - 1 study and it is approved! - Estimated cost to patient $2,340.
Monoclonal antibodies - Estimated cost to patient $2,000.
Molnupiravir - 1 study and it is approved! - Estimated cost to patient $712.
Ivermectin - 64 studies, 32 randomized control trials and still the Medical Industrial Complex refuses to look at the data!
- Estimated cost to patient $50.
I am seeing a pattern here. This is criminal neglect!
We think we analyzed the data correctly. We've asked the mainstream narrative experts to correct us if they think we got it wrong. They all refuse to engage us in a scientific discussion to resolve.
The government, news media, and medical industrial complex simply refuse to acknowledge anything that isn't in support of the official narrative.
Black seed oil may be an alternative herbal treatment for combating COVID-19 The bioactive compounds have an antihistamine effect and anti-inflammatory properties that downregulate interferon regulatory factor 3 activation and promote autophagy
Researchers hypothesize that several of the terpenes in the oil are similar in structure to chloroquine and may act as a zinc ionophore; evidence also suggests one compound may block ACE2 receptors, which the virus uses to release viral RNA into the cell
Black seed oil has many traditional medicinal uses, including as an antidiabetic, antimicrobial, bronchodilator and antioxidant
The Front Line doctors list black seed oil as an alternative therapeutic agent in the treatment of COVID-19. However, the oil is high in linoleic acid and so should not be used preventively against COVID
The American Medical Association explicitly teaches doctors how to deceive patients and the media when asked tough questions about COVID-19, treatment options and COVID shots
The AMA also supports expansion of COVID jab mandates for private employees, and together with the Biden administration encourages employers with 100 employees or more to implement mandates even though the Fifth Circuit Court has permanently blocked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from implementing and enforcing its COVID jab rule
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the OSHA emergency temporary standard (ETS) exceeds the scope of OSHA's authority and/or is unconstitutional
The AMA, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and other leading nursing organizations threaten doctors and nurses who speak out against COVID measures and/or the COVID jab with revocation of their professional licenses
Aiding them in this task is a liberal front group called No License for Disinformation, created by Chris Gilroy, a marketing strategist who also created EverydayAmericanJoe, a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden's presidential campaign
They are blantantly breaking the law. When the government breaks the law, there is no law.
December 2021
You have to FIGHT the Medical Industrial Complex to choose a safe and effective treatement???!!!
This is insane!!! You have to fight their protocols in court in order to save your life!!! Dozens of studies show, if this man had been given Ivermectin at the onset, NONE OF THIS HAD TO HAPPEN!!!
From the start of the COVID pandemic, doctors were told they could not use any treatment that had not undergone randomized controlled trials. Most all clinical successes have been ignored and vehemently opposed
The Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) was among the first to publish COVID treatment guidance. They have since developed protocols for prevention, early at-home treatment, in-hospital treatment and maintenance guidance for long-haul COVID syndrome that are updated as more becomes known
Corticosteroids can be an effective tool for reducing inflammation in general, but they appear particularly important for advanced COVID infection. Steroids should not be used early on, but can be lifesaving after you develop signs of lung dysfunction and increased oxygen requirement
Ivermectin has antiviral and anti-inflammatory properties and is beneficial in all stages of COVID-19, from prevention to advanced illness
Other effective protocols include the AAPS protocol, Tess Laurie's World Council for Health protocol and the America's Frontline Doctors' protocol
The Medical Industrial Complex has been deliberately squashing the use of any effective treatments in order to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization Act (EULA) and illegally push the dangerous mRNA jab and their 'Vax Program' on the world.
(MERCOLA.COM 2021-1212)
FINALLY an experienced doctor who is talking about TREATING the disease!!!
The Medical Industrial Complex has been deliberately squashing the use of any effective treatments in order to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization Act (EULA) and illegally push the dangerous mRNA jab and their 'Vax Program' on the world.

The treatments approved by the official medical industrial complex are terrible.
JULY 2021
CONCLUSIONS Using novel data and prospective re-analysis, hydroxychloroquine, in an age-dependent manner, was associated with reduced Covid-19 compatible illness when supplied for post-exposure prophylaxis between 1 and 3 days after high- or moderate-risk exposure, at higher loading and maintenance doses than in similar studies. The original study conclusions are controverted, and our finding warrants prospective confirmation.
APRIL 2022
Question Is early administration of fluvoxamine associated with hospitalization in symptomatic adult outpatients with confirmed COVID-19?
Findings In this systematic review and bayesian meta-analysis of 3 clinical trials, which accounted for varying prior probabilities coupled with a frequentist sensitivity analysis, there was a high probability (94.1%-98.6%) that fluvoxamine was associated with a reduced risk for hospitalization, with a frequentist risk ratio of 0.75 (95% CI, 0.58-0.97).
Meaning These findings suggest that fluvoxamine, a widely available and inexpensive treatment for outpatients with COVID-19, was associated with a reduction in hospitalizations.
MAY 2022
Fluvoxamine has a systematic review and meta-analysis published in a top medical journal. You cannot get any better than that. It's the “gold standard” of medical evidence.
So when a group of scientists applied for an EUA for fluvoxamine, what did the FDA do? They rejected the drug for “insufficient evidence” just like they always do for ivermectin.
Everyone is stunned, but nobody is surprised. How can the FDA say a drug which meets the “gold standard” of evidence has “insufficient evidence”?
The FDA approved Molnupiravir which was less effective. Why not fluvoxamine?
The FDA approves whatever it is told to approve.
MARCH 2022
This is the most important article I ever wrote, as it is key to understanding the past two years. I began it in May 2020 and kept adding items. If you like it I will post more on this subject.
Direct evidence of KM WEF and it's complete control of the medical industrial complex.
MARCH 2022
The Solidarity Trial is a WHO-led conglomeration of many national trials of treatments for Covid-19. In March 2020 alone, the WHO collected $108 million from donors to cover the costs of its Solidarity clinical trials. After the overdosing was exposed, WHO claimed it paid for the trial itself, perhaps to cover for a donor?
Just like with cancer, the medical industrial complex does not want to cure disease, they only want to sell you an expensive treatment for your symptoms. If something works but cannot generate a profit, it is discouraged at the very least.
My commentary to date: 2022-0404
I am NOT a doctor and this is NOT medical advice but merely my observations and understanding at this point.
- Ivermectin is NOT a one drug treatment for Covid but rather part of a treatment protocol that also incudes Zinc, Vitamin D, Vitamin C, Melatonin and other agents.
- Early treatment is critical to success. Treatment started within the first three (3) days of symptoms are the most successful.
- Ivermectin is safe enough to be used as a prophylactic treatment.
MAY 2021
'Ivermectin is an antiparasitic drug that may be even more useful against COVID-19 than hydroxychloroquine (HCQ). However, like HCQ, use of ivermectin has been globally suppressed, discouraged and even warned against, despite decades of safe use for other ailments
In the U.S., the Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC) has been calling for widespread adoption of Ivermectin, both as a prophylactic and for the treatment of all phases of COVID-19
What makes ivermectin particularly useful in COVID-19 is the fact that it works both in the initial viral phase of the illness, when antivirals are required, as well as in the inflammatory stage, when the viral load drops off and anti-inflammatories become necessary
A scientific review funded by the WHO found ivermectin reduced COVID-19 deaths by 75%. It also increased viral clearance. A meta-analysis of a greater number of studies found a 68% reduction in deaths
Despite robust scientific support for ivermectin, the WHO, the U.S. FDA and NIH all refuse to recommend the drug on grounds of insufficient evidence'
'News of India's defeat of the Delta variant should be common knowledge. It is just about as obvious as the nose on one's face. It is so clear when one looks at the graphs that no one can deny it.'
'Wikipedia is not allowed to publish the recent meta-analysis on Ivermectin authored by Dr. Andrew Hill. Furthermore, it is not allowed to say anything concerning showing the 61 studies comprising 23,000 patients which reveal up to a 96% reduction in death [prophylaxis] with Ivermectin.'
'There is a blackout on any conversation about how Ivermectin beat COVID-19 in India.'
'When I discussed the dire straits that India found itself in early this year with 414,000 cases per day, and over 4,000 deaths per day, and how that evaporated within five weeks of the addition of Ivermectin, I am often asked, “But why is there no mention of that in the news?”'
The Medical Industrial Complex is obviously NOT interested in 'beating' COVID.
Background: Ivermectin has demonstrated different mechanisms of actions that could potentially protect from both COVID-19 infection and COVID-19-related comorbidities. Based on the existing literature and safety profile of ivermectin, a citywide program of prophylactic use of ivermectin for COVID-19 was implemented in Itajai, a Southern city in Brazil in the state of Santa Catarina. The objective of this analysis is to evaluate the effects of the use of ivermectin for prevention of COVID-19 infection, risk of dying and mortality, compared to non-users.
The shots don't work for many people, particularly the elderly. The establishment is blocking every other treatment option available. At this point, with so many people recovering even from late-stage COVID by taking ivermectin, which is infinitely safer than the shots, how could anyone ascribe anything other than very sinister motivations to those declaring war on its use?
Is COVID the government's solution to their Social Security funding problem? Everything seems to be targeting the elderly.
The family of Daniel Pisano, who has been given a 5 percent chance of surviving COVID-19 as he lays ventilated at the Mayo Clinic, has continued their legal fight to force the hospital to allow an outside doctor to give Pisano Ivermectin, as well as other drugs, in a bid to save his life.
People are having to sue in order to use a safe and effective treatment because the FDA refuses to investigate or study the use of a safe and effective treatment!!!
In mid-February 2021, Dr. Andrew Hill at Liverpool University published a scientific meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials involving the use of ivermectin. The review, funded by the World Health Organization and UNITAID, found the drug increased viral clearance and reduced COVID-19 deaths by 75%, yet the conclusion of the paper was dismissive
In early April 2021, Hill was accused of scientific misconduct by the French civic group, Association BonSens. BonSens claims Hill manipulated data to downplay the usefulness of ivermectin. Hill admitted that the study sponsor had crafted the conclusion
In early August 2021, Hill published a public notice stating one of the six studies included in his analysis had been withdrawn due to fraudulent data. A revised analysis excluding that study was published in November 2021
In the November revision, Hill included 23 randomized clinical trials, concluding ivermectin had no statistically significant effect on survival or hospitalizations
Other meta-analyses of 13 to 24 studies have found reductions in death ranging from 62% to 91%. Recent research has also found a five-day course of ivermectin at a dose of 12 mg per day sped up viral clearance, reducing the duration of symptomatic illness by three days compared to placebo (9.7 days versus 12.7 days)
The beast system is stiffling any alternative treatments so they can maintain the lie that there is no alternative to the VAX Program.
The Beast system is DELIBERATELY suppressing any treatments that will compete with the VAX Jab Program.
This is mass murder!
MARCH 2022
Official Propaganda
The published paper this article is referring to won't be published for another 12 days! Where did the WSJ get their information?
Interesting to note that you have to pay to read the official narrative.
The efficacy of ivermectin in preventing hospitalization or extended observation in an emergency setting among outpatients with acutely symptomatic coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), the disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is unclear.
Very interesting. This study was published twelve (12) days AFTER the Wall Street Journal published their story on this study.
APRIL 2022
Many have questions about the old-but-newly-published TOGETHER trial that just came out in the New England Journal of Medicine and is making gleeful headlines in mainstream media, telling one and all "Ivermectin doesn't work."
There is so much to say about this severely flawed trial. Let's start with the credibility issue.
This trial appears to have been conducted to deliberately downplay the effectiveness of Ivermectin.
Even the author admitted it. The media and medical establishment did not read the study carefully. They seize on anything that supports the narrative and fail to look at the study critically.
Even the author admitted it.

This graphic shows improvement. Interesting to note that while the graphics cites 'early treatment' the study focused on people receiving treatment 3-8 days AFTER the onset of symptoms.

This graphic shows that success rates increase with early treatment.
If a study has a press release strategy, it's fair to assume that its motivations are more aligned with good press rather than good science. On March 18th, the world was treated to another negative headline: “Ivermectin Didn't Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date”. It wasn't possible for the journalist to interrogate that claim, because the study hadn't been published. Nonetheless, the headline was dutifully beamed out by the Wall Street Journal in another example of “Science by Press Release”.
How does the media release the results of a study before the study has been published?
Chronology of the TOGETHER study
Let's take a good look at the sequence of events:
- 20-JUN-2020 A Brazilian trial began recruitment for its first investigational groups.
- 15-FEB-2021 The results of a study, conducted in Brazil, on the use of Ivermectin is released. ( COVID19_AMB_Brazil_2 )
- 18-MAR-2022 The Wall Street Journal publishes an article titled Ivermectin Didn't Reduce Covid-19 Hospitalizations in Largest Trial to Date thirteen (13) months AFTER the study was first published.
- 30-MAR-2022 The New England Journal of Medicine publishes a paper titled Effect of Early Treatment with Ivermectin among Patients with Covid-19 referencing the 2021 Brazilian study.
How was it possible for the Wall Street Journal to publish results of a New England Journal of Medicine study that would not be published until twelve (12) days later?
JULY 2022
A new large prospective observational study of 88,000 people shows ivermectin works; the greater the dose, the better it works.
They recommend the drugs with lower efficacy and tell you not to use the drug with the highest efficacy.
While most well-known as a natural sleep regulator, melatonin also has many other important functions. It boosts immune function, helps recharge glutathione and may improve treatment of certain bacterial diseases; it has anticonvulsant and antiexcitotoxic properties, and is a potent antioxidant with the rare ability to enter your mitochondria
In viral infections, melatonin lowers the overreaction of the host cells to the pathogen, thereby raising the host's tolerance to the virus. This gives the host time to develop the adaptive immune response and eradicate the invading pathogen
Melatonin attenuates several pathological features of COVID-19, including excessive oxidative stress and inflammation, exaggerated immune response resulting in a cytokine storm, acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome
An October 2021 study found melatonin significantly lowered mortality when given to severely infected COVID patients. In the standard care only group, 13 of the 76 patients died (17.1%), compared to just one of the 82 patients (1.2%) who received melatonin in addition to standard care — a reduction in mortality of 93%
During the second week of infection, a time when severely infected patients can take a drastic turn for the worse, the melatonin group fared much better than the standard care only group, with only two patients developing sepsis, compared to eight in the standard care only group
MAY 2021
The Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN) and the Natural Products Association (NPA) have filed separate citizen petitions with the FDA requesting that the agency reverse their position on NAC; the agency is now asking for more information on the 58-year-old supplement
According to some legal experts, the actions taken by the FDA are not legal under U.S. code Title 21. The FDA has used the exclusion provision three other times, all of which financially benefited the pharmaceutical industry
While past actions may have opened the door to the most recent attack against NAC, it is not difficult to understand why the FDA chooses now to target NAC, when it has demonstrated effective action against COVID-19
Evidence suggests those with a glutathione deficiency have worse outcomes with COVID-19. NAC is a precursor to glutathione and may help lower the risk of severe disease
NAC can be part of your early at-home treatment that is crucial to lowering the severity of the illness and reducing the risk of long-haul symptoms
Once again, the people are having to battle the bureaucracy and corporations to gain access to treatment!
Vitamin D optimization is likely the easiest, least expensive and most fundamental beneficial strategy that anyone can do to minimize their risk of COVID-19 and other infections
October 31, 2020, I published a scientific review in the journal Nutrients, co-written with William Grant, Ph.D., and Dr. Carol Wagner. Our paper is the second-most downloaded study from this journal in the past 12 months. It's also No. 2 in citations for articles in the past 12 months, and No. 4 for views
The study with the most downloads in the past year and the all-time highest number of views is another vitamin D paper, which found vitamin D supplementation reduced the risk of influenza and COVID-19 infections and deaths
A third vitamin D paper nabbed the No. 1 spot for most-cited study in the past 12 months. This study found vitamin D supplementation improved survival in frail elderly hospitalized with COVID-19
To improve your immune function and lower your risk of viral infections, you'll want to maintain a vitamin D level between 60 ng/mL and 80 ng/mL (150 nmol/L and 200 nmol/L). Vitamin D optimization is particularly important for dark-skinned individuals, as the darker your skin, the more sun exposure you need to raise your itamin D level, as well as the elderly
I am seeing more and more evidence of 'profit over people'. Safe, inexpensive treatments are not only being ignored but the Medical Industrial Complex actively 'campaigns' against safer treatments if they can make more profit with a more risky treatment.
One study published in Nutrients found supplementing with vitamin D in patients with confirmed COVID-19 shortened the length of hospitalization, even in those with comorbidities
This data is part of mounting evidence that those with optimal levels of vitamin D may have a reduced risk of getting infected and, if infected, a lowered risk of severe disease and mortality
The only way to definitively identify a deficiency is through a blood test. Look for these general signs and symptoms that you need to get tested sooner rather than later. They include frequent infections, fatigue, daytime sleepiness and head sweating
The medical industrial complex wants to sell a treatment more than they want to improve the human condition. With a mantra of 'profites before people' there is no incentive to study improving the human condition naturally or with existing drugs that cannot be patented.
A wealth of data show that vitamin D levels are strongly correlated with the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infection
A strong correlation was found between SARS-CoV-2 death rate and vitamin D level, such that mortality decreased significantly once vitamin D levels reached 30 ng/mL
A vitamin D blood level of 50 ng/mL “may prevent any excess mortality” from COVID-19
Vitamin D receptors are present in nearly all cells of the human immune system, including monocytes/macrophages, T cells, B cells, natural killer cells and dendritic cells
Vitamin D helps to regulate both your innate and adaptive immune systems, warding off both acute and chronic diseases, provided your levels are optimized
The best way to know how much vitamin D you need is to have your levels tested and increase sensible sun exposure and/or supplementation, aiming for a level between 60 and 80 ng/mL
THIS is the kind of information that the media, government, and medicine SHOULD be pushing if they were truly interested in promoting public health over profit.

Look familiar?
The failure to participate in a noble act is not immoral. To put it another way, giving blood saves lives. Failing to give blood is not murder.
APRIL 2021
'As of April 15, 2021, some 5,800 Americans who had been fully vaccinated against COVID-19 had been diagnosed with COVID-19; 396 (7%) were hospitalized and 74 died. Preliminary research found people who had received both doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine were eight times more susceptible to contracting the South African variant of SARS-CoV-2'
MAY 2021
Interesting to note how GMA has standardized their presentation of information they think is important.
According to their info-mercial, almost one third of Americans have been fully vaccinated to date.
Shouldn't we should be seeing the numbers start dropping soon?
'A survey of 732,308 Americans shows some surprising results as to who is most likely to decline or shy away from getting a COVID vaccine. While the online survey finds resistance to getting a COVID-19 vaccine is slowly diminishing — vaccine hesitancy fell from 27.5% in January to 22% in March — it still exists, especially in some blue-collar jobs.
Nearly half (48%) of those who were reluctant to get vaccinated said they were concerned about side effects and more than a third said they didn't think they needed the shot, didn't trust the government, were waiting to see if the vaccine was safe or didn't trust COVID-19 vaccines specifically.
Survey results showed that vaccine hesitancy ranged from 9.6% among educators and people in life, physical or social sciences to a high of 46% among workers in construction, oil and gas extraction and mining. Hesitancy was nearly as high among workers in installation, maintenance, repair, farming, fishing or forestry.
In health care fields, pharmacists were the least hesitant at 8.5%. The highest hesitancy, 20.5%, was among medical assistants, emergency medical technicians and home health, nursing, psychiatric or personal-care aides.'
'Just another piece of the full scale media blitz that America is facing. Always with the position that vaccines are the only answer.
They have already changed the definition of a vaccine in Webster's dictionary to include the mRNA shot as a vaccine, even though it does NOT prevent infection and does NOT prevent transmission of the disease. It allegedly prevents serious complications and death after you have contracted the disease.'
June 2021
Near as I can tell, Dr. Fauci and his group are doing everything they can to make this happen.
'Two counties in California reanalyzed death certificates and lowered the number of deaths attributed to COVID by at least 22%. One infectious disease expert believes the CDC may soon ask all counties to recount their data
Recommendations to add COVID if it was suspected even though not confirmed to the death certificate, financial incentives for hospitals and inaccurate PCR testing are among the factors that supported inaccurate data reporting
Conversely, the numbers of injuries and deaths from the COVID shot are being suppressed, disregarded and likely underreported. To boost the appearance that the vaccine is effective the CDC is again manipulating PCR testing by creating different criteria for vaccinated and unvaccinated people
If you or a loved one took the shot but have serious regrets, I encourage you to see my most recent interview with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko to learn strategies that may reduce your subacute and long-term risks from the shot
For those who are still deciding, consider doing your own risk-benefit analysis based on the science and your individual situation before making a decision that may have permanent and lifelong consequences'
Once a vaccine is added to the childhood schedule, the vaccine maker is shielded from financial liability for injuries, unless the manufacturer knows about vaccine safety issues and withholds that information
Products must satisfy four criteria in order to get emergency use authorization: There must be an emergency; a vaccine must be at least 30% to 50% effective; the known and potential benefits of the product must outweigh the known and potential risks of the product; and there can be no adequate, approved and available alternative treatments (drugs or vaccines). Unless all four criteria are met, EUA cannot be granted or maintained
According to a U.S. federal court decision, the Pfizer shot and BioNTech's Comirnaty are not interchangeable
Comirnaty is not fully approved and licensed. It's only “ready for approval.” Comirnaty is licensed to be manufactured, introduced into state commerce and marketed, but it's not licensed to be given to anyone, and it's not yet available in the United States. They're waiting for it to be added to the childhood vaccination schedule, to get the liability shield
They are insidious. I cannot see a single good reason for the government, medical industrial complex, and mass media to be pushing this dangerous jab program. This is bio warfare being conducted by the beast government world wide. They are witholding safe and effective treatments so they can maintain the EUA and push the vaccine as the only availble treatment.
(MERCOLA.COM 2021-1226)
This is outrageous! They are using our children as a tool to circumvent the law and ethics.
These very pious, holier-than-thou control freaks who keep demanding that everyone must be vaccinated need to answer some questions:
Why are the most highly-vaccinated countries like Israel, Australia, the United Kingdom and others also the nations with the highest number of people with the virus?
Why does Africa, by far the least-vaccinated continent, have by far the fewest COVID deaths, only 236,000 as of late January out of a population of 1.3 billion, four times the US?
The VAX JAB Program is the tool the Beast regime is using to implement 'the mark'.
Always assume that people who are trying to force you to do something that you don't want to do, are lying.
You'll rarely be disappointed in your decision.
It took much too long, but it appears that the tide of public opinion has finally turned. The term "trust the science" has suddenly lost its luster, especially when it comes from the mouth of a politician or so-called "expert."
The truth of reality is finally catching up with the make belive world the The beast system is trying to turn into reality. They are desparately trying to recapture the narrative.
APRIL 2022
Rhode Island Democrats are distancing themselves from an extreme vaccine mandate bill that would double the state income tax on unvaccinated residents and fine parents of unvaccinated children.
Why are they pushing the vaccine? Obviously, this has NOTHING to do with public health and/or safety.
A copy of the proposed legislature.

MARCH 2023
So far, children have been largely unfazed by COVID-19 because their interferon pathway works really well. Interferon is an immune molecule that protects cells against invading pathogens
The COVID jab inhibits the type-1 interferon pathway, so mass injecting young children may actually erase the natural herd immunity against COVID-19 that would develop if all children remained unjabbed
Aggressive cancers have exploded among adults who got the shots, even though it's only been a little over two years since their rollout
Analysis of U.S. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) data suggests the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is redesignating cancer deaths as COVID deaths to eliminate the cancer signal, and has been doing so since April 2021
We've also seen massive increases in excess mortality from abnormal clotting issues and heart problems since the COVID shots rolled out. If side effects such as cancer, heart disease and stroke are killing working age adults in unprecedented numbers already, what will the excess mortality be, say, 10 years from now if children and teens keep getting mRNA boosters every year?

Dated Friday, June 1, 1984!

A Proposed Rule by the Health and Human Services Department on 08/15/2016
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention literally has overstepped its authority in proposing to grant itself powers that obviously negate any rights U.S. citizens thought they had by issuing the Proposed Rule “Control of Communicable Diseases” on August 15, 2016 wherein CDC will self-invest itself with the power to apprehend healthy people en masse and detain them indefinitely with NO process of appeal!
An Executive Order? What isn't this going through Congress.
Last Friday, November 4th, Obama quietly signed an Executive Order titled Advancing the Global Health Security Agenda to Achieve a World Safe and Secure from Infectious Disease Threats.
A quiet Executive Order? He signs an order on Friday and the news reports it a week later... on a Friday.
'President Biden's executive order mandating COVID-19 vaccines among all federal workers does not apply to members of Congress, the federal court system or their staffers.'
Biden's order Thursday mandating COVID-19 vaccinations among federal workers and contractors drops the option of regular testing and allows only some religious and disability exemptions. The order applies only to employees of the executive branch and does not apply to the legislative or judicial branches of government, the White House confirmed to Fox News.
Pfizer/BioNTech's Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted for Comirnaty, the two products are clearly legally distinct and not the same
A licensed vaccine is not shielded from liability until or unless it's added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule by the CDC. So, if you were injured by Comirnaty, you could sue Pfizer. You cannot sue if injured by the EUA Pfizer shot (or any of the other EUA COVID injections)
Even though several hundred claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) for injuries resulting from the COVID shots — which is the only possible avenue to obtain damages — not a single claim has been paid out
Natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wanes within a few months. The shots may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to later be exposed or infected with COVID
Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That's against the law, but the government has done it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but the CHD has not given up and is still pursuing the case
Once again, a total disregard for the law and ethical behavior.
'Atlas's book has exposed a scandal for the ages. It is enormously valuable because it fully blows up what seems to be an emerging fake story involving a supposedly Covid-denying president who did nothing vs. heroic scientists in the White House who urged compulsory mitigating measures consistent with prevailing scientific opinion. Not one word of that is true. Atlas's book, I hope, makes it impossible to tell such tall tales without embarrassment.'
In my humble opinion, it is becoming increasingly obvious that this entire 'plandemic' was planned well in advance and anyone who did not play along was marginalized or eliminated.

Would you allow this man to force you to take a medication?
Would you put your child's life in this man's hands?
For a dose of the insanity we're up against, just listen to Australian Northern Territory chief minister, Michael Gunner's rant in the video above. In short, regardless of how many COVID shots youve submitted to, if you refuse the next, or if you speak out against mandates in any way, you are an anti-vaxxer and will be treated accordingly.
This man appears to be insane. He has absolutely NO evidence to support the use of mandates. He claims, "I think you will find...", but people have done the research and found out he is totally wrong. He has turned this into his personal war with no evidence to support his mania.
For nearly two years, we've wondered how this will end. In retrospect, the clue is in how it began.
The initial lockdowns had a strong class-based component. The working classes were assigned the job of delivering groceries, tending to the sick, driving the trucks filled with goods, keeping the lights on, and keeping the fuel running. The professional class, among whom were the people who pushed lockdowns in the name of disease avoidance/suppression, were assigned the job of staying home in their pajamas and staying safe.
It all happened seemingly in an instant. We all had to figure out whether our job qualified and what we should do. More striking at the time was the very notion that government bureaucrats could slice and dice the population this way, deciding what can open and what cannot, who must work and who must not, what we can and cannot do based on our station in life.
So it now seems obvious to me. This whole disaster would finally come to an end (or at least the end would begin) when it became obvious that the great strategy of class division and demarcation would fail to protect the Zoom class from infection.
That day has finally arrived, with cases soaring in many parts of the country and hitting everyone of every class, whether they are being “careful” and adhering to the “mitigation measures” or not. What's even more striking is how even the vaccines, which were supposed to codify the wisdom of class segregation, have not protected against infection.
First they closed thousands of small business in order to drive their employees to seek employment with corporations controlled by the beast. In doing so, they forced thousands to fall under the influence and control of company CEOs.
At the same time they shielded the zoom class and the elites from exposure to the virus convincing them that 'The Vax Program' and 'the jab' were working.
Now people are facing the stark reality that everyone has the same risk of exposure to COVID.
From the very first moment they started ramping up an authoritarian response to a virus, Ron Paul was calling their bluff. He published "The Coronavirus Hoax" on the Ron Paul Institute website in March, 2020, just as President Trump was following his malevolent covid advisors toward lockdowns and tyranny.
Doctors: “Obesity raises your risks of dying from Covid.”
Big Govt: “Free burgers, fries, and doughnuts if you get the jab!”
Doctors: “Obesity raises your risks of dying from Covid.”
Big Govt: “Free burgers, fries, and doughnuts if you get the jab!”
You have the head of the FDA, Francis Collins, singing a parody on Covid while his wife dances in front of him in a dragon suit, and now you have the mayor of New York City using fast food incentives to promote the vaccine program. Total insanity!
I find it very interesting that they are still denying it was an accident lab leak. They refuse to ask the obvious question; What if the Covid-19 virus was created in a lab and DELIBERATELY released!?
During a panel discussion in the United States Senate Monday, attorney Thomas Renz, a member of America's Frontline Doctors' legal team, revealed several alarming vaccine safety signals that the U.S. government has ignored. The information was provided by three military doctors who have access to vaccination data that has been withheld from the general public.
House Oversight Committee Republicans recently released the contents of emails sent between Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), and his boss, then-National Institutes of Health director Dr. Francis Collins in 2020
The emails show Fauci and Collins rapidly agreed to suppress the theory that SARS-CoV-2 came from a lab. While questions of intentions remain, it seems this decision was made for political reasons
Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust in London, who also helped promote the narrative that the lab leak theory was nothing more than a wild conspiracy theory, has publicly stressed that he feared then-president Trump might use evidence of a lab leak to start a war against China
Grant applications from the EcoHealth Alliance to the NIAID reveal the U.S. was funding the very research that could have resulted in this novel virus. Some of that research was even conducted in the lab in Wuhan, China
It appears the scientific establishment will cover for China, no matter what the cost, out of fear of being defunded and/or losing scientific credibility and standing. The willingness of U.S. authorities to cover up the origin of SARS-CoV-2 means that countries can now assault us with bioweapons indefinitely, with full impunity
WASHINGTON — On Tuesday, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, sent a letter to Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin demanding confirmation that the Department of Defense (DoD) complied with the senator's January 24, 2022 request to preserve all records contained on the Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED).
The senator wrote, “I was disappointed to see that instead of immediately responding to the American people through their elected representative, DoD apparently decided to prioritize a response to PolitiFact about allegations relating to the same database.”
So a sitting U.S. Senator is denied a response and a social media outlet is given a response instead.
MARCH 2022
Rep. Chip Roy (R-Texas) is concerned. Innocent people are dying needlessly. A tyrannical government has grossly overstepped its bounds. Freedom and democracy are under attack — and it's all Dr. Anthony Fauci's fault.
Once again, the journalists at Yahoo are careful to make sure they have a rubuttal or 'slam' to every point being made.
Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime's mandate.
So we have a licensed doctor in the military, which means she is also an officer, putting her career and her life in jeapardy to report VAX JAB injuries.
Why is nothing being done about this?
APRIL 2022
Was Russia defending itself against U.S. funded, Ukrainian, weapons of mass destruction?
Looks like a self-defense move to me. Russia did not take out all the Bio Labs (that the United States is funding). They only took out the ones near their border and the ones take can be used to ship the bio weapons via the Black Sea.
Looks like Belarus, Poland, Slovania, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova are going to have to take their chances with a U.S./Ukrainian biological attack.

Why is the United States government funding biolabs in Ukraine?

Looks like Russia was destroying American funded Ukrainian weapons of mass destruction facilities.
As evidence of a potential bioweapons cover-up has started emerging, a company called Metabiota is gaining prominence
Metabiota's mission is to make the world more resilient to epidemics by providing “data, analytics, advice and training to prepare for global health threats and mitigate their impacts.” Its founder is a World Economic Forum Young Global Leader graduate
Metabiota investors include In-Q-Tel, a CIA venture capital firm that specializes in high-tech investments that support or benefit the intelligence capacity of U.S. intelligence agencies, Hunter Biden's investment fund, Rosemont Seneca and the U.S. Department of Defense's Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA), which contracted Metabiota to run operations in U.S.-connected labs in Ukraine
In addition to having close ties to the WEF and its Great Reset agenda, Nathan Wolfe, the founder of Metabiota, has also served on the EcoHealth Alliance's editorial board since 2004. In 2017, he co-wrote a study on coronaviruses in bats together with EcoHealth president Peter Daszak, Ph.D. EcoHealth worked closely with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) in China, where SARS-CoV-2 is suspected of having originated
Metabiota's Global Partnerships are led by Andrew C. Weber, former assistant secretary of defense for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense, who created the DTRA
From the moment they instituted censorship, I knew they were doing something wrong. Throughout history, censorship has only been used to hide the truth and force an idea on the masses.
MARCH 2022
Members of the United States Government have proposed ammendments to the International Health Regulations that would nullify the Constitution of the United States!
The United States has proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations which will be voted on by the World Health Assembly scheduled for May 22-28, 2022.
The United States Government proposed these ammendments! Members of the United States Government have proposed ammendments to the International Health Regulations that would nullify the Constitution of the United States! This is treason!
APRIL 2023
In mid-February 2023, I reported that the U.S. government has secretly been tracking those who didnt get the COVID jab, or are only partially jabbed, through a previously unknown surveillance program
Within days, fact checkers tried to debunk the idea that individual people are being tracked, or that these data could be misused by government or third parties
COVID “vaccination” status was not considered a private medical matter at all during 2021 and 2022, yet mainstream media now want you to believe that your COVID jab status is protected by medical privacy laws
Your medical data are not nearly as private as you think. The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is rife with exemptions when it comes to your privacy. Federal agencies such as Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, for example, are exempt from the privacy clauses and can access identifiable data — especially if theres an outbreak of infectious disease, be it real or fictitious
Government agencies and a number of third parties or “covered entities” can also use a number of loopholes to re-identify previously de-identified patient data
APRIL 2023
It would appear they knew it was coming before it was 'discovered'.
The Imperial College London... hmmm, that name keeps coming up. Sounds like the John Hopkins univeristy in America.
Once again, 'support the narrative of be gone'.
APRIL 2021
'Yet in recent weeks, these predictions about Texas's fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns.'
'The scientist dubbed 'Professor Lockdown' at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic was heckled during a lecture by an audience member who said he was a 'murderer' and 'a disgrace'.'
So in May 2020 he resigns under duress and now he is in a University teaching!
In a short documentary, CAN Films explored pandemic outcomes in Scotland, which began requiring vaccine passports October 1, 2021, with those of Sweden, which rejected forced lockdowns in favor of voluntary measures
With half the population of Sweden, Scotland scored a higher excess death rate for 2020, with much more restrictive pandemic responses
Sweden fared better than Scotland on many pandemic outcome measures, including excess deaths, weight gain, alcohol-related deaths, inflation and economic viability
Sweden did not mandate face masks at any point during the pandemic and, in July 2021, also dropped their “vague recommendation” to wear one at all
Scotland implemented a vaccine passport requirement October 1, 2021; backlash from hospitality and other groups has ensued
Since the very beginning of this plandemic, Sweden has been taking a reasonable approach. Even though they were condemned or ignored in the corporate media, it appears that the data supports their approach over the panic and mania approach being forced on the American people.
The data seems to indicate that Sweden's reasonable approach worked.
It also points out how the people are being deceived by the information being fed to them by the government and media.
'Follow the science” has been the battle cry of lockdown supporters since the Covid-19 pandemic began. Yet before March 2020, the mainstream scientific community, including the World Health Organization, strongly opposed lockdowns and similar measures against infectious disease.
The bureaucrats and government doctors refuse to admit when they are wrong. They are deliberately pushing a false narrative.
In a literature review and meta-analysis of the effects of lockdowns on COVID-19 mortality, researchers revealed lockdowns had little to no effect on COVID-19 mortality
The Brownstone Institute compiled more than 400 studies showing that lockdowns, restrictions and closures failed to do what was promised
A team of 12 researchers from Johns Hopkins School of Public Health, Harvard Medical School, the University of Oxford and other institutions outlined key reasons why COVID-19 shot mandates have been counterproductive and harmful
COVID-19 injection mandates could lead to reactance and entrenchment, cognitive dissonance, stigma and scapegoating, and distrust
If you don't agree with COVID-19 restrictions and mandates in your area, now is the time to speak out in peaceful protest
A key player in the destruction of America.
JANUARY 7th 2022
There can now be little doubt that the VAX Program has nothing to do with public health or safety but is, in reality, a bio-warfare attack on the human race by the bankers who fund everything.
The World Economic Forum has already publically stated that by 2030, 'You will own nothing and you'll be happy'. With this organization, you have a large group of the wealthiest people in the world who have decided they are going to use the combined money, power, and influence to decide what is best for the human race. There will be no government oversite, no voice from the people of the planet, only their total control over everything and everyone.
MAY 2021
Pushing the mark of the beast any way they can.
Fauci has been caught lying and flip-flopping since the beginning
So the government gets to decide which doctors and advice we have to listen to, believe, and obey?
Many are warning that “they're coming for our children now” with regard to COVID-19 vaccine mandates. Further, some have reacted with indignation to Fauci having recently pointed out in support of such mandates that “it is not something new” to mandate vaccines for schoolchildren and that this has been done for decades. Their indignation is presumably based upon the belief that mandates for COVID-19 vaccines will be materially different from mandates for other vaccines already used in children.
In fact, Fauci, the reigning king of deceitful double-speak, actually got something right. Vaccines already mandated upon children are similar to COVID-19 vaccines in many respects, except not in good ways, as Fauci would have us believe.
Many assume that COVID-19 vaccines will be the �rst vaccines mandated upon children without a showing of necessity, and without rigorous safety testing. They also assume that they'll be the first mandated upon them without proven, long-lasting e�cacy. They're wrong on all counts.
Even when Fauci gets something right he gets it wrong.
So the government's response to Covid is to allow public health and sanitation to degrade.
'“Vote for me; I'm the guy who fired you because you didn't take experimental coronavirus 'vaccine' shots.” “Vote for me; I'm the guy who made you take experimental coronavirus 'vaccine' shots to keep your job.” These are far from persuasive campaign slogans. But, these slogans are what hundreds of thousands to millions of people who voted for President Joe Biden a year ago will be hearing in their heads come election day in 2024 should Biden be the Democratic presidential nominee.'
Vote for the man who fired you!
'Advocates for vaccine mandates—led by the Biden Administration—are apparently unconcerned that the mandates are likely to drive down total employment and reduce access to government services. In many cases these are the same services that mandate-pushing politicians have always insisted are utterly “critical” and must be expanded. Instead, the party is taking the position that the drive for vaccination must be placed before all other values in society, including public safety and employment for working class Americans.'
'The scientific basis for the mandate is dubious. We are told that the vaccine is effective and safe. If this assertion were true, there would be no reason for coercion, as everyone would voluntarily take the vaccine. Furthermore, anyone taking the vaccine would have nothing to fear from the unvaccinated. If the vaccine worked, then everyone taking the vaccine would be protected. Of course, the vaccine does not work for everyone. Since the vaccine does not work for everyone, it becomes a judgment call whether the risk of vaccination is worth the benefit. Contrary to what is claimed on a daily basis, the vaccine is not safe. There is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention database of adverse effects. As of November 7, 2021, there were 2,725,582 adverse events in 634,609 adverse event reports, including 8,284 deaths, 9,726 life-threatening events, 9,580 permanent disabilities, 363 congenital anomalies or birth defects, 38,818 hospitalizations, 79,615 ER visits, and 121,100 doctor's office visits attributed to the covid vaccines. These are only the risks we know about so far. Nobody knows what the adverse effects will be one, five, or ten years from now.'
This week's nationwide annihilation of Biden's Federal Contractor vaccine mandate at the hands Georgia Federal Judge R. Stan Baker has resulted in a landslide retreat of cowardly mega-corporations from their so-confident bullying of American workers.
Biden's illegal gamble, the nationwide Federal contractor vaccine mandate, has like his previous Medicare mandate and OSHA if-you-have-100-workers-mandatory-vax mandate been ripped to shreds early on in the courts.
Biden's mandates have always been a bullying gamble, an admission that they knew they were engaging in illegal acts but that they would continue to use the not-insignificant weapons of the executive branch to blast as much harm as possible until the courts stepped in and noted the obvious: "You can't do this!"
Like rats deserting a sinking ship. I am sure they are simply regrouping for the next attack. I find it a bit unnerving to see corporations move 'in concert' like this. Someone above them seems to be pulling their strings.
Dr. Anthony Fauci, head of the NIAID and chief medical adviser to the president, has suggested that vaccines may be mandatory to fly domestically as another incentive to get people vaccinated; he doesn't mention reducing the spread of the virus
As reports of disruptive and violent passengers continues to rise, having reached 2,900 since January 1, 2021, Fauci recently said that taking off masks while on airplanes is “not something we should even be considering"
Evidence before and during the pandemic does not support the use of masks. Although the newest variant has symptoms nearly identical to a cold, is responsible for 73% of the infections and has killed one person, Fauci says the virus is set to “take over this winter”
This is a new type of war, aimed against society to bring in a totalitarian regime bent on eliminating your freedom. There are steps we can take to keep their planned horrors at bay
This has NOTHING to do with public health and safety and everything to do with the Beast rising to power.
The World Economic Forum has decided that they are going to inject every man woman and child on the planet by whatever means necessary and people are being driven, by fear propaganda, to comply.
'And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? who is able to make war with him?' (The Book of Revelation chapter 13:4))
January 11, 2022, the Health and Human Services Committee of the Maine legislature held a public hearing on LD867 “An Act to Prohibit Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccinations for 5 Years to Allow for Safety Testing and Investigations Into Reproductive Harm”
Dr. Meryl Nass, an internist with a special interest in vaccine-induced illnesses and expertise in anthrax and bioterrorism, testified in favor of the bill
All currently available COVID shots in the U.S. are experimental. None is licensed. Comirnaty, which has received full license, is not available in the U.S., and won't be made available as long as doses of the Emergency Use Authorized Pfizer shot, BNT162b2, remain
Since the COVID shots are experimental, U.S. law requires potential recipients to have the right to refuse. Experimental drugs also cannot be mandated, and potential recipients must give written informed consent. Informed consent cannot be given when reports of side effects are censored and not disclosed
Some foundational safety studies are just now starting and won't be completed until 2027
We are being forced to take an experimental vaccine so the VAX makers have legal immunity.
Per the University of Chicago's newly announced booster mandate, all students and employees must obtain a booster shot by January 24. Those who do not comply will be barred from campus and restricted from attending in-person classes, among other activities.
This booster mandate is demonstrably unsafe, ineffective, unnecessary, inconsistent, and unethical. We've struggled beneath UChicago's draconian COVID decrees for years, but the university's booster mandate reaches a new height of absurdity.
UChicago's continued refusal to acknowledge natural immunity leads to only one conclusion: our university does not care about science, but only uses “science” as a guise for mandating recurring injections.
The Chicago Thinker recently confirmed that the university exempts University of Chicago Medical Center (UCMC) employees from the booster mandate, precisely because a significant number of doctors will resign if forced to get the jab. The university admitted to the Thinker that its UCMC exemption is an attempt to maintain medical staff, since presumably a significant number of UCMC's 9,000-plus employees will resign if beholden to a booster mandate.
UChicago also exempts clinically active faculty and staff within its Biological Sciences Division (BSD) from its booster mandate, presumably for the same reason.
Moreover, the UCMC and BSD include some of the country's top doctors and scientists, including experts in immunology. Take that in: Those who know the most about the booster are refusing to get it. What do these experts know about the booster that we don't? And if they're refusing to inject themselves with the booster, how is it remotely ethical to force us to inject ourselves? It's not.
The students MUST take the jab but faculty and staff are except! Interesting to note that the 'those who know most about the booster are refusing to get it'.
MARCH 2022
Yes, the Nets needed to suit up their unvaccinated player because their vaccinated ones had Covid.
Because vaccines work!
Then, in late February, Eric Adams, New York's new mayor, made a partial concession to reality and rolled back the jab mandates for indoor spaces. (The mandates had worked so well that New York had far more Covid infections than ever before this winter.)
Now anyone, vaccinated or not, can watch a game at Barclays.
But the city's workplace mandate remains in place, so Irving still can't play. By the way, the workplace mandate does not and has not ever applied to visiting players. Trust The Science!
This combination of rules means that Kyrie Irving is the only person in the world who faces any sanction at Barclays Center for refusing to take an mRNA shot.
The idiocy of the official response to COVID is insane. This isn't science, it's business as usual.
APRIL 2021
'This isn't really news. The plan was never to have a federal mandate.'
'The vaccine-passport idea was always for the private sector to “voluntarily” require customers to show our passports if we want to engage in common activities such as traveling, attending sports events, perhaps even shopping. The goal is to push reluctant people to accept the vaccine as the price of being able to engage in normal life.'
'And the beautiful part for the Biden administration is that the government won't get its hands dirty. A legal mandate would require Congress to pass a law or an executive-branch agency to promulgate a rule. Such actions involve checks and balances and democratic deliberation. That takes time! And any mandate would have to pass constitutional muster to boot.'
'But having the private sector impose such a burden on customers? Easy, peasy. Just have the CDC publish a guideline, then issue an announcement that the company intends to abide by the advisory. Spend a week or two training employees and begin enforcement.'
MAY 2021
New Wave'??? When did they ever have the FIRST wave of confrontation over masks?
Looks like a strategy to force implementation of Vaccine Passports.
They are now defining the official PROBLEM. Next they will create the CRISIS and then they will offer the 'official' SOLUTION as the ONLY acceptable response.
JULY 2021
We need more of this. The people need to resist this obvious tactic designed to enslave the world.
In its infinite Scientific™ wisdom, the city of Boston, Massachusetts just announced a new “vaccine passport” system set to take effect next month. This was one of the first major actions of the recently-elected mayor, Michelle Wu, who'd been hailed by many as a paradigm-shifter for her inspiring Progressive potential. Wu's passport system is endearingly called “B Together,” because there's nothing more emblematic of heartwarming communal “togetherness” than compulsory monitoring of medical activity by the government.
This is nothing short of diabolic! The mRNA jab does NOT work so why the push to take a treatment that is dangerous and does not work? Looks like bio-warfare to me.
Once again, the WEF has used it's power to influence people to illegally institute a policy so they can gain 'critical mass'. Soon their system will be revealed as a 'grass roots' movement that everyone should buy into. I imagine they believe their mandate program has given them enough critical mass to now begin to force the VAX Program onto every man, woman, and child on the planet by whatever means necessary.
The end-goal of vaccine passports is to surveil and collect not only medical information but also financial transactions, political affiliations, religious and philosophical beliefs and more
Disguised as a tool for convenience and safety, digitized IDs, such as mobile driver's licenses, will be embedded into everyday life and used to control everything from food and sustainability to travel and mobility
There's still time, however, to stop the imposition of totalitarian control worldwide, and a key way to do so is to fight back against vaccine passports
Investigative journalist Corey Lynn shared 22 ways to stop vaccine passports, from not complying and leaving your cellphone at home to using cash as much as possible and not supporting establishments that require vaccine passports
This is the next step in the WEF's master plan. Demonizing the unvaccinated. They have already turned the major business corporations against the un-vaxed. Next step is to turn the general population against them thereby creating an 'enemy' to fight. Then, in order to protect you, and cut off the un-vaxed from the means to resist, they will insist your vax status be connected to your bank account so you cannot but or sell without the mark of the beast.
I wanted to take a moment to recognize Novak Djokovic and his heroic defiance of the COVID regime, lending his enormous platform and status to the millions of people around the world who have been denied their unalienable rights in the name of a virus.
You would never know it by his disposition, but “Djoker” has an amazing rags to richer story, and he's well aware of how governments can cause great human suffering. Growing up in war-torn Belgrade, Djokovic had to learn to play tennis in between bombing raids. Far from a silver spooned prodigy, he had to defy incredible odds to just achieve a modicum of success, and yet he has become one of the greatest athletes of all time.
What separates Djokovic from other pro athletes on the COVID Mania issue is both his status as the world's greatest and his consistency in been speaking out against the COVID regime. Since day one, this man has been fighting the good fight, but the news hasn't reached consistent international attention until now.
A heroic man. Sacrificing his financial security to speak the truth.
APRIL 2022
By “effective,” they meant that the vaccinated individual was protected from infection for a period of time, and that was, no doubt, how it was understood by everyone who heard the news.
The article claims what was meant. Reality, in the form of Pfizer documentation shows that is NOT what was meant. It WAS what the Beast wanted you to think.
This post is the first in my future series, on how governments and shady non-governmental players psychologically manipulated us during the Covid-19 crisis. In this series, I will highlight various dirty tricks and explain why most people fell for them, one per post.
How can I know that all experts agree, if those disagreeing are not allowed to speak up?
How can anyone know that “Covid vaccine” is safe and effective, if no time actually passed to ensure that?
I refuse to allow the government to force a 'health care program' on me!
The WEF/IMF (aka the Beast) plan to 'chip up' every man, woman, and child on the planet by whatever means necessary in order for them to receive 'essential government services'.
The Patent on the Mark of the Beast
A patent on the Mark of the Beast
Interesting to note that ALL the tabs that would allow one to further research what is going on are LOCKED!
Also interesting to note, this patent was filed in the first year of the pandemic and right before the typical 'winter surge' in the cold and flu season. This technology was obviously studied, planned, and premeditated BEFORE the Plandemic was started!
APRIL 2021
'Pentagon scientists and Profusa have developed a tiny biosensor that can be embedded under your skin to detect disease'
Am I the only one who feels very uncorfortable about the Pentagon getting involved in Health Care?
MAY 2021
Implementing the mark of the beast
JULY 2021
'President Biden is calling for a “new biomedical research agency” that would operate under the guise of treatments for chronic diseases, but which, if implemented, would merge national security with health security
The plan would suck up masses of private data from “Apple Watches, Fitbits, Amazon Echo, and Google Home” and other consumer electronic devices, as well as information from health care providers to determine if an individual might be likely to commit a crime
The plan also would work toward merging “biology, engineering and computer science to harness the power of natural systems for national security” along with “advancements in biotechnology, supercomputing, big data and artificial intelligence” to accomplish its goals
In the interests of national safety, the Department of Defense wants everyone to have biometric wearables that could monitor 165 different biomarkers using an algorithm that could “recognize an infection or virus around 48 hours before the onset of symptoms”
Ultimately, promoters of the technology want to “develop tools to record, mark and manipulate precisely defined neurons in the living brain” that are determined to be linked to an “abnormal” function or a neurological disease'
The mark of the beast?
In a short video that quickly went viral across social media, the Swedish company Epicenter promoted the company's biochip technology to monitor vaccine status. Swedish government is heavily invested in technology, which drives Sweden's economy
One study found mandating a vaccine passport leveraged an uptick in accepting COVID-19 genetic therapy injections, especially those 20 to 49 years; this move essentially threatens people to get injections or risk being marginalized
Other implanted passport technology includes a dissolvable microneedle transdermal patch that injects the vaccine and quantum microdots with vaccine information to "label people" or tattooing a QR code with the digital information
Digital IDs are about control and profit, creating a system where people must rely on a chip for banking, food, health care, everyday purchases and more. Together, there are steps we can and must take to impede the movement toward enslaving society
The Mark Of The Beast
A 'must read' article for those that doubt the Mark of the Beast.
Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that when COVID-19 is treated within the first few days of symptom onset, there's an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death
With Omicron, we have been gifted a best-case scenario. The highly contagious virus can rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties
Two months before the rollout of the COVID shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that they could cause serious problems, including heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems and more, yet they pushed them anyway
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine
The antidote to COVID was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the COVID jab, which Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system
One of the best summaries I have read on the Mark Of The Beast.
The Mark of the Beast Slave System
So why, exactly, were these camps built?
According to President Biden, “a winter of death” awaits anyone who rejects the experimental COVID jab. If we are to go by actual science and data, the warning Biden issued should have gone out to the vaccinated, because everything points to the double and triple jabbed being at increased risk for infection, especially with the Omicron variant
One reason for this is because the COVID jab reprograms your innate and adaptive immune systems, causing immune depletion. Data also show that the more heavily “vaccinated” a population is, the higher the case rate gets
As predicted, we are rapidly approaching a time when the unvaccinated might be imprisoned for no other reason than their refusal of an experimental gene transfer injection
In early January 2021, a New York bill (A416) was introduced that would give the governor and his or her delegates the power to remove and/or indefinitely detain anyone suspected of being a threat to public health. Detainees would be kept in a “medical facility or other appropriate facility” — in other words, a medical prison camp — for a maximum of 60 days, although a court could extend the detention in 90-day increments, indefinitely
n Australia, medical incarceration is already underway. Anyone who has come in close contact with someone who tests positive must spend 14 days in the quarantine camp, even if they are triple jabbed and test negative for COVID
The Beast regime has been creating this system of incarceration for decades. Think about that for a moment. Hundreds of these camps across the country, funded by taxpayer dollars, sitting virtually empty for decades. WHY? I think the are getting ready to show us why!
The future of the world!!!
Thanksgiving gatherings were discouraged once again in many parts of the U.S., and many government leaders are now urging residents to cancel their Christmas celebrations too
The global response to the COVID-19 pandemic has little to do with the spread of an actual virus, and everything to do with the planned global takeover and implementation of a technocratic agenda known as the Great Reset
Mask mandates, social distancing, business shutdowns and online working and learning are all forms of “soft indoctrination” to get us used to a way of life devoid of our rights and freedoms
While the Great Reset plan is being sold as a way to make life fair and equitable for all, it's really a wealth redistribution scheme that transfers wealth from the working class to the technocratic elite
The mass vaccination and boosters-for-life agenda are part of the technocratic coup underway
This plandemic has NOTHING to do with public health or safety.
'The Great Barrington Declaration - As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.'
Doctors all over the world are reacting negatively to the current protocols being forced on the population. The US response? Just ignore them!
APRIL 2021
'Fauci doesn't write or establish the quarantine policies being enforced by cities and states; he can only advise other people in and out of government. But his voice carries a lot of weight, and, more or less willingly, he has become the face of America's quarantine policies. Frustratingly, his perspective always seem to be that the right time to open up is another six weeks from now, no matter how low caseloads get or how much the national vaccination program accelerates.'
Cases are going down around the world but still the corporate media is pushing the fear narrative.
'The term “original antigenic sin” was first used by Thomas Francis in 1960, who determined that antibody response to a viral infection was highest against strains of seasonal influenza to which different age cohorts had first been exposed
While imprinting can enhance your protection against future infections if you're exposed to antigenically related strains, if you're exposed to a distantly related strain, it may increase susceptibility to infection
If the immune system reaction triggered by the COVID-19 vaccine acts as the original imprint, subsequent COVID-19 vaccines — updated to target emerging variants of SARS-CoV-2 — could be rendered ineffective
A related phenomenon is pathogenic priming, in which, rather than enhancing your immunity against the infection, exposure to a virus or vaccine enhances the virus' ability to enter and infect your cells, resulting in more severe disease
Significant concerns have also been raised surrounding antibody‐dependent enhancement (ADE), and the possibility that COVID-19 vaccines could worsen COVID-19 disease via ADE'
My editorial summation on April 29, 2021
Since the onset of COVID-19, mostly anonymous, 'leading medical experts' have been telling us to stop (or slow) the spread of COVID, we needed to wear a mask, practice social distancing, wash your hands, sanitize surfaces, stay at home whenever possible, and a vaccine was our ONLY hope of stopping the virus.
We now know:
- Masks do NOT stop the spread of COVID 19.
- Social distancing does NOT stop the spread of COVID 19.
- Hand washing does very little to slow the spread of COVID 19.
Sanitizing surfaces does very little to slow the spread of COVID 19.
'The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low.'
- Staying at home, indoors, actually helps spread COVID 19.
However, anonymous 'leading medical experts' are still saying an untested vaccine, pushed through under the Emergency Use Authorization Act, is our ONLY hope of beating COVID 19.
MAY 2021
So even though cases have been 'dropping for weeks' the CDC is predicting a spike! Why?
Guess we'll soon see if this prediction comes true.
Who gets to decide what this 'a path toward a more normal lifestyle' is?
This looks like a propaganda 'hit piece' from start to finish.
Who is the 'WE' that has been waiting for this?
Interesting to note that there is no honest debate anymore.
>Now the medical industrial complex is attacking the very institutions that they created. Once again the 'official narrative' (which changes over time) is the ONLY narrative you are allowed to believe.
Another blatant propaganda piece from Yahoo along with the veiled threat to those who are intelligent enough (or just do not trust the government) to NOT take the mRNA shot.
If over 70% of the population has had the 'vaccine' how is it possible to have a 'surge'?
This does not ring true. Last week the were proclaiming that Israel had achieved 90% vaccination. Who is telling the truth? Or, are they all lying?
Hmmm... It seems that all those anonymous 'leading medical experts' were not so 'expert' after all.
0:14 - The CDC estimates that 259.7 million does of the mRNA shot have been administered.
QUESTION: with at least a third of Americans fully vaccinated, why aren't the infection numbers dropping?
WIN $2,000,000 DOLLARS!!!
This is the second in a series of articles arguing that obeisance to constrictive evidence-based medicine (EBM) treatment protocols in a pandemic is causing an unnecessary loss of hundreds of thousands of lives.
June 2021
'The COVID-19 vaccines are killing “huge numbers” of people and the government is hiding the data, according to Dr. Peter McCullough, a professor in medicine who is the most cited doctor on COVID treatments in the National Library of Medicine.
In a video interview, he says the United States government, Gates Foundation and all the world health agencies have made a “commitment to mass vaccination” while sitting on information showing that mass numbers of people are dying from those vaccines.
McCollough, who also has a master's degree in public health, is an award-winning doctor whose own COVID treatments successfully helped get people well as outpatients and keep them out of the hospital. McCollough has already testified before the U.S. Senate about effective treatments he's used.
Yet, despite the fact that these treatments are inexpensive and easily available, the world's governments and health agencies have colluded to simply concentrate on getting everyone vaccinated, McCollugh says — and it's killing tens of thousands of people. And, as governments and health agencies purposely choose not to acknowledge it, he's calling it an effective “scrubbing” of the truth.
A “lot of Americans don't understand how tight these stakeholders are,” he says, and any other vaccine would have been pulled from the market long before now.'
What will it take for them to 'put the brakes' on this experiment and take time to analyze the data?
'It became clear early on that children and teens are at very low risk from COVID-19, with a 99.997% survival
Masking, social distancing and virtual schooling persisted nonetheless, even as experts sounded the alarm about their probable implications, including physical, psychological and behavioral adverse effects
Speaking at the Advanced Medicine Conference May 30, 2021, Leila Centner, chief executive officer and co-founder of Centner Academy in Miami, Florida, detailed many of the risks posed to children by COVID-19 school guidelines, along with the inconsistencies and lack of research behind their use
A number of states have now banned mask mandates in schools, often as the result of public outcry; Stand for Health Freedom has a form you can use to ask your governor and department of education to lift harmful COVID-19 guidelines in your child's school so students can return to normal, healthy learning environments'
There is no need for concern. The manufacturers assure us their product is safe. SHEER INSANITY!
JULY 2021
Some common sense in a public forum.
'Dominic Cummings, the prime minister's former adviser, this week released text messages he said was sent to aides by Johnson in October.
“I must say I have been slightly rocked by some of the data on covid fatalities. The median age is 82 - 81 for men 85 for women,” they read.
“That is above life expectancy. So get Covid and live longer.
“Hardly anyone under 60 goes into hospital (4 per cent ) and of those virtually all survive.
“And I no longer buy all this NHS overwhelmed stuff. Folks I think we may need to recalibrate.”'
If the median age for Covid mortality is 82 years old, why is the medical industrial complex, and the government saying that children are at risk?
JULY 2021
If the pandemic policy response had taken the form of mere advice, we would not be in the midst of this social, economic, cultural, political disaster. What caused the wreckage was the application of political force that was baked into the pandemic response this time in a way that has no precedent in human history.
High COVID vaccination rates create pressure on the virus to mutate into variants with higher levels of contagion and pathogenicity. Recent research concluded that those who are fully “vaccinated” against COVID-19 are indeed more susceptible to COVID variant infections than unvaccinated people
The narrow protection you get from the COVID shot will inevitably necessitate a booster shot for each emerging new variant that is resistant to the shots
U.K. data show the COVID death toll is higher among the fully vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated. Between February 1, 2021, and September 12, 2021, 63.5% of those who died from COVID-19 within 28 days of a positive test were fully vaccinated
Infection-enhancing anti-SARS-CoV-2 antibodies now recognize both the original Wuhan/D614G strain and Delta variants, which suggests antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) is emerging
Israeli research shows antibody levels rapidly decrease after the second dose of Pfizer's COVID shot. IgG antibodies — which are part of your humoral immune response — decreased at a consistent rate over time, whereas the neutralizing antibodies rapidly decreased during the first three months, and then slowed down thereafter
Children have, by far, the lowest risk for serious COVID-19 infection; COVID policies have therefore had an outsized impact on children and teens
Suicide attempts among girls rose 51% in 2021
Between 2019 and 2020, adolescent overdose mortality rose from 2.35 per 100,000 to 4.58 per 100,000, a 94.3% increase
Fentanyl fatalities among teens nearly tripled between 2019 to 2020, and represented 76.6% of adolescent overdose deaths in 2021
Children's health is also being decimated by COVID jab mandates. A declaration signed by 16,000 doctors and scientists calls for the elimination of all COVID jab mandates for children
Sacrifice the Young to 'Protect' the Old?
As noted by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., never before has a society demanded that children take risks that might sacrifice their health in order to protect the old.
It's immoral and irrational. The always target the children.
According to Collette Martin, a practicing nurse who testified before a Louisiana Health and Welfare Committee hearing December 6, 2021, children are having “terrifying” reactions to the COVID shot, yet her concerns are simply dismissed
The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually, with an average of 155 deaths. That's for all available vaccines combined. The COVID jabs alone now account for 983,756 adverse event reports as of December 17, 2021, including 20,622 deaths — and this doesn't include the underreporting factor, which we know is significant
Children are at risk for potentially lifelong health problems from the jab. Myocarditis (heart inflammation) has emerged as one of the most common problems, especially among boys and young men
Myocarditis is inversely correlated to age, so the risk gets higher the younger you are. The risk is also dose-dependent, with boys having a six fold greater risk of myocarditis following the second dose
British data show deaths among teenagers have spiked since that age group became eligible for the COVID shots. Between the week ending June 26 and the week ending September 18, 2020, 148 deaths were reported among 15- to 19-year-olds. During those same weeks in 2021, 217 deaths occurred in that age group — an increase of 47%
I don't know which is worse, the mass murder of children or the blind obedience of the ignorant to genocide of the planet.
Over and over again we are seeing where the medical industrial complex, the government, and the corporate media are committing mass murder in the name of their sacred VAX Program.
This was the esteemed Dr. Fauci's (America's 'leading expert' in infectious diseases) first assessment of Covid-19.
Straight from the Center for Disease Control (CDC)
'Although mechanistic studies support the potential effect of hand hygiene or face masks, evidence from 14 randomized controlled trials of these measures did not support a substantial effect on transmission of laboratory-confirmed influenza.'

This was the esteemed Dr. Fauci's (America's 'leading expert' in infectious diseases) first assessment of Covid-19.
APRIL 2020
'“Researchers in Denmark reported on Wednesday that surgical masks did not protect the wearers against infection with the coronavirus in a large randomized clinical trial,” the New York Times reports.'
Straight from the National Institute of Health (NIH)
'Many countries across the globe utilized medical and non-medical facemasks as non-pharmaceutical intervention for reducing the transmission and infectivity of coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19). Although, scientific evidence supporting facemasks' efficacy is lacking, adverse physiological, psychological and health effects are established. Is has been hypothesized that facemasks have compromised safety and efficacy profile and should be avoided from use. The current article comprehensively summarizes scientific evidences with respect to wearing facemasks in the COVID-19 era, providing proper information for public health and decisions making.'
December 2020
'The first randomized controlled trial of more than 6,000 individuals to assess the effectiveness of surgical face masks against SARS-CoV-2 infection found masks did not statistically significantly reduce the incidence of infection'

March 2021
'President Biden on Wednesday slammed the “neanderthal thinking” of Republican governors who lifted COVID-19 mask mandates in Texas and Mississippi — as the CDC stressed that highly-contagious new COVID-19 variants threaten the fight against the virus.
“The last thing, the last thing you need is neanderthal thinking that in the meantime everything is fine, take off your mask,” Biden told reporters when asked about scrapped mask orders in Texas and Mississippi.'
'Weeks after disregarding their mask mandate, the Lone Star State hasn't seen a spike in coronavirus cases - in fact, coronavirus cases have decreased for the 18th day in a row. Texas has administered 10 million vaccine doses, with nearly 13% of its population fully vaccinated, hospitalizations have decreased, and death rates have plummeted, according to the Texas Tribune.'
APRIL 2021
'It's been some five weeks since Texas lifted its mask mandate, and there has yet to be an explosion of COVID-19 cases.'
'It's something Dr. Anthony Fauci can't quite explain.'
“I'm not really quite sure,” he told MSNBC this week. “It could be they're doing things outdoors.”''
'Yet in recent weeks, these predictions about Texas's fate have proven to be spectacularly wrong. Moreover, many of the states with the worst growth in covid cases—and the worst track records in overall death counts—have been states that have had some of the harshest lockdowns.'
'Dr. Anthony Fauci on Sunday said that he expects the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to release updated guidance on wearing masks outside — as the risk of spreading COVID-19 is “really very low” in the fresh air.
“I think it's pretty common sense now that outdoor risk is really, really quite low,” Fauci said on ABC's “This Week.” “If you are a vaccinated person, wearing a mask outdoors, obviously, the risk is minuscule.”'
'Dr. Anthony Fauci told CNN last weekend that the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is expected to release new guidance suggesting relaxed outdoor mask policies.'
They are already trying to take credit for doing next to nothing. What is the 'stunning progress' on Coronavirus?
'Prashant Bhushan, an advocate-on-record for the Supreme Court of India, put a post on Twitter that recommended reading a peer-reviewed study demonstrating that masks are ineffective and can cause substantial adverse physiological and psychological effects Twitter removed the tweet, citing a violation of Twitter rules
The study suggests that by mechanically restricting breathing, wearing a face mask may lead to a low level of oxygen in the blood (hypoxemia) along with excessive carbon dioxide in your bloodstream (hypercapnia), which in turn may lead to numerous long-term health effects'
MAY 2021
'According to an expert on viral transmission mechanics, brief outdoor encounters present a “very low risk” for transmission of COVID-19. Viral particles quickly disperse in outdoor air, so the risk of inhaling aerosolized virus from passersby is negligible
Using mathematical models, Italian researchers have calculated the amount of time it would take for you to contract the SARS-CoV-2 virus outdoors in Milan. If 10% of the population were infected, you would require 31.5 days of continuous outdoor exposure to inhale a dose of virus sufficient to transmit infection
Other research has shown your odds of transmitting COVID-19 are 18.7 times greater indoors than in an open-air environment
Several investigations looking at SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentrations in air have come up empty. No detectable RNA was found in air samplings from various locations in Wuhan, China, Venice in northern Italy, or Lecce in southern Italy, during the pandemic
Germany's first registry for side effects of mask wearing on children has identified 24 physical, psychological and behavioral health issues, including irritability (60%), headache (53%), difficulty concentrating (50%), reduced happiness (49%), reluctance to go to school/kindergarten (44%), malaise (42%), impaired learning (38%) and drowsiness or fatigue (37%)'
'From day one of this pandemic, it was abundantly clear that outdoor transmission — aside from perhaps an infected individual screaming in someone's face — is essentially zero. Had the CDC properly conveyed this fact to the public, it could have preserved an amazing quality of life for so many people that would have included continuation of children's play and sports, seniors enjoying more friendship, fresh air, and vitamin D, and a happier, less depressed society. Yet, to this day, they are continuing to force children to wear masks even outdoors in the summer heat.'
'New York Times reporter David Leonhardt published a very thorough takedown of the CDC's outdoor masking guidance. The takedown brings into question how we can trust anything else they tell us when they seem hell-bent on playing up the danger of the virus at all costs and in all situations, over-stating the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical intervention, and underplaying the concerns about side effects from mask-wearing and the vaccines.'
'A stunning New York Times report claims that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's estimate that the risk of coronavirus transmission while outdoors is around 10% is greatly exaggerated.'
So, once again, the advice of the anonymous, 'leading medical experts' has proven to be false.
Just last week the CDC was talking about spikes and surges and this week they are saying the numbers have been dropping.
It appears they are trying to spin this narrative in order to promote the official narrative that the mRNA injections are safe and effective.
I think they are trying to reward the 'sheeple' who have accepted the official narrative. This way they can push for vaccine passports so they can tell who should and should not be masked.
The fact remains that multiple studies (including studies done by the CDC) have show that masks do not stop the transmission of COVID-19.
'Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation's top infectious disease expert, championed the recent decision by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to relax mask mandates for fully vaccinated Americans, saying the situation in the U.S. had changed amid a vaccination blitz and plummeting numbers of COVID-19 infections.
“The data that's accumulated now is that clearly the infections are going down,” Fauci told CNN host Jake Tapper on Thursday. “They're averaging about 36,000 a day right now, which has gone down about a third. As you mentioned, 58% of people have at least one dose ― shot of a vaccine ― and greater than 40% are fully vaccinated, so the situation has changed.”
The CDC on Thursday eased mask-wearing requirements for the fully vaccinated, saying many Americans could “resume activities that you did prior to the pandemic.” The updated rules mean people can forgo face coverings and social distancing even indoors.'
Isn't this indicating that 'herd immunity' is happening and restrictions should lifted?
Following the events since Texas publically lifted mask mandates last month (joining at least 15 other states which have done the same thing).
The rates in Texas had been dropping so they lifted the mandates. Fauci, President Biden, anonymous 'leading medical experts and health officials' all predicted surges and spikes. Data shows that the rates in Texas and other free states continued to drop are are continuing to drop as of the publication of this article.
As I expected, when Texas joined Florida and 14 other states that had lifted their mask mandates, there were NO associated spikes or rises in the cases of ANY of those states even though the 'official narrative' parroted by the Government and corporate main stream media were predictions of dire consequences.
Currently the Beast System is trying to 'spin' the narrative by claiming the mRNA shot is the reason the restrictions are being lifted by the CDC.
I think the reason the CDC is lifting the mandate is to further promote their course of action and to downplay the evidence that masking is ineffective in stopping the spread of COVID-19.

Face masks protect against COVID-19. That's the conclusion of a gold-standard clinical trial in Bangladesh, which backs up the findings of hundreds of previous observational and laboratory studies.
To the best of my knowledge, this is currently the only study the government has that shows masking is effective against COVID-19. Of course the so called effectiveness is less than 10%.
It is estimated that the Spanish flu pandemic killed 20 to 50 million people worldwide
In the words of the CDC, "CDC researchers and their colleagues successfully reconstructed the influenza virus that caused the 1918-19 flu pandemic, which killed as many as 50 million people worldwide
Politicians in some cities were enforcing masks in the name of patriotism and public good — and the police were jailing dissenters — the scientists debated the value of masks for preventing the flu
Those that do not learn from the mistakes of the past are likely to repeat them.
Snoqualmie Valley Marines Testing Masks with Bear Spray (2022-0207)
A simple, at home test.
Bear spray = 3-6 microns
Covid = 0.1-0.3 microns (significantly smaller).
Thesis - if you believe this mask will protect you from Covid, then in theory you believe this mask will protect you from CS gas.
Backing up the statements in the video above is the following report from the National Institute of Standards (NIST) published in 2007.
In summary:
- Droplets larger than 10 microns do not reach the lungs and are generally not health hazards.
- Droplets equal to or smaller than 10 microns do reach the upper airways of the lungs.
- Droplets equal to or smaller than 2.5 microns reach the alveoli and are considered hazardous.
Pepper sprays are larger than 2.5 microns since they are not considered hazardous.
This report documents a preliminary investigation of the measurement of droplet sizes in the spray from four commercial 'fogger' type pepper spray products. Droplet sizes were measured over the range of 2 μm to 120 μm by phase Doppler interferometry at a distance from the canisters similar to that expected when the spray is used as a defensive weapon.

APRIL 2022
According to our analysis, no additional effect seemed to be gained from this, based on comparisons between the cities and between the age groups of the unvaccinated children (10-12 years versus 7-9 years).
The masks do nothing against COVID.
Masks do not work to protect anyone from SARS-CoV-2. It's all based on sloppy science. We asked the senior author of the Bangladesh mask study to defend his study. He failed. Badly. Very badly.

APRIL 2021
Straight from the MIT Scientists who authored the study.
I find it very disturbing that two (2) days BEFORE their results are published in PNAS, the scientists are already noting that the scientific findings of their study are ALREADY being 'mischaracterized by some on social media and in the news'.
MIT Study from
the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)
'The current revival of the American economy is being predicated on social distancing, specifically the Six-Foot Rule, a guideline that offers little protection from pathogen-bearing aerosol droplets sufficiently small to be continuously mixed through an indoor space.'
The corporate media tries to belittle the study in the main title before you even read the article or look at the MIT study.
Remember the 'good ole days' when the editorial comments did not come until the END of the article?
Quite a difference from the title used by
Novembr 2020
'Experts say that over-cleaning surfaces could have diminishing returns for preventing COVID-19 infections.
Early on in the pandemic, scientists thought the coronavirus might spread well on surfaces.
Despite a wealth of evidence now that the virus spreads mainly through the air, and during face-to-face contact, cleaning supply sales are still spiking.'
APRIL 2021
'The principal mode by which people are infected with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is through exposure to respiratory droplets carrying infectious virus. It is possible for people to be infected through contact with contaminated surfaces or objects (fomites), but the risk is generally considered to be low.'
Remember all the handwashing and surface sanitizing?
It appears it was doing little or nothing to stop or slow the spread of COVID 19.
'Routine disinfection is unnecessary against the coronavirus in most situations, the CDC said Monday.
Studies have estimated the chance of catching COVID-19 from a surface at 1 in 10,000.
One public-health expert called deep cleaning a "bad use" of time and energy.'
June 2021
'But the tests are unnecessary and unreliable, and should not be used to determine how much protection someone gains from the vaccines, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration says.'
WHAT?! Who are these 'experts'?
Is the mRNA jab a vaccine or an overpriced treatment?
Early in 2020, I discovered that the mRNA jab did not prevent infection, did not prevent transmission of the virus and, that it was NEVER DESIGNED TO PREVENT INFECTION OR TO PREVENT TRANSMISSION!!!
The mRNA shot was designed to be a treatment for the symptoms of COVID. It was designed to merely lesson the symptoms and number of deaths!!!
While those things may be considered good, how do they plan to "Crush Covid" with a treatment that does NOT prevent infection or transmission???

To read these paragraphs - from Dr. D.A. Henderson, the man more responsible for eradicating smallpox than anyone else - is to see that advocates of mRNA Covid vaccines were far past optimistic.
They were delusional.
Every detail of the reasons that Henderson offers to believe that smallpox was a viable candidate for eradication are reversed with Covid. Every single one. But that fever dream of eradication lay behind the push to use a crazily novel biotechnology against a pathogen far less dangerous than smallpox.
If only Henderson had been alive in 2020 to speak out against this insanity.
Alex Berenson 2022-0325March 2017
'mRNA 'Vaccines' Fulfill None of the Criteria for a Vaccine'
Some good references at the end of this article.
'Researchers at two Harvard-affiliated hospitals are adapting a proven form of gene therapy to develop a coronavirus vaccine, which they expect to test in people later this year, they announced on Monday.
Their work employs a method already used in gene therapy for two inherited diseases, including a form of blindness: It uses a harmless virus as a vector, or carrier, to bring DNA into the patient's cells. In this case, the DNA should instruct the cells to make a coronavirus protein that would stimulate the immune system to fight off future infections.'
August 2020
APRIL 2021
1. Vaccine Makers Are Immune From Liability
2. The Checkered Past of the Vaccine Companies
3. The Ugly History of Attempts to Make Coronavirus Vaccines
4. The 'Data Gaps' Submitted to the FDA by the Vaccine Makers
5. No Access to the Raw Data From the Trials
6. No Long-Term Safety Testing
7. No Informed Consent
8. Underreporting of Adverse Reactions and Death
9. The Vaccines Do Not Stop Transmission or Infection
10. People Are Catching COVID After Being Fully Vaccinated
11. The Overall Death Rate From COVID
12. The Bloated COVID Death Numbers
13. Fauci and 6 Others at NIAID Own Patents in Moderna's Vaccine
14. Fauci's on the Hot Seat for Illegal Gain-of-Function Research
15. The Virus Continues to Mutate
16. Censorship — and the Complete Absence of Scientific Debate
17. The World's Leading Vaccinologist Is Sounding the Alarm
18. I Already Had COVID
Is 'the jab' safe?
Since the very beginning of the Plandemic, the Medical Industrial Complex, the Corporate Media, and the governments of the world have been claiming the mRNA jab is safe and effective.
Any form of communication that wasn't pro VAX was censored and villified in the Corporate Media and the Medical Industrial Complex.
As predicted by the mountains of alleged 'misinformation' that people were investigating, deaths started mounting as soon as the VAX Jab Program began.
There appears to be a concerted effort to broadcast anything pro VAX and to denigrate anything that isn't
PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, BIVALENT- original and omicron ba.4/ba.5 injection, suspension Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV (WWW.NIH.GOV 2023-0511)
PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, BIVALENT- original and omicron ba.4/ba.5 injection, suspension Pfizer Manufacturing Belgium NV (WWW.NIH.GOV 2023-0511)
All the dangers you never hear on the main stream media and all the warnings you never heard from the 'leading medical experts'.
Pfizer Fact Sheet: JANUARY 2022
Side effects that have been reported with the vaccine include: myocarditis, pericarditis...
Sure doesn't sound very safe to me.

Blood exposure to graphene oxide (GO) causes anaphylactic death in primate animals.
Long-circulation and distal lung deposition contribute to anaphylactic reaction.
Anaphylactic reaction was manifested by elevated IgE level and severe lung injury.
Case-by-case allergy tests are indispensable prior to the biomedical use of GO.
Why exactly are they putting graphine oxide in these jabs?
Study done by the New England Journal of Medicine
Study done by the New England Journal of Medicine

March 2021
MAY 2021
'It's a simple question but do you know the answer? How many Americans have died after taking the COVID vaccine? If you look at the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reports System (VAERS), 3,362 people died after getting it just between late December 2020 and April 23, 2021 — an average of 30 people every day.
So why aren't you hearing more about that? Why aren't government officials talking about it? “You'd think you would know more about that than what you do,” Tucker Carlson says, especially since statistics show the actual number probably is even higher than that.
'But amazingly … no one even mentions the numbers and in fact you're not allowed to — you'll be pulled off the internet if you do. The people in charge do not acknowledge them,” Carlson says. “Instead, they warn us about what might happen if we don't take the vaccine … [But] do you know anything about the downside … [or] the potential risks?”
With other vaccines, the government discloses the number of people who die after they received them, but what about with the COVID vaccine? “What is the real number of people who apparently have been killed or injured by the [COVID] vaccines?” Carlson presses.
“Well, we don't know that number. Nobody does. We spoke with one physician today who actively treats COVID patients. He described what we're seeing now as the single deadliest mass vaccination event in modern history.”'
'The company did not immediately respond to a request for comment.'
Why didn't the company respond to a request for comment? Could it be because they do not have to?
Plenty of good reasons to be wary of the mRNA shot!
'Each year, more than 165 million Americans get the flu shot. There were 85 reported deaths following influenza vaccination in 2017; 119 deaths in 2018; and 203 deaths in 2019
Between mid-December 2020 and April 23, 2021, at which point between 95 million and 100 million Americans had received their COVID-19 shots, there were 3,544 reported deaths following COVID vaccination, or about 30 per day
In just four months, the COVID-19 vaccines have killed more people than all available vaccines combined from mid-1997 until the end of 2013 — a period of 15.5 years
As of April 23, 2021, VAERS had also received 12,618 reports of serious adverse events. In total, 118,902 adverse event reports had been filed
In the European Union, the EudraVigilance system had as of April 17, 2021, received 330,218 injury reports after vaccination with one of the four available COVID vaccines, including 7,766 deaths'
Sounds like a reasonable question to ask.
Looks like they are trying to 'sanitize' the numbers. So much for 'following the science'.
June 2021
No matter how many people die, anonymous 'leading medical experts' all agree that vaccines are the ONLY solution.
When will the insanity end?
JUNE 2021
'According to all-cause mortality statistics adjusted for population growth, the number of Americans who have died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 14% higher than 2018, the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality, and 16% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019
Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of it?
The COVID jab killed an estimated 1,018 people per million doses administered during the first 30 days of the European vaccination campaign
When counting only deaths categorized as COVID-19 deaths, the death toll from the jabs is estimated to be between 200 and 500 deaths per million doses administered. With 4 billion doses having been administered around the world, that means 800,000 to 2 million so-called “COVID-19 deaths” may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths
Data from 23 countries reveal the number of new COVID cases (i.e., positive tests) after the start of the COVID jab campaign is 3.8 times higher than it was before the rollout of the shots, and the daily COVID death rate is 3.82 times higher'
'Kyle Warner, a 29-year-old professional mountain bike racer, developed pericarditis, POTS and reactive arthritis following his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 shot
About two weeks after the shot, Warner experienced extremely elevated heart rates; an ER doctor refused to believe it was an adverse reaction to the jab and instead blamed it on a “psychotic episode”
After visiting another hospital due to more heart trouble, Warner was referred to a cardiologist who diagnosed him with pericarditis, an inflammation of the outer lining of the heart
For four months now, Warner has been so ill that he hasn't been able to work or ride a bike; even mental exertion can cause him to relapse physically
At the Real, Not Rare rally held in Washington, D.C., Warner spoke before politicians to make a difference in the support level for vaccine-injured people — which is nonexistent in the U.S. — and voice opposition to vaccine mandates; “I believe where there is risk, there needs to be choice,” he said'
So the Medical Industrial Complex simply refuses to acknowledge the damage caused by 'the jab' and the government does nothing to support the people being hurt.
'More than 2,000 fully vaccinated over 70s have died from COVID-19 in the past month in England, new data shows.
A report by the UK Health Security Agency showed 2,032 fully vaccinated over 70s have died within 28 days of positive COVID test in the last four weeks.
In total, 2,447 double-jabbed people died in the period covered by the report, compared to 538 unvaccinated people.'
Interesting to note the 'spin' put on the data by the corporate media. Deaths are deaths and people are now seeing fully jabbed people dying all around them. I thought 'the jab' was supposed to prevent this?
(NOTE: 2021-0129 - As of today the official narrative is that NONE of these incidents have anything to do with the mRNA Jab.)
Nobody can explain that. Some poo-poo these events saying that they happen all the time. True, they do. But not at this rate. Something happened in 2021 that changed things by a lot. Can you guess?
The Medical Industrial Complex and the corporate media refuse to investigate this.
According to a September 2021 analysis, based on conservative, best-case scenarios, the COVID shots have killed five times more seniors (65+) than the infection
In younger people and children, the risk associated with the COVID shot, compared to the risk of COVID-19, is bound to be even more pronounced show higher vaccination rates do not translate into lower COVID-19 case rates
The COVID shots are an epic failure. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports having more than 30,000 spontaneous reports of either hospitalizations and/or deaths among the fully vaccinated; data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services show 300,000 vaccinated CMS recipients have been hospitalized with breakthrough infections; 60% of seniors over age 65 hospitalized for COVID-19 have been vaccinated
50% of reported deaths after COVID-19 “vaccination” occur within 24 hours; 80% occur within the first week. According to one report, 86% of deaths have no other explanation aside from a vaccine adverse event. A Scandinavian study concluded about 40% of post-jab deaths among seniors in assisted living homes are directly due to the injection
How many people have to die before we realize that a 'vaccination program' is NOT a safe or effective strategy for ANY illness?
Pfizer/BioNTech's Comirnaty COVID shot was approved (licensed) by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in late August 2021, but only for adults, and only when carrying the Comirnaty label. No other COVID shot has been FDA approved. However, Comirnaty is currently not available, and while the experimental, emergency use authorized (EUA) Pfizer shot is substituted for Comirnaty, the two products are clearly legally distinct and not the same
A licensed vaccine is not shielded from liability until or unless it's added to the recommended childhood vaccination schedule by the CDC. So, if you were injured by Comirnaty, you could sue Pfizer. You cannot sue if injured by the EUA Pfizer shot (or any of the other EUA COVID injections)
Even though several hundred claims have been filed with the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program (CICP) for injuries resulting from the COVID shots — which is the only possible avenue to obtain damages — not a single claim has been paid out
Natural immunity is much stronger than what you can achieve from the injection, which only provides antibodies against the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and wanes within a few months. The shots may in fact permanently limit the kind of immune response you would make were you to later be exposed or infected with COVID
Children's Health Defense has filed a lawsuit arguing you cannot have a vaccine that is both an emergency use product and a licensed product at the same time. That's against the law, but the government has done it anyway. Remarkably, the request for an injunction was initially thrown out, but the CHD has not given up and is still pursuing the case
Once again, a total disregard for the law and ethical behavior.
December 2021
Florian Dagoury is a world record holder in static breath-hold freediving; he held his breath for an astonishing 10 minutes and 30 seconds
After receiving his second dose of Pfizer's COVID-19 injection, he experienced increased heart rate and a reduction in his breath-holding capacity
A cardiologist diagnosed him with myocarditis and pericarditis, both recognized adverse effects linked to the shots
In another instance, 34-year-old Jeremy Chardy, a professional tennis player ranked 73rd in the world, suspended his season due to a severe adverse reaction to the COVID-19 shot
Veteran triathlete Antoine Méchin, 32, is also facing the potential end to his career after receiving Moderna COVID-19 injections and developing a pulmonary embolism
While health officials remain silent about COVID-19 injection reactions, the growing number of reports of adverse reactions cannot be silenced forever
How many people have to suffer because psychotic individuals cannot admit they are wrong?
Many athletes are now losing their careers due to COVID jab injuries. Florian Dagoury is the world record holder in static breath-hold freediving. Before his Pfizer jabs, he was able to hold his breath for 10 minutes and 30 seconds. After his second dose, his diving performance was slashed by about 30%, and he's been diagnosed with myocarditis, pericarditis and trivial mitral regurgitation
Others include tennis player Jeremy Chardy and 32-year-old triathlete Antoine Mechin. Both were severely injured by their COVID jabs. Both now regret taking the shot. “Damaging healthy people to preserve the health of the weakest,” Mechin now says, is “a choice of backward logic”
By any objective measure, the COVID shots are the most dangerous drugs ever launched. The safety signal is absolutely massive
A troubling effect that isn't getting the attention it deserves is miscarriage. As of November 19, 2021, 3,071 miscarriages had been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS)
Getting the COVID shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy is extremely risky. Preliminary data published in April 2021 show miscarriage occurred in 82% to 91% of women who got the shot during the first 20 weeks of pregnancy
In the week ending November 12, 2021, the U.K. reported 2,047 more deaths than occurred during the same period between 2015 and 2019; heart disease and strokes appear to be behind many of the excess deaths
In the last 13 weeks alone, about 107,700 seniors died above the normal rate, despite a 98.7% injection rate
In Vermont, where the majority are also injected, excess deaths are the highest they've been since before the pandemic
An investigation using official data from NHS and the U.K.'s Office for National Statistics (ONS) found that deaths among teenagers increased 47% since they started getting COVID-19 shots
Deaths from COVID-19 also went up among 15- to 19-year-olds after the shots were rolled out for this age group
Even with mass injections and some receiving two and even three shots in their arm, excess deaths are rising
It is definitely not normal for young athletes to suffer from cardiac arrests or to die while playing their sport, but this year it is happening. All of these heart issues and deaths come shortly after they got a COVID shot. While it is possible this can happen to people who did not get a COVID shot, the sheer numbers clearly point to the only obvious cause.
This should get interesting the first time a major American sports icon dies from the jab.
Those at highest risk of dying from COVID-19 are also at highest risk of dying from the COVID shot. The shots are also causing severe heart damage in younger people whose risk of dying from COVID is inconsequential
While you only get at most six months' worth of protection from the COVID shot, each injection will cause damage for 15 months as your body continuously produces toxic spike protein
The spike protein is responsible for COVID-19-related heart and vascular problems, and it has the same effect when produced by your own cells. It causes blood clots, myocarditis and pericarditis, strokes, heart attacks and neurological damage, just to name a few
The safety signal is very clear, with 19,249 deaths having been reported to the U.S. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System as of November 19, 2021. Historically, drugs and vaccines are pulled off the market after about 50 suspected deaths
Children aged 12 to 17 are five times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID jab-induced myocarditis than they are to be hospitalized for COVID-19 infection
How many people have to die to satisfy the psychotic ambitions of rich bankers?
𝅘𝅥 It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like... ♪
🎼 𝅘𝅥 They're dropping down, like flies...
...because, the government lies. ♪
Seeing is believing.
A former CIA-trained analyst checked the stories and found they were true. Why isn't the mainstream media doing these stories??
More evidence that the VAX Jab Program is genocide.
A seasoned stock analyst colleague texted me a link today, and when I clicked it open, I could hardly believe what I was reading. What a headline. “Indiana life insurance CEO says deaths are up 40% among people ages 18-64”. This headline is a nuclear truth bomb masquerading as an insurance agent's dry manila envelope full of actuarial tables.
Can't hide the dead people forever.
(The Center Square) - The head of Indianapolis-based insurance company OneAmerica said the death rate is up a stunning 40% from pre-pandemic levels among working-age people.
“We are seeing, right now, the highest death rates we have seen in the history of this business - not just at OneAmerica,” the company's CEO Scott Davison said during an online news conference this week. “The data is consistent across every player in that business.”
Can't hide the dead people forever.
OneAmerica, a national life insurance company based in Indianapolis, reports working age people (18 to 64) are dying at a rate that is 40% higher than prepandemic rates
There's also been an uptick in disability claims. Initially, there was a rise in short-term disability claims, but now most claims are for long-term disabilities
Hospitalizations in Indiana are also higher than before the COVID shots were rolled out in in 2021, and the highest they've been in five years
The Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India also reports a 41% rise in death claims in 2021
COVID-19 deaths were significantly lower in 2021 than 2020, so COVID-19 can be ruled out as the cause for this historical rise in excess deaths and disabilities. Right now, the most probable cause is the experimental COVID jabs
This is NOT a vaccine program, it is genocide!
The COVID shots are based on the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, which is the most pathogenic part of the virus, responsible for the worst symptoms of COVID-19, such as the abnormal blood clotting seen in severely ill patients
Pfizer's and Moderna's mRNA shots, and Janssen's vector DNA shot, all inject genetic material into your body that program your cells to start producing this spike protein. They're gene transfer technologies that instruct your body to produce a dangerous protein inside its own tissues
A Pfizer biodistribution study showed both the mRNA and spike protein is widely distributed in the body. In particular, it accumulates in the ovaries. Despite that, reproductive toxicology studies were eliminated in the interest of speed
The average number of adverse event reports following vaccination for the past 10 years has been about 39,000 annually for all vaccines combined, with an average of 155 deaths. The COVID jabs alone now account for 701,126 adverse events in U.S. territories as of December 17, 2021, including 9,476 deaths
Cases of myocarditis explode after the second shot, and disproportionally affect boys; 90% of post-jab myocarditis reports are males, and 85% of reports occurred after the second dose. Cases are also inversely correlated to age, with younger boys being at greater risk. The estimated incidence for post-jab cardiac adverse events is 162 per million for boys aged 12 through 15, and 94 per million for boys aged 16 to 17
The more one looks, the more one can see that the VAX Program is a dangerous failure! No wonder they need to use censorship to control the narrative.
Finally, a safe, effective, multi-faceted approach to public health and safety!
If the government and medical industrial complex have their way, people will not be able to determine if the vaccines are safe for another 55 years!
For those who think the Jab is safe and effective.
In a non-peer-reviewed research paper just this week published, Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D., describes a mechanism of the COVID shots that results in the suppression of your innate immune system. It does this by inhibiting the type-1 interferon pathway
The COVID jab can cause neurons in your brain to produce toxic spike protein, or take up circulating spike protein, and the neurons try to eliminate the spike protein by transmitting them through exosomes. The exosomes are picked up by microglia, immune cells in your brain, which activate an inflammatory response, which can contribute to degenerative brain disorders
Two microRNAs, miR-148a and miR-590, are central in this process. These microRNAs — excreted in the exosomes along with the spike protein — significantly disrupt the type-1 interferon response in any cell, including immune cells
On average, there are twice as many reports of cancer following the COVID shots compared to all other vaccines combined over the last 31 years
The fact that the signal is that strong is even more remarkable when you consider that most people don't think the COVID shot could be a variable in their cancer emergence, so they never report it
Innate Immune Suppression by SARS-CoV-2 mRNA Vaccinations: The role of G-quadruplexes, exosomes and microRNAsThe Beast is now censoring medical journals. Anything that is not pro vaccine is attacked. The are obviously fighting very hard to suppress anything that challenges the official narrative.
Stephanie Seneff - How COVID Shots Suppress Your Immune System
A study in Obstetrics & Gynecology found that those who received COVID-19 shots had longer menstrual cycles, typically by less than one day, when they received the shots
The longer cycles were noted for both doses of the injection, with a 0.71-day increase after the first dose and 0.91-day increase after the second dose
Some women experienced even greater menstrual changes, particularly those who received two shots in the same menstrual cycle
These changes included a two-day increase in cycle length and, in some cases, changes in cycle length of eight days or more
The study only evaluated menstrual cycle length, which means more research is needed to determine how the shots affect other aspects of menstruation, such as symptoms like pain and mood changes and characteristics of bleeding, such as heaviness of flow
It's not a vaccine program, it's genocide! Sure fits in with the WEF's agenda to drastically reduce the population.
This is Part Two of Dr Philippe's Live Stream from 12 February 2022 where we discuss nearly 100 blood slides from vaccinated and unvaccinated patients - the unvaccinated patients have been infected with vaccine toxins through shedding.
The cases of 'rare' side effects are becomming more and more common and more dangerous. I imagine this is why they are starting an alleged war in the Ukraine, to distract from the genocide that is the VAX program.
Video is viewable at their site or directly below this link.
Take a good look at what the VAX puts inside you.
"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it" -- BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it" -- BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
MARCH 2022
Former BlackRock portfolio manager Edward Dowd is speaking out about the real motivations behind the pandemic, which include a global debt problem and an imminent global collapse of the financial industry
After the Great Financial Crisis, the decision was made to increase the money supply, but this debt-based financial system is unsustainable and Dowd believes it's on the brink of collapse
Restrictions on travel, vaccine passports and rampant censorship enacted as measures to control the pandemic are all a global way to control the collapse and its aftermath
Dowd's friend in the biotech industry told him that the all-cause mortality endpoint had been missed by Pfizer in the original clinical trial — this means that in the jab group there were more deaths than in the placebo group
The biotech executives who saw the Pfizer data decided they weren't going to get boosters, and the people who weren't yet injected were not going to get the shot
Looking to Wall Street may give some of the greatest clues that what Dowd says is correct — even with COVID-19 shots so prevalent, Big Pharma stocks are dropping; Moderna is down 70%
MARCH 2022
Dr. Theresa Long, a medical officer with the United States military, has testified in court that she was ordered by a superior to suppress Covid-19 vaccine injuries following the Biden regime's mandate.
So we have a licensed doctor in the military, which means she is also an officer, putting her career and her life in jeapardy to report VAX JAB injuries.
Why is nothing being done about this?
APRIL 2022
Dr. Spiro Pantazatos is a researcher at Columbia University who recently co-authored a study on “vaccine-induced fatality rate”
His initial reaction to the COVID pandemic was 100% mainstream, and it was the data (and his scientific integrity) that compelled him to change his mind
Dr. Spiro Pantazatos believes that the risk associated with COVID injections is comparable to the risk associated with getting COVID in 2020, with the injection risks increasing with each dose
His message for the fellow scientists is to find their voice and stop being silent
The government's response to this plandemic has nothing to do with public health and safety.
When did so many young and healthy middle-aged people, described as fit and sporty, drop dead before 2020?
Since December 2020, many sudden and unexpected deaths of mayors under 60 years old have occurred in Germany and Austria. Questions are swirling about whether these elected officials were overwhelmed by job stress, or could there be another reason for so many “fit and healthy” politicians dying?
An outstanding summary of charts, graphs, and information.
May 2022
These people pushing their VAX Jabs are blatantly smug. They believe they are beyond any law.
Points made by Senator Gerard Rennick
NOTE: emphasis is mine
In the recent round of Senate estimates in April, I asked the head of the TGA, Mr Skerritt, questions about the delivery of the vaccine and the how the body is meant to stop the production of the spike protein that is initiated by the vaccine.
Sadly he was unable to clearly enunciate clear and concise answers.
Please note the following points:
1. When asked about biodistribution studies Skerritt said the distribution of the Lipid Nanoparticles is below the internationally assessed level for genotoxicity. The biodistribution of the LNP's was assessed in a small number of rats for 48 hours only, despite concentration levels showing higher levels on the second day. The TGA has no idea what the level of concentration of LNPs are in humans and given they did not contain the active ingredient (i.e. the mRNA producing spike protein) have no understanding what is a safe level.
2. Skerritt stated there was no evidence of ill effects from LNP's. This is incorrect as there were anomalies in the rats tested. Otherwise there was no evidence of ill effects because there wasn't any evidence at all. Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence!
3. After stating there was no evidence of ill effects Skerritt states there is a risk of myocarditis and heart issues. One of his many contradictions.
4. Skerritt implies that the vaccines had to be rushed out because a couple of million of people would have been hospitalised or died from Covid. This is an outrageous statement. No other country in the world had a combined hospitalisation and death rate of 10% during the Covid pandemic.
5. When asked about genotoxicity studies, Skerritt implied he would have to consult as to what information he can provide as there were over 200,000 pages on the vaccines. This is another contradiction as previously the TGA has said there were no documents on the genotoxicity studies.
6. Skerritt then implies genotoxicity studies were done in vitro i.e. in the laboratory and went on to say this is the only way to assess the modifications to the spike protein. No its not. Regardless of what the studies in the laboratory show, tests must still be conducted in humans to ensure safety. It is also worth nothing that Skerritt dismissed in vitro studies on ivermectin that showed it had broad ranging anti-viral properties. Another one of his contradictions. How many are we up to now?
7. Skerritt stated there were no functional changes as a result of modifying the spike protein. This is incorrect. The spike protein produced by the vaccine was modified for the exact purpose of improving it's functioning. Namely to avoid the innate immune system and increase reliability and stability. As a result, the modified vaccine produces MORE spike proteins than the virus!
8. Skerritt could not answer my question as to what is the off switch for producing spike proteins. He deflected on numerous occasions. You will note that he was more than happy to say how the spike protein was created but couldn't really say when production of the spike protein would stop. Given the mRNA has been modified to last longer and be more stable it would last a lot longer than normal mRNA. Furthermore studies have shown that mRNA last up to 60 days, not the 48 hours stated by Skerritt. It is also worth nothing that even once the mRNA stops producing spike proteins, spike proteins still remain in the body for an unknown period of time.
9. Skerritt states it is only a tiny amount of mRNA being given in the vaccine and therefore can't do much damage to organs. There are billions of molecules in a dose. This is an ingenious statement as the virus proteins are tiny as well, but have the potential to kill as we have been repeatedly told ad nauseum the last two years.
10. His final remark stating that there is no evidence that the spike protein does any damage is partially correct in the sense that the active ingredient i.e. mRNA producing the spike protein was never tested in live animals or humans.
Which is exactly why the TGA aren't doing their job correctly, because they are not assessing all possible risks.
The 123,500 reported and suspected adverse events from the Covid vaccines should be enough evidence of a safety signal should they not?
Senator Gerard Rennick - May 8, 2022
The FDA will approve anything.
Marsha was selected to be one of the first people at UCSD to receive the COVID vaccine. Today, she is one of the most severely vaccine injured people on Earth and nobody wants to help her recover.
JUNE 2022
Real-Time Magazine analysis reveals a concerning issue almost no one talks about: serious side effects and deaths of breastfed infants whose mothers received the COVID-19 vaccine
But the CDC says the opposite: that it will protect your baby. They are lying to you once again. They have NO risk-benefit study that was ever done. The CDC is totally irresponsible in their advice.
Yet another former pro-vax doctor speaks out against the vaccine
A peer-reviewed scientific review in the Journal of Insulin Resistance, written by cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra, calls for the immediate suspension of all COVID shots as real-world data show they cause more harm than good
Data from Israel shows myocarditis post-jab is occurring at a rate of 1 in 6,000. Hong Kong data from male children and teens found a rate of 1 in 2,700
Data from the British Yellow Card system shows 1 in 120 people who have received at least one mRNA injection suffer an adverse event “that is beyond mild.” In Norway, the rate of serious adverse events post-jab is 1 in 1,000 after two doses of Pfizer
Researchers looking at data from the FDA, Health Canada and the Pfizer and Moderna trials concluded the absolute risk of a serious adverse event from the mRNA shots was 1 in 800, which massively exceeds the risk of COVID-19 hospitalization found in randomized controlled trials
Leaked audio from a June 2022 meeting between Israeli researchers and the Israeli Ministry of Healthy reveals the Pfizer jab causes long-term adverse effects and is associated with more severe side effects upon rechallenge (i.e., with repeated doses). While the researchers wanted to warn the public, the Ministry altered their final report to say that adverse effects are mild and short-lived. The government then canceled any further research into adverse effects
Here's a doctor that has been jabbed and used to be pro-vaccine... until he started doing a little research.

MARCH 2023
They are poisoning the children!
In 2011, Neil Miller, Ph.D., and Gary Goldman, Ph.D., published a paper in the journal Human & Experimental Toxicology showing infant mortality rates correlated with childhood vaccination rates, with high-uptake countries having higher child mortality
In January 2022, Goldman discussed the CDC's suppression of undesirable vaccine data in an interview. In December that year, the Miller Lab at Brigham Young University in Utah, as part of the BYU Bioinformatics Capstone course, reanalyzed the Miller-Goldman paper in an effort to debunk it
In response to the critique, Miller and Goldman conducted their own reanalysis, which was published in the peer-reviewed journal Cureus in early February 2023. The paper confirmed their 2011 conclusion that there's a positive correlation between vaccine doses and infant mortality rates
Data from the first few months of the pandemic seem to confirm this link, as the death rate for American children under 18 dropped during lockdowns, from an average of 700 per week to fewer than 500 per week during the months of April and May in 2020
The decades-long work of Christine Stabell Benn, a clinical professor at University of Southern Denmark and her colleague Peter Aaby, a vaccine scientist, shows six of the 10 vaccines investigated increase infant mortality by rendering children more susceptible to other lethal diseases
They are poisoning the children. They are doing it so they can sell more drugs to their patients to treat the symptoms of the other diseases their genocide jabs cause.
According to a May 11, 2023, report by the British Express, Britons are dying by the tens of thousands, “but no one knows why”
Between May and December 2022, there were 32,441 excess deaths in England and Wales, according to data released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS), and that doesn't include COVID-related deaths
In 2022, the No. 1 cause of excess deaths in the U.K. was signs and symptoms of “ill-defined conditions.” In England, this nebulous cause of death was 36.9% above the five-year average, and in Wales, it was 30.4% above average
The U.K. was the first European country to approve the Pfizer COVID jab and began its mass injection campaign December 8, 2020. It currently has the highest COVID-19 jab rate in all of Europe
The misuse of mechanical ventilation created the appearance that COVID was exceptionally deadly, which in turn helped promote acceptance of the experimental COVID shots that are now a leading cause of frequent sickness, chronic disability and excess deaths
2023 July
July 5, 2023, Dr. Peter McCullough, Dr. Harvey Risch, Dr. Roger Hodkinson, an expert clinical pathologist, and colleagues published a systematic review of autopsy ndings in people who died after receiving a COVID shot on The Lancet journal's preprint server
The autopsy review found that 62.5% to 73.9% of post-jab deaths were likely caused by the injection
Preprints with The Lancet pulled the study in less than 24 hours
The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM) also rejected the paper, as did the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA). The preprint server medRxiv and others also refused to post it
Belgian researchers report that two doses of the Pzer mRNA COVID jab induced lethal “turbo cancers” in a mouse. Two days after receiving its second dose, one of the 14 injected mice (7%) died suddenly. No clinical signs of illness were present before its abrupt death. Upon post-mortem examination, the mouse was found to have lymphoma in several organs, including the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs
Sudden Adult Deaths (SAD)
MARCH 2023
Former BlackRock fund manager Edward Dowd is bringing attention to the surge in deaths and disability that has occurred since the COVID-19 shot campaign rolled out
Group life policyholders, who are typically healthier than the general population, experienced mortality spikes of 40% in 2021
Disability numbers among the workforce reached a high of 33.2 million in September 2022, with numbers still trending up — a highly unusual increase
Central banks, pharmaceutical companies, Big Tech and the media all benefited from the pandemic and have an interest in covering up what Dowd describes as a “large global murder scene”
Dowd believes there's enough alarming data to warrant the COVID-19 shot program being stopped immediately, as the death and disability from the shots could easily exceed that from COVID-19
It is getting harder and harder for the Beast to conceal the truth.
Edward Dowd Interview with Mercola
Edward Dowd on Tucker Carlson's show

August 2023
The Most Devastating Interview of my Life -- with Dr James Thorp: How HHS Paid Millions to get 1000s of Drs to Damage Women; Hurt, Kill Babies.
It's all part of the depopulation agenda.
MAY 2021
'The World Health Organization said on Tuesday it was reviewing coronavirus data from Seychelles after the health ministry said more than a third of people who tested positive for COVID-19 in the past week had been fully vaccinated.'
It looks like the mRNA shot is not any more effective than the annual flu shot.
JULY 2021
August 2021
A crew of roughly 1,600 people and 100 come down with Covid after they ALL were fully vaccinated and out at sea on deployment!
This article ran on every major corporate main stream media outlet yet none of them knew if the teachers had been vaccinated or not.
Hmmm... If they had not been vaccinated do you think that would have been reported? If they had been only partially vaccinated, do you think that would have been reported? Only time will tell, but I suspect if the truth is allowed to surface, we will find that both teachers had been fully vaccinated.
October 2021
A recent report details a SARS-CoV-2 Delta outbreak in an Israeli hospital where 238 out of 248 (96%) of the exposed patients and staff had been fully vaccinated with Pfizer's mRNA vaccine
Of the 238 fully vaccinated individuals, 39 (16%) were infected, as were three of the 10 unvaccinated individuals who got exposed
While all of the sickened staff recovered, five infected patients died and nine turned into severe or critical cases. All of the dead and severe/critical cases were fully vaccinated. Two unvaccinated patients that got infected only had mild illness
This outbreak tells us that the COVID shots cannot create herd immunity. It also suggests vaccinated people may be more prone to serious and lethal infection than the unvaccinated
Of 41,552 hospitalized patients in the U.S., 73% of the unvaccinated, 71% of the partially vaccinated and 72% of the fully vaccinated received a diagnosis of COVID-like illness (CLI) between January 1, 2021, and June 22, 2021
The perfect scam. Create a treatment that does not get rid of the illness but merely treats the symptoms. This way the virus can hang around and mutate and they can sell more treatments.
The Medical Industrial Complex and certain governments keep parroting over and over how safe and effective the jab is but people are seeing people they know take the jab and still catch COVID. Sure doesn't seem to me like jab is very safe or very effective.
'Increases in COVID-19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination in 68 countries worldwide and 2,947 counties in the U.S.
Not only did vaccination not decrease the number of new COVID-19 cases, but it was associated with a slight increase in them, such that countries with a higher percentage of population fully vaccinated have higher COVID-19 cases per 1 million people
Iceland and Portugal, both of which have more than 75% of their populations fully vaccinated, have more COVID-19 cases per 1 million people than Vietnam and South Africa, which have only about 10% of their population fully vaccinated
The study summed up several reasons why the “sole reliance on vaccination as a primary strategy to mitigate COVID-19” should be re-evaluated, including that Pfizer-BioNTech's injection was only 39% effective in preventing COVID-19 infection and natural immunity is superior to immunity from COVID-19 jabs'
'According to all-cause mortality statistics adjusted for population growth, the number of Americans who have died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 14% higher than 2018, the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality, and 16% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019
Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of it?
The COVID jab killed an estimated 1,018 people per million doses administered during the first 30 days of the European vaccination campaign
When counting only deaths categorized as COVID-19 deaths, the death toll from the jabs is estimated to be between 200 and 500 deaths per million doses administered. With 4 billion doses having been administered around the world, that means 800,000 to 2 million so-called “COVID-19 deaths” may in fact be vaccine-induced deaths
Data from 23 countries reveal the number of new COVID cases (i.e., positive tests) after the start of the COVID jab campaign is 3.8 times higher than it was before the rollout of the shots, and the daily COVID death rate is 3.82 times higher'
'CDC director Rochelle Walensky overruled the CDC's expert panel and went ahead with the recommendation to issue a booster shot for adults at high risk of infection
This is because COVID-19 shots do not fully protect you from infection, virus replication or shedding, and just because you've had the jab doesn't mean you're not going to infect anybody else
An unspoken social contract convinced many people to get the jabs — if you submit to the experimental shots, you would not only be personally protected but you would also protect your community, and we could all recover and get back to a sense of normalcy
By reducing symptoms of illness while allowing viral replication to continue, the injections increase the likelihood that vaccinated people will become superspreaders of COVID-19
Malone predicts that as the shots' effectiveness continues to wane, we're going to see increasing cases of vaccinated people getting COVID-19 and being hospitalized and dying as a result, at which point people will have to come to terms with the fact that they've been misled
Three action items Malone took home from the International COVID Summit are the importance of optimizing vitamin D levels; you don't have to live in fear; and find a doctor who will give you early treatment for COVID-19 if you test positive'
'A substantial Covid-19 outbreak that this week has sidelined the National Hockey League's Ottawa Senators—despite the entire team being vaccinated—carries a warning for the coming months of professional sports: even with blanket immunization, pandemic disruptions are far from over.'
'Even in a league with a 99% vaccination rate, breakthrough cases on the Senators have now infected more than 40% of the roster. Yet epidemiologists say they are not particularly surprised. They have long warned that while vaccines are highly effective in preventing serious illness from the coronavirus, they're not as foolproof in blocking infections, especially as time passes, immunity fades and the highly contagious Delta variant spreads—especially when other preventive measures are not also in effect.'
There exist literally dozens of videos in which Anthony Fauci (CDD), Rochelle Walensky (CDC), and Francis Collins (NIH) emphatically state that this could not happen. They repeated said that 'the jab' would provide immunity AND was more effective than natural immunity.
It has been clear for several months that the experimental coronavirus “vaccines” widely promoted by politicians and big money media as super-effective at countering coronavirus are actually ineffective. The reaction of shots promotors to this problem has been to tell people they should take repeated booster shots, maybe forever.
The Federal Government's 'Vaccine Program' is a dangerous farce.
Dec 10 (Reuters) - Most of the 43 COVID-19 cases caused by the Omicron variant identified in the United States so far were in people who were fully vaccinated, and a third of them had received a booster dose, according to a U.S. report published on Friday.
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that of the 43 cases attributed to Omicron variant, 34 people had been fully vaccinated. Fourteen of them had also received a booster, although five of those cases occurred less than 14 days after the additional shot before full protection kicks in.
More evidence that the VAX program should be abandoned.
The COVID shots reprogram your immune system to respond in a dysfunctional manner. Aside from increasing vulnerability to infections, this can also result in autoimmune diseases and cancer
A paper published in early May 2021 reported the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID jab “reprograms both adaptive and innate immune responses,” causing immune depletion
Antigens in vaccines have been shown to induce defects in the immune system that can raise the risk of autoimmune diseases
Leaky or nonsterilizing vaccines can also trigger the evolution of more hazardous viruses, and the COVID jabs are among the leakiest “vaccines” ever created
According to health authorities, the vaccine-evading Omicron variant necessitates a third COVID injection, but this recommendation will only perpetuate mutation
More and more danger signs each and every day and still this manical push for everyone to take a vaccine.

Omicron is rapidly overtaking other SARS-CoV-2 variants and currently accounts for 95% of all COVID cases in the U.S.
Research shows current COVID shots cease to provide any protection against Omicron 30 days' post-injection, and at 90 days offers negative protection, actually making you more prone to Omicron infection
This effectively makes COVID jab mandates obsolete, yet government and health authorities are still pushing Americans to get jabbed, and if already jabbed, to get a third booster
Pfizer is now saying it will have an Omicron-specific shot ready in March 2022, at which point Americans will undoubtedly be told to line up for a fourth injection
Professor Andrew Pollard, head of the U.K.'s Committee on Vaccination and Immunization who helped create the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot, said in a January 3, 2022, Daily Telegraph interview: “We can't vaccinate the planet every four or six months. It's not sustainable or affordable”
Let's see now, we are now working on the fifth (5th) vaccine in less than a year and a half!!! Yet still the Medical Industrial Complex, the government, and the corporate media claim that each vaccine is effective???
British data show the COVID shots are an abysmal failure, as COVID infection rates in the U.K. are higher among the “fully vaccinated” in all adult cohorts
Infection rates are also rising faster among the fully vaxxed than in unvaccinated cohorts of all ages. All in all, these data prove that vaccine passports and mandates are completely pointless
Data from Scotland show more of the same. Double-jabbed Scots are more likely to be admitted to the hospital for COVID than unvaccinated. Since Omicron became dominant, COVID case rates are also lower among the unvaccinated than among the single-, double- and even triple-jabbed
Internationally, journalists are now starting to try to switch the narrative away from cases, hospitalizations and deaths by pointing out how unreliable these data are. What they don't admit is that “dangerous misinformants” have highlighted these problems for two years already
Omicron is blowing huge holes in the pandemic narrative, as it predominantly affects the vaxxed, thus proving mandates and vaccine passports are irrational and useless
Mountains of evidence are piling up and still the President of the United States last week said, 'This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated'! Total insanity.
With the initial roll out of the “the cure for COVID-19,” the “experts” assured us that these mRNA vaccines — a first of its kind platform developed and distributed to the masses by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna — were akin to a miracle cure.
Over a year into the VAX Jab Program and still officials claim that Covid is 'raging across the globe'. Shouldn't we be seeing a reduction since we now have this 'miracle' treatment?
Omicron infection is rapidly ripping through populations, leaving natural herd immunity in its wake. Despite that, vaccine makers are still hard at work to produce an Omicron-specific injection, slated to be rolled out in March 2022, well after a majority have already been infected
After the rollout of a fourth dose, Israel now has the highest COVID case rate per capita of any country in the world since the beginning of the pandemic
The definition of what it means to be “fully vaccinated” against COVID keeps shifting with the rollout of additional boosters. Vaccine passport holders in various countries face the prospect of losing their “privileges” unless they get boosted
Government data from Australia, the U.S., Canada, Scotland and England suggest people who have received at least two shots are now showing signs of serious immune system degradation
This immune erosion, aka, acquired immune deficiency, is thought to account for elevated rates of myocarditis and other post-jab conditions, some of which can result in death if progressing rapidly, or chronic diseases if moving more slowly
The first three shots didn't work so obviously, the thing to do is to take a fourth shot.
A study by Dr. Spiro Patazatos, Columbia University.
APRIL 2022
The most powerful evidence yet that mRNA vaccines hurt long-term immunity to Covid after infection
Importance The performance of immunoassays for determining past SARS-CoV-2 infection, which were developed in unvaccinated individuals, has not been assessed in vaccinated individuals.
Objective To evaluate anti-nucleocapsid antibody (anti-N Ab) seropositivity in mRNA-1273 vaccine efficacy trial participants after SARS-CoV-2 infection during the trial's blinded phase.
Another study that shows ineffectiveness of the mRNA jab. This study is in preprint. I wonder if it will pass peer review or get pulled beforehand.
Unvaccinated people are much more likely to develop broad antibody immunity after Covid infections than people who have received mRNA shots, a new study shows.
The gap remains large whether people had mild, moderate, or severe Covid infections, the study showed - undercutting a crucial argument that vaccine advocates have made to defend the shots.
The research draws on data from Moderna's 30,000-person clinical trial for its mRNA shots. It may help explain why so many Americans now suffer multiple Covid infections, sometimes within months.
Researchers already knew that many vaccinated people do not gain antibodies to the entire coronavirus after they are infected with Covid.
Unvaccinated people nearly always gain antibodies to the nucleocapsid protein, which covers the virus's core of RNA, as well as its spike protein, which allows the virus to attack our cells. Vaccinated people often lack those anti-nucleocapsid antibodies and only have spike protein antibodies.

APRIL 2021
So, if the proposed solution does not work, why do they want everyone to take it?
So even though the vaccine doesn't work very well, you should get it anyway. Why?
MAY 2021
'Eight members of the Yankees organization have tested positive for COVID-19 after being vaccinated.'
It is pretty hard for the corporate media to cover this one up. I wonder if the plan is to discredit the Johnson & Johnson vaccine in order to promte the mRNA shot and technology. I've noticed that most of the corporate media headlines call the mRNA shot a vaccine and the J&J vaccine a shot.
If 'the jab' works, how is this possible? Once again they try to blame the problem on the unvaxed but with more that 50% of the population 'jabbed' how is this possible?
It appears that 'the jab' doesn't work on the Delta variant either though people with natural immunity are not getting re-infected.
If this piece wasn't so dangerous, it would be hilarious. The 'jab' appears to be failing and they are trying to 'spin' the narrative any way they can.
October 2021
Now they are trying to say that since the 'jabbed' seem to clear the virus faster they have less time to retransmit the virus so therefore that is better. However, their 'evidence' on how long the virus takes to cure is suspect at best.
What ever happened to the IMMUNITY they promised with the vaccine?!
APRIL 2021
MAY 2021
And the answer is... YES!
MAY 2021
'(Reuters) -COVID-19 vaccine developers are making ever bolder assertions that the world will need yearly booster shots, or new vaccines to tackle concerning coronavirus variants, but some scientists question when, or whether, such shots will be needed.'
JULY 2021
'Based on the scientific evidence, the narrative that unvaccinated people are viral factories for more dangerous variants is false
Just as antibiotics breed resistance in bacteria, vaccines put evolutionary pressure on viruses to speed up mutations and create more virulent and dangerous variants
Viruses mutate all the time, and if you have a vaccine that doesn't block infection completely, then the virus will mutate to evade the immune response within that person. That is one of the distinct features of the COVID shots — they're not designed to block infection. They allow infection to occur and at best lessen the symptoms of that infection
In an unvaccinated person, the virus does not encounter the same evolutionary pressure to mutate into something stronger. So, if SARS-CoV-2 does end up mutating into more lethal strains, then mass vaccination is the most likely driver
So far, SARS-CoV-2 variants are at most 0.3% different from the original Wuhan virus. Such minor variation means the virus will not present itself as a new virus. If you've recovered from COVID-19, your immune system will still recognize it'
Despite a scary-sounding name, the Omicron variant appears to be all hype and no real threat. Primary symptoms of infection with this SARS-CoV-2 strain is a couple of days of fatigue, headache, body aches, scratchy throat and intermittent cough
South Africa reports that no patients so far have required oxygen or even hospitalization for their symptoms. All have been very mild. The first four cases in Botswana were all fully vaccinated against COVID-19
Africa's low vaccination rate is irrationally being blamed for the emergence of Omicron, even though the continent has extremely low levels of spread compared to the U.S., Canada and Europe
A plane with 600 passengers was diverted for testing when the news about Omicron broke; 10% of the passengers were found to have COVID, 13 of the 61 positive passengers had Omicron, while the rest had Delta or some previous strain. So, clearly, vaccine passports are not preventing spread. Fully “vaccinated” people are just as likely to carry and transmit the virus as the unvaccinated
Australia, a test ground for this totalitarian takeover, is quietly trying to pass legislation to expand its digital identity system
The fear and panic mongers are running rampant.

'There is nowhere for the priests of Covidstan to run or hide from the failure of their prized injections. Cases in Europe are worse than ever, and America has now racked up more deaths than in 2020, when zero vaccines existed. But reality can hit these people in the face and they will still never admit that all of the human interventions failed.'
'But there is something "mysterious" going on in Africa that is puzzling scientists, said Wafaa El-Sadr, chair of global health at Columbia University. "Africa doesn't have the vaccines and the resources to fight COVID-19 that they have in Europe and the US, but somehow they seem to be doing better," she said. Fewer than 6% of people in Africa are vaccinated. For months, the WHO has described Africa as "one of the least affected regions in the world" in its weekly pandemic reports.'
Rather ironic. The Luciferian bankers negleted this country while they concentrated on jabbing the people of the industrialized nations.
Now this natural 'control group' which have been pretty much isolated from the jab are clearly demonstrating the strength of natural immunity.
December 2021
Scientists appear stymied by the low number of infections and deaths in sub-Saharan Africa where the vaccination rate is less than 6%
Africa has 17.46% of the world's population and 3% of the COVID-19 global death toll while countries with better health care have higher death rates, including the Americas with 46% and Europe with 29%
Nigeria, with the highest population, has had 3,000 deaths in 200 million people, which is what is recorded in the U.S. every two or three days. Yet, Nigeria has announced an all-out vaccination program to "prepare for the next wave"
Factors that may have influenced the low infection and death rate are outdoor living that raises vitamin D levels, a younger population and access to medications and herbs used for other local conditions, but which are also known to reduce the severity of COVID
Another contributing factor could be the routine use of Ivermectin to treat 'River Blindness'.
Reports From The Amish
May 2023
Amish communities rejected Covid vaccines, refused to wear masks, and went about their normal daily activities while the rest of America was turned upside-down.
According to the CDC and mainstream media, the Amish were set to suffer from excess death due to Covid. In reality, the exact opposite happened.
The mainstream media will not touch this story because it completely dismantles the entire establishment narrative. It shows that all the COVID interventions were completely unnecessary.
MAY 2022
More evidence of mass murder.
MARCH 2023
German health minister Karl Lauterbach acknowledged a 1 in 10,000 rate of serious injury from the vaccines. That's nice, but the true rate is well over 100X that. Now there's more proof.
Remember mandatory vaccinations? This is, well, the opposite. We've come a long way in a year. Except at American colleges - which, insanely, are forcing mRNA boosters on students.
The Danish Health Authority expects that the number of covid-19 infections will increase during autumn and winter. Therefore, we recommend vaccination of people aged 50 years and over as well as selected risk groups.
Why are people aged under 50 not to be re-vaccinated?
The purpose of the vaccination programme is to prevent severe illness, hospitalisation and death. Therefore, people at the highest risk of becoming severely ill will be offered booster vaccination. The purpose of vaccination is not to prevent infection with covid-19, and people aged under 50 are therefore currently not being offered booster vaccination.
Oh, so NOW the purpose is to 'prevent severe illness, hospitalisation and death'!
What happened to the prevent infection narrative? What happened to the prevent retransmission narrative? People had their lives destroyed because the unholy vax was supposed to STOP Covid. Now we're being told that the same vaccines they are trying to ram down our throats are merely meant to reduce symptoms!
"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it" -- BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
"The numbers that resulted from our analysis are very far away from the publicly announced numbers. It would be unethical not to talk about it" -- BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck.
MARCH 2022
'The battle over open discussion of COVID-19 quasi-vaccine data gets uglier by the day. A few days ago I discussed the mortality estimates by German insurer BKK ProVita here:'
It did not take long for the insurance executive, Andreas Schofbeck, who reported the extrapolation of 400,000 consultations, to be "dismissed without notice after a meeting of the board of directors…" (Boris Reitschuster via Tim Rohn). Further, the discussion of Schofbeck's report from four days earlier was scrubbed from the BKK homepage.
Show the data - get fired! Last week they disclosed the results of their study. This week he is fired without notice!
Dr. Kathryn Edwards, a member of Pfizer's data safety monitoring board (DSMB), was previously a paid adviser to Pfizer. DSMBs are supposed to be independent, and aren't if members have previous relationships with the company
German autopsies found “highly unusual tissue inflammation” in people who died shortly after getting the jab, and investigators suspect the inflammation observed would be fatal. They also found spike protein in the tissues of the deceased, but not another key part of SARS-CoV-2. This suggests the actual virus was not part of the problem; the only possible source of the spike protein was the jab
Data from the German health insurance provider BKK, which covers about 10.9 million Germans, show 2.05% of COVID jab recipients sought medical care after their jab
The largest German statutory health insurance dataset, which encompasses 72 million Germans, show massive increases in sudden and unexpected deaths after the COVID jabs rolled out
December 13, 2022, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for a statewide grand jury investigation of crimes and wrongdoing committed against Floridians related to the COVID-19 jabs. He also established an independent Public Health Integrity Committee to analyze and assess federal health guidance before they're implemented in Florida
Last year, Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer, described Israel as “a sort of laboratory” to “see the effect” of his company's vaccines. Well, it took over a year into the vaccine drive that injected most Israelis with three shots and some with four to finally publish information on adverse events. What Israel published earlier this month based on a health ministry survey of 2,049 people who got booster shots is not only damning, but unmistakably revealing that there is no way Pfizer did not see these adverse events during the clinical trials in 2020. What did they know and when did they know it?
The powers that be chose a company with a history of illegal activity to create the vaccine they pushed as safe and effective.
Israel didn't start to gather safety data until a year into the vaccine program. They gathered 6 months worth of data and found that the vaccines weren't safe so they lied to the world about it.
The found many, and serious, and long-term side effects that were directly linked to the vaccine. The minister of health covered it up
After the report was released, the Israeli Minister of Health claimed, "The reported side effects were known before. No new signal was observed."
However, in an internal discussion with the same Minister of Health, Pfizer claimed that it did not know about long-term side-effects.
So if the company itself did not know - isn't this a new signal?
May 2023
An official study conducted by the Israeli government has concluded that “zero” young healthy people died from COVID-19 alone.
The Israel Ministry of Health (MOH) revealed that the only individuals aged 18-49 who died from Covid were those suffering from underlying health conditions.
The MOH provided the study data in response to a formal request from attorney Ori Xabi.
Reports From Japan
Japan has taken steps to warn its citizens about serious side effects linked to COVID-19 injections
They've added a warning label to the jabs, warning about the risk of myocarditis — inflammation of the heart muscle
Japan is also taking strict measures to monitor and report all side effects to the unprecedented jabs
Hospitals must report, in detail, any adverse effects that occur within 28 days of receiving a COVID-19 injection
Japan's Ministry of Health includes a “consent to vaccination” section on its website, which states mandatory vaccination and discrimination against those who choose not to be vaccinated are not advised; this includes at workplaces, which are told not to force anyone to get injected
Japan is standing out as a protector of informed consent and medical freedom, during a time in history when many other countries are opting for totalitarian control
I wonder how long before Japan is beaten into compliance with the beast regime.
July 2022

Reports From Portugal
MAY 2022
"In Portugal, There Is Virtually No One Left To Vaccinate"
Everyone is vaccinated and yet Covid still rages on. Not surprisingly, it is the vaccinated who are catching Covid. More evidence that the Vax Program is worthless and dangerous.
October 2021
Just like the recent study in Israel, the data is showing that the VAX'ed are contracting COVID MORE than the unVAXed.
MARCH 2022
Just because Volodymyr Zelenskyy is the new Fauci, it doesn't mean COVID is over. In fact, cases are surging in many European countries, and U.K. seniors are now experiencing record numbers. “Covid infections surge to record high for over-70s in UK” was the title of a Financial Times article from Friday. But how can there be record infections precisely after nearly every senior was vaccinated and 90% were boosted, even though many already have had prior infection? Or are the record infections because of the shots, not despite them, and does this mean that they are preventing people from achieving immunity?
Ireland is one of the most vaccinated countries in the European Union, yet hospitalizations are rising.
The are killing off the elderly.
They know that the information and techniques described in this manual are not authorized yet they publish an entire manual on exactly how to do it.
Does this sound familiar?
March 2020
'The U.S. government spent $100 billion on biological warfare programs since September 11, 2001, up until October 2015'
MAY 2020
If they cannot silence you, they murder you.
The kill anyone who stands in their way.
Ross police Sgt. Brian Kohlhepp said that they found “zero evidence that this tragic events has anything to do with employment at the University of Pittsburgh, any work being conducted at the University of Pittsburgh, and the current health crisis affecting the United States and the world.”
Which, of course, begs the question, Did you look?
And what exactly WAS that COVID research that Bing Liu was working on?
(CNN)A University of Pittsburgh professor on the verge of making "very significant findings" researching Covid-19, according to the university, was shot and killed in an apparent murder-suicide over the weekend, police said.
"Bing was on the verge of making very significant findings toward understanding the cellular mechanisms that underlie SARS-CoV-2 infection and the cellular basis of the following complications," his colleagues at the university's Department of Computational and Systems Biology said in a statement.
So where are the his findings?
Bing Liu, a computational systems biologist at the University of Pittsburgh who was studying the virus that causes COVID-19, was shot to death in his home on May 2. He was 37 years old.
This article states Bing Liu's work was unfinished. I intend to find out if that is true or if he was ready to publish.
The fatal shooting of a Chinese-born coronavirus researcher on US soil has fuelled conspiracy theories around the world.
But police say it was a murder-suicide.
March 2021
'Dr. Michael Yeadon, a former Vice President and Chief Science Officer for Pfizer, spoke with great urgency to America's Frontline Doctors (AFLDS) late last week warning that the drive to inject the largest possible portion of the population with experimental COVID-19 vaccines is “madness,” involves “evil,” includes “crimes against humanity” and may have the intention of “massive-scale depopulation.”'
APRIL 2021
Why are these doctors being ignored?
Why aren't their professional opinions considered?
'Bill Gates is entering every field that has to do with sustaining life and, for over a decade, has undermined vitality in all its forms, in an effort to seize control over and profit from it
'By funding research and financing public institutions, Gates is able to force those institutions down a path where they can only use his patented intellectual property'
'While pretending to save the world through philanthropy, Gates' solutions perpetuate and worsen the world's problems. They may even threaten the future of humanity, as they're driving us closer to extinction'
'A corporate-funded COVID Commission Planning Group is being set up to create and support an investigative commission like that for 9/11. This is a classic illustration of the fox guarding the henhouse
The planning group is led by Philip Zelikow, former executive director of the 9/11 Commission and a member of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation's Global Development Program Advisory Panel
Zelikow is also a strategy group member of the Aspen Institute, a technocratic hub that has groomed and mentored executives from around the world about the subtleties of globalization
The COVID Commission Planning Group includes more than two dozen virologists, public health personas and former government officials, and is backed by four charitable foundations — all of whom have histories revealing them to be part of the technocratic alliance that for years have been plotting and planning for the wealth redistribution and global power grab we're now experiencing
These foundations include Schmidt Futures, the Skoll Foundation, Stand Together Foundation (Koch Network) and the Rockefeller Foundation. The Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, which co-hosted Event 201, a pandemic preparedness simulation for a “novel coronavirus,” is also involved'
MAY 2021
It is so important to them that they 'tag' every living being. Allegedly, this is so the government can take better care of it's citizens. Take care of them how?
'Gates has used his staggering wealth to buy control, and he's done it under the cloak of “charity.” A significant piece of that control is the control over population growth. Gates' family also has a long history of supporting eugenics
According to Gates, the global population could be lowered by 10% to 15% if we “do a really great job on new vaccines, health care [and] reproductive health services.” His theory is that as health improves, families opt to have fewer children
In 2017, Gavi, The Vaccine Alliance — founded by the Gates Foundation in partnership with the WHO, the World Bank and vaccine manufacturers — decided to provide every child with a digital biometric identity to ensure 100% vaccine coverage
Gates has also invested in the development and implementation of biometric identification programs tied in with digital currencies
Ultimately, the plan is to connect everything together — our identity, finances, medical data, vaccine records and more — at which point we will be 100% enslaved'
'Bill Gates intends to vaccinate the global population against COVID-19, and then track and monitor each one through digital surveillance
There's no reason in the world to believe this gigantic global disease surveillance system would be dismantled once the pandemic is declared over. Naturally, it will simply transition into other surveillance functions
There's also every reason to believe this disease tracking system will be combined with a digital identification and economic system to enforce compliance
The Corbett Report reviews how Gates ended up in a position to monopolize global health, despite his lack of medical education, and lays out Gates' global vaccination plan
Gates philanthropy is highly profitable, as he invests in the very companies and industries he donates money to. Despite giving away billions of dollars, Gates “Decade of Vaccines” has doubled his worth from $54 billion to $103.1 billion'
"'Bill Gates' answers to the problems of the world are consistently focused on building corporate profits through toxic means, be it chemical agriculture and GMOs, or pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines
Gates has used “charity” as a way to gain tremendous political power
The true beneficiaries of Gates' philanthropic endeavors tend to be those who are already rich beyond comprehension, including Gates' own charitable foundation
Over the past 20 years, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has given close to $250 million in charitable grants to companies in which the foundation holds corporate stocks and bonds, yet it gets tax breaks for the charitable donations it makes money from
Vaccines are one of Gates' mainstay “solutions” to most diseases. Gates has gone on record saying the U.S. needs disease surveillance and a national tracking system that could involve vaccine records embedded in our bodies'
'Michael Yeadon, Ph.D., a life science researcher and former vice-president and chief scientist of allergy and respiratory research at Pfizer, fears the combination of vaccine passports and booster vaccines against SARS-CoV-2 variants may be part of a mass depopulation agenda
Asymptomatic spread is a fallacy capitalized upon to spread fear and induce compliance. Only people who have discernible symptoms of a respiratory infection pose any health risk to others, because to be an efficient source of infection, you need a high viral load. If you have a high viral load, your immune system will fight back, which always induces symptoms
The myth of asymptomatic spread was used to justify lockdowns, which in turn were a tool get you used to giving up your freedoms and go along with the intentional decimation of the global economy and old way of life, thereby justifying the Great Reset
The Great Reset is about transferring global wealth and ownership rights to the technocratic elite, and giving them the power to control the world's nations
Digital vaccine passports will form the foundation of an unprecedented surveillance and control platform into which your entire life will be tied, from health records to biometric ID, to an all-digital centralized banking system and a social credit system, all of which can be turned off in order to coerce you into a particular behavior'
Watching Bill Gates smile as he is describing the suffering of 700,000 people turns my stomach.
Where did COVID-19 come from?
'Health advocates blast Microsoft billionaire for saying patent protections on life-saving vaccines must remain
Is this Plandemic about public health or private wealth and control?
A link to the video for as long as it lasts.
The beast regime is sticking it right in your face yet, you do not see it. You have 'eyes to see' yet you are blind.
I remember when this event happened and I remember thinking it was Luciferion/Satanic but I did not know how. Now I know.
Technocracy is rule by algorithm, or a bureaucracy run by technologists
It is based on the Taylorist principle of “scientific management”
Technocrats proclaim that convergence of people with AI is both inevitable and good for us
In the past, there have been attempts to establish a formal religious belief based on AI worship
The advanced technology that powers technocracy is new but the mindset behind it is centuries old, and in order to fight technocracy it's important we look at both the past and the present
I believe these people are creating the Beast's new religion that the world will be forced to worship.
They have been working on this for a long, long time.
Creating a man made god.
I find this dreadful and awesome at the same time! According to Scripture, the Beast and the anti-Christ will form a new religion, set themselves up as God Almighty and force the world to worship them.
In this video, you have a man saying, "We have to rethink the concept of God's almightyness even in terms of religion."
I nice little 'flashback' for those that doubt this has been going on for a long, long time.
October 2020
'See exactly how the CDC broke the law and manipulated data.'
March 2021
'Our aim is to provide our readers with information pointing toward acts of willful misconduct, based largely upon what we believe is the with holding of evidence based treatments, clear violations of federal law, unproven theories of asymptomatic transmission, fatal flaws in PCR testing, significant problems with projection models, and unethical practices that have created the possibility of poorly conceived experimental biologics being touted as the only solution to the global crisis we all face.'
APRIL 2021
'We are especially concerned about the massive vaccination rollout that is not providing fully informed consent to recipients, not properly collecting adverse event data, and not heeding the red flags being seen in VAERS.'
We have joined thousands of others now calling for a grand jury investigation into the CDC's misconduct.'
June 2021
'It's time to restore transparency and public trust through an independent investigation. '
'We, the undersigned, are asking you to consider solid evidence that multiple federal laws were broken to change the recording metrics for COVID-19-deaths. There is also evidence of multiple acts of what appears to be willful misconduct by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration and other agencies throughout the COVID-19 crisis. These irregularities matter.'
JULY 2021
'Two of the world's richest men, Bill Gates and George Soros, have partnered up through their respective foundations and global funds to purchase Mologic Ltd., the company that manufactures COVID-19 tests.'
'Mologic also is a “world leading innovator in the development of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies including tests that can help combat tropical diseases such as dengue, bilharzia, and river blindness,” according to a press release from Open Society Foundations. Open Society is a Soros organization.'
'The collaboration on the Mologic purchase will launch a new group called Global Access Health (GAH), which the press release describes as “a social enterprise that will seek to expand access to affordable state-of-the-art medical technology through decentralized research, development and manufacturing in and for the Global South.” Members of GAH will invest $41 million to get the project going.'
Very interesting. The company knows about 'river blindness' which was treated effectively with Ivermectin yet, they said nothing when Ivermectin was being villified as 'horse medicine' in the press!
'What follows is a compilation of data showing the COVID pandemic was a biowarfare attack that has been kept going using sophisticated psychological warfare tactics. It also reviews the dangers of the COVID shots, noting that the virus and the “vaccines” were made by the same entities.'
This is another blog post with a copy of the Spartacus Letter. It also has some excellent references to other articles including ones on the success India has had using Ivermectin.
October 2021
'A handful of mega corporations — private investment companies — dominate every aspect of our lives; everything we eat, drink, wear or use in one way or another. These investment firms are so enormous, they control the money flow worldwide'
'While there appear to be hundreds of competing brands on the market, like Russian nesting dolls, larger parent companies own multiple smaller brands. In reality, all packaged food brands, for example, are owned by a dozen or so larger parent companies'
'These parent companies, in turn, are owned by shareholders, and the largest shareholders are the same in all of them: Vanguard and Blackrock'
'No matter what industry you look at, the top shareholders, and therefore decision makers, are the same: Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and/or Berkshire Hathaway. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors'
'These major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. One of the most amazing things about this scheme is that the institutional investors also own each other. They're all shareholders in each other's companies. At the very top are Vanguard and Blackrock. Blackrock's largest shareholder is Vanguard, which does not disclose the identity of its shareholders due to its unique structure''
If you are the President/CEO of a large corporation, you have direct influence on thousands of people. When the Beast system controls a dozen or so corporate heads, they control the lives of millions of people.
The structure of 'the Beast' is being revealed.
More evidence of a Plandemic.
'The fact is this madness will not blow over if we just try to get through it and passively go along with the flow. A bully is never stopped by compliance but by resistance. Peaceful resistance is preferable. By simply refusing to comply with the tyrannical edicts we drain them of power. But American's are well armed, unlike the U.K and Australia.'
The Biological Weapons Anti-Terrorism Act of 1989 imposes fines and prison sentences on anyone who “knowingly develops, produces, stockpiles, transfers, acquires, retains or possesses any biological agent, toxin or delivery system for use as a weapon”
The problem we face today is that our federal government has been captured by forces that seek to destroy the U.S. from within. As such, we cannot trust the federal judiciary to prosecute and hold those responsible for the pandemic and the toxic COVID shots accountable
To circumvent the corrupted federal judiciary, we need to focus on locally elected prosecutors instead. Depending on the state, they may go by titles such as district attorney, state attorney, prosecuting attorney or county attorney
Organize locally to find people willing, as a group, to call on your local, elected district attorney to convene a grand jury and indict the individuals suspected of being involved in the creation of SARS-CoV-2, and those responsible for the COVID shots
The charge that applies is “murder and conspiracy to commit murder.” For starters, 15 researchers listed on a key paper can be indicted, plus those who funded the research. Those to be indicted in relation to the COVID shots include the chief executive officers, chief operating officers and chief scientific officers of Pfizer, BioNTech, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson
In the past few months, I've been thinking a lot about what drives our choices: about wisdom, love, joy, the power of habits, the power of spiritual purity, and the role of deceit in poisoning our lives. I've been thinking about how deceit—if it falls on conducive ground—spoils both individual well-being and the history of the world.
The power of YHWH's people.
Make Americans Free Again, led by Pam Popper, is fighting to preserve American freedoms and has a proven strategy that ensures we can win
They are launching strategic legal challenges across the U.S. Rather than arguing the unconstitutionality of mandates, they challenge the legal basis of the emergency declaration that allowed the mandates to be rolled out in the first place
They also teach Americans everywhere how to start and build their own local parallel societies where members take care of each other and work toward the same goal
The short-, medium- and long-term goals of Make Americans Free Again are to free Americans from government tyranny, address all medical mandates and, ultimately, design and launch a superior medical system
Even if you don't start your own freedom group, consider making a donation to Make Americans Free Again's legal fund
Resistance and non-compliance and community cooperation.
The governments of the world have gone rogue.
Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that when COVID-19 is treated within the first few days of symptom onset, there's an 85% reduction in hospitalization and death
With Omicron, we have been gifted a best-case scenario. The highly contagious virus can rip through the population, causing only mild cold symptoms, thus producing herd immunity without the risk of mass casualties
Two months before the rollout of the COVID shots, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration was aware that they could cause serious problems, including heart attacks, strokes, myocarditis, blood clots, neurological problems and more, yet they pushed them anyway
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko believes SARS-CoV-2 is a bioweapon. Patents spanning two decades support this view. Those who created the weapon also investigated and identified antidotes, which includes the zinc ionophore hydroxychloroquine
The antidote to COVID was intentionally suppressed to encourage people to get the COVID jab, which Zelenko believes is a tool to tag people for the New World Order slave system
The Beast System being rolled out.
'It's time to restore transparency and public trust through an independent investigation. '
'We, the undersigned, are asking you to consider solid evidence that multiple federal laws were broken to change the recording metrics for COVID-19-deaths. There is also evidence of multiple acts of what appears to be willful misconduct by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Food and Drug Administration and other agencies throughout the COVID-19 crisis. These irregularities matter.'
They want forgiveness while they continue their crimes!
As the COVID lies are now being exposed at exponential speed, some of those proven wrong are getting nervous — so nervous, in fact, theyre now pleading for amnesty and to just let bygones be bygones
While some now argue ignorance as their defense, there was no lack of data proving their positions were wrong, dangerous, destructive and deadly, right from the start
Health and government officials werent just wrong once and then changed course. No, theyve doubled, tripled and quadrupled down on errors, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that theyre wrong. Granting amnesty to individuals who have been wrong from Day 1, without a single apology, is an untenable proposition. The price society has paid for their errors is far too great for that
They were wrong about masks working and natural immunity not working, they were wrong about asymptomatic spread, lockdowns, and the safety and effectiveness of the COVID shots. They were also wrong about SARS-CoV-2 jumping naturally from bats to humans by way of a wet market in Wuhan, China, and they were wrong when they insisted that mandating an experimental gene therapy was within legal bounds. Demanding that officials be held accountable for these errors is not gloating. Its reestablishing a baseline of conduct and accountability to the public
There can be no amnesty for COVID narrative pushers as people proven right are still being persecuted as “misinformation spreaders,” and illegal government censorship continues without abatement. In fact, the Department of Homeland Security now views censorship and controlling the information space as one of its core duties
They haven't admitted to any wrong doing yet they want forgiveness! Insanity!
Before you can have forgiveness, they must be confession, atonement, and repentance!
Professional propagandy!
They are already trying to set the stage for it just being an accident! While they act as if they are revealing that it was a lab leak (which this guy downed from the very beginning), now they are trying to say it was just a case of sloppy conditions at the lab!
This entire debacle was pre-planned, deliberate and forcefully carried out.
This was no accident!!!
Reference Links:
Listed below are links to sources of information not beholding to the official narrative.
Mortality Risk of COVID-19 (OURWORLDINDATA.ORG)Vaccines & Vaccination (THEKEYOFKNOWLEDGE.NET)
Carnicom Institute - Research for the benefit of humanity
Global Covid Summit
US Government Agencies
(AAP.ORG) American Academy of Pediatrics
MAY 2021
'The absurdity of the AAP's recommendation is evident when you consider that, first, children and adolescents have a very low probability of becoming seriously sick or dying from coronavirus and, second, it has not been established that mask wearing and “social distancing” provide any net protection from infection. While absurd, the recommendation is also dangerous given that there are known harms, both physical and mental, to young people from their being required to wear masks and distance themselves from other people while going about their daily activities.'
(AMA.ORG) American Medical Association
The official propaganda narrative of the American Medical Association (AMA) with regards to COVID.
On page 9., the AMA is telling doctors in America exactly what they should and should not say.
Is this 'science' or propaganda?
This is nothing short of murder! Ivermectin has been shown to be safe and effective and the AMA is killing people by denying them this treatment.
The American Medical Association explicitly teaches doctors how to deceive patients and the media when asked tough questions about COVID-19, treatment options and COVID shots
The AMA also supports expansion of COVID jab mandates for private employees, and together with the Biden administration encourages employers with 100 employees or more to implement mandates even though the Fifth Circuit Court has permanently blocked the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) from implementing and enforcing its COVID jab rule
The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the OSHA emergency temporary standard (ETS) exceeds the scope of OSHA's authority and/or is unconstitutional
The AMA, the National Council of State Boards of Nursing and other leading nursing organizations threaten doctors and nurses who speak out against COVID measures and/or the COVID jab with revocation of their professional licenses
Aiding them in this task is a liberal front group called No License for Disinformation, created by Chris Gilroy, a marketing strategist who also created EverydayAmericanJoe, a website dedicated to supporting Joe Biden's presidential campaign
They are blantantly breaking the law. When the government breaks the law, there is no law.
(CDC.GOV) Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

December 2020
MAY 2021
'The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is now recommending pregnant women to get the COVID-19 vaccine, based on preliminary postmarketing surveillance data
Postmarketing surveillance data are not a sufficient substitute for randomized placebo-controlled safety trials
All postmarketing surveillance data are preliminary, so it seems incredibly foolhardy to make a blanket recommendation for all pregnant women at this early stage. It's also based solely on voluntary self-reporting
As of February 28, 2021, the combined miscarriage and preterm birth rate (per V-Safe) was 23.3%. As of April 1, 2021, the miscarriage or premature birth rate (per VAERS) was 29%. So, it appears the rate of miscarriage and premature births is rising as more reports come in
These ratios are said to be comparable to the miscarriage rate normally seen among unvaccinated women, yet statistical data show the risk of miscarriage drops from an overall, average risk rate of 21.3% for the duration of the pregnancy as a whole, to just 5% between Weeks 6 and 7, all the way down to 1% between Weeks 14 and 20'
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is reviewing an estimate of global COVID-19 deaths from the University of Washington that is more than double the official count to determine if the CDC figures should be revised, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky said at a Friday press briefing.
Looks like the official experts cannot count.
'The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced Thursday that people who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 can resume most typical pre-pandemic activities without wearing a face mask or social distancing. However, rules in place by federal, state, local, tribal or territorial laws, including local business and workplace guidances, must still be observed.'
So even though counts are dropping all over the world, the CDC still wants to treat this as an ongoing crisis and maintain it's stranglehold on the American people.
Texas and at least 15 other states have dropped their mask mandates with no cooresponding rise in cases. Why are the anonymous 'leading medical experts and health officials' still insisting on the masks when they know they do not stop the spread of COVID-19?
'From day one of this pandemic, it was abundantly clear that outdoor transmission — aside from perhaps an infected individual screaming in someone's face — is essentially zero. Had the CDC properly conveyed this fact to the public, it could have preserved an amazing quality of life for so many people that would have included continuation of children's play and sports, seniors enjoying more friendship, fresh air, and vitamin D, and a happier, less depressed society. Yet, to this day, they are continuing to force children to wear masks even outdoors in the summer heat.'
'New York Times reporter David Leonhardt published a very thorough takedown of the CDC's outdoor masking guidance. The takedown brings into question how we can trust anything else they tell us when they seem hell-bent on playing up the danger of the virus at all costs and in all situations, over-stating the efficacy of non-pharmaceutical intervention, and underplaying the concerns about side effects from mask-wearing and the vaccines.'
'A stunning New York Times report claims that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's estimate that the risk of coronavirus transmission while outdoors is around 10% is greatly exaggerated.'
So, once again, the advice of the anonymous, 'leading medical experts' has proven to be false.
June 2021
'A federal appeals court on Wednesday refused to overturn the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) national ban on residential evictions.'
What does residential evictions have to do with disease control? Why is this agency given this power?
'COVID-19 has been a pandemic of false positive tests; the thing that kept the fraud going was the fact that laboratories were using excessively high cycle thresholds (CTs) when processing the PCR tests, resulting in false positives
Now, as over 100 million Americans have been “vaccinated” against COVID-19, the CDC is lowering the CT from 40 to 28, but only when diagnosing vaccine breakthrough cases — cases where fully vaccinated individuals are diagnosed with COVID-19
To make matters worse, the CDC also will no longer record mild or asymptomatic infections of those who were immunized as “COVID cases.” The only cases that now count as COVID cases for someone immunized with the COVID-19 vaccine are those that result in hospitalization or death
While healthy people continue to be misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 when they really don't, thanks to an excessively high CT, the CDC is simultaneously minimizing the number of breakthrough cases by using a CT that will minimize the number of false positives
Other countries are also manipulating data to boost COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and hide breakthrough cases. In the U.K., COVID-19 will only be listed as the cause of death if the patient actually died from an active case of COVID-19 and nothing else'
JULY 2021
Why is the CDC having to be pressured into doing this? Isn't this what is normally done when you release a new vaccine?
So the can't tell the difference from the flu at the current time, eh?
August 2021
Recent data from the U.K. Office of National Statistics reveals people who have been double jabbed against COVID-19 are dying from all causes at a rate six times higher than the unvaccinated
In the U.S., meanwhile, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is propping up the official narrative with two manipulated studies — one suggesting the jab reduces all-cause mortality, and another claiming the shot is five times more protective than natural immunity
Both studies are of questionable quality and have several problems, including selection of time and date ranges that allow them to pretend that the COVID shots are safer and more effective than they really are
According to all-cause mortality statistics, the number of Americans who died between January 2021 and August 2021 is 16% higher than 2018 (the pre-COVID year with the highest all-cause mortality) and 18% higher than the average death rate between 2015 and 2019. Did COVID-19 raise the death toll despite mass vaccination, or are people dying at increased rates because of the COVID jabs?
CDC data reveal that while the number of hospitalized patients with natural immunity fell sharply over the summer, when the delta variant took over, the number of vaccinated people being hospitalized soared, from three per month on average during the spring to more than 100 a month in late summer. Since these vaccinated patients were less than six months from their second dose, they should have been at or near maximum immunity
Another example of Government 'leading medical experts' cooking the books in favor of their sacred vaccine program.
Reynolds relates that, in interviews over the weekend, Walensky made truthful comments that strike at the heart of what had been the US government's coronavirus propaganda.
These are the two big truths Walensky let slip: Coronavirus deaths are mostly among people who also had several major health problems or “comorbidities,” and the coronavirus death count is inflated by the inclusion of people who died from other causes while happening to have coronavirus, instead of just people who died from coronavirus.
This what we have said all along. However, we were censored for spreading misinformation.
APRIL 2022
All they would have to do is simply request a few documents from the CDC. The CDC won't be able to provide any of the documents, but they would have no excuse for not supporting their request.
(FDA.GOV) U.S. Food And Drug Administration
December 2020
They are hyping this up as if 'the jab' has already demonstrated some measureable success. I guess we will see how well it performs soon.
APRIL 2021
A copy of the Pfizer report to the FDA
Interesting to note that the data on the mRNA Jab they intend to force the entire population of the planet to submit to is considered by Pfizer to be 'proprietary and confidential'! So where is the informed consent?
Based on the information the FDA had at this time, the mRNA Jab should NEVER been approved!
MAY 2021
'In the summer of 2020, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) launched a social media campaign to put an end to It now admits it pressured the FDA to issue me a warning letter to stop writing about nutritional products that can lower your risk of respiratory infections such as COVID-19
CSPI is a consumer advocacy group bankrolled by billionaires and their corporate ties to Monsanto, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies
CSPI rails against published science demonstrating certain nutrients can boost your immune function and help lower your risk of severe infection, saying it discourages mask wearing, which has no published scientific evidence to back its universal use
CSPI has a history of promoting industry science and propaganda, having supported artificial sweeteners, trans fats, GMOs, fake meat and the low-fat myth. They've also actively undermined transparency in labeling efforts
We have fully addressed the warning letter, and put the FDA on notice that it cannot stop speech it does not like'
'It's ironic that Lurie dismisses offhand peer-reviewed published science demonstrating certain nutrients can boost your immune function and help lower your risk of severe infection — be it from SARS-CoV-2, the seasonal flu or anything else — and touts mask wearing, which has no published scientific evidence to back its universal use, as one of the most important prevention strategies against COVID-19.'
Why in the world would you want to stop a doctor from talking about a vitamin?'
August 2021
The FDA in collusion with a consumer advocacy group against the best interests of the American people.
MAY 2021
'After sending warning letters to several manufacturers, the FDA invoked the Drug Exclusion Provision in U.S. code Title 21 to ban the sale of n-acetylcysteine (NAC)
According to one attorney, this is legally questionable and, according to counsel for the Council for Responsible Nutrition (CRN), for several reasons it is "legally invalid"
The FDA used this same tactic on supplements infringing on the financial gain of pharmaceutical companies and may have done the same with NAC since the supplement may effectively reduce the incidence of severe COVID-19
NAC has multiple health benefits as it reduces oxidative stress in the body, which plays a significant role in the development of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, cancer, stroke, diabetes and liver disease'
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration decided after 57 years of over-the-counter sales the compound is now a medication that requires a physician's prescription!!! WHY?
So the FDA has no idea how long immunity lasts in the vaccinated or naturally immune!
August 2021
This is a copy of the paper insert that goes in the box of each vial of the the COMIRNATY product.
Freedom of Information Act requests are rarely speedy, but when a group of scientists asked the federal government to share the data it relied upon in licensing Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, the response went beyond typical bureaucratic foot-dragging.
As in 55 years beyond.
That's how long the Food & Drug Administration in court papers this week proposes it should be given to review and release the trove of vaccine-related documents responsive to the request. If a federal judge in Texas agrees, plaintiffs Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency can expect to see the full record in 2076.
Do you think the FDA is trying to hide something?
Freedom of Information Act requests are rarely speedy, but when a group of scientists asked the federal government to share the data it relied upon in licensing Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine, the response went beyond typical bureaucratic foot-dragging.
As in 55 years beyond.
That's how long the Food & Drug Administration in court papers this week proposes it should be given to review and release the trove of vaccine-related documents responsive to the request. If a federal judge in Texas agrees, plaintiffs Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency can expect to see the full record in 2076.
Do you think the FDA is trying to hide something?
'By its very nature, a Freedom of Information Act request doesn't need processing by the issuing agency unless there are matters of national security at hand. The information requested by PHMPT does not fall into the category of national security unless there are components to the vaccine that are nefarious.'
'The fact that the FDA knows exactly how many pages of information there are means that this information can be immediately released. This is especially so because the requesting group is a medically knowledgeable group composed of highly regarded medical entities including the medical schools at Yale, Harvard, and UCLA.'
'Further, because this information is germane to the knowledge base of the requesting group, why does the FDA need to “process” even one page of this information unless it is actively trying to hide information of conversations that would either reflect badly on the FDA or expose unethical or criminal activities?'
We'll see how the beast system handles this.
December 2021
The FDA has refused to even explore approval of cheap, safe, and effective repurposed drugs for 20 months, despite mounds of evidence from studies vouching for their efficacy and safety. So, naturally, now that the agency is on track to issue an emergency use authorization to the first outpatient drug for COVID, this one must be the greatest thing since penicillin, right? Wrong! In fact, the drug is so dangerous and has so many known and unknown side effects that the FDA advisory committee members basically admitted this was a “difficult” decision and that they could rescind the authorization later on. This decision makes their rejection of ivermectin, fluvoxamine, nitazoxanide, and hydroxychloroquine all the more indefensible.
It would appear that the FDA is more concerned with selling a high profit treatment then they are with public health.
In September 2021, a group called Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency (PHMPT) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the FDA to obtain the documentation used to approve Comirnaty. When, after a month, the FDA had not replied, the PHMPT sued
It took the U.S. Food and Drug Administration 108 days to “thoroughly and completely” review the 329,000 pages of data Pfizer/BioNTech submitted to gain FDA approval for its Comirnaty COVID shot, which was licensed August 3, 2021
The FDA now claims it needs 55 years to release those same pages to the public (at a rate of 500 pages per month), as each page must be reviewed and sensitive information redacted
The FDA has so far only released 91 pages. These documents show that within the first 2.5 months of the Pfizer shot's rollout, Pfizer received 42,086 reports of adverse events, including 1,223 fatalities
While Pfizer admits it received such a large number of spontaneous adverse event reports that they had to hire a redacted number of additional full-time personnel to handle the additional data entry, they claim that “The findings of these signal detection analyses are consistent with the known safety profile of the vaccine.” If they expected this volume of injuries, why were they short-staffed — and why does the FDA think the number of new hires is proprietary information?
Looks like the FDA is hiding information.
This is even more disturbing considering Pfizer's criminal past of '...caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs...' and 'Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs.'
So the Federal Government's leading medical experts chose a company with a history of submitting false data, bribing doctors, and blatant disregard for the law as their 'high priest' of theIR 'sacred vax program'.!?
Shocking Revelations in First Batch of FOIA Docs (2021-1231)
Based on the data they had at the time, THERE IS NO WAY THIS mRNA-VAX SHOULD HAVE EVER BEEN APPROVED! Even with only the trickle of information that the medical industrial complex has been forced to release have shown that the VAX Jab is unsafe, ineffective and should be pulled from the market.
Weeks after the FDA gave full approval to the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the name Comirnaty, the only documentation publicly available was found in press releases and journal articles
A nonprofit group filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the data used to license Comirnaty and subsequently had to file a lawsuit to release the documents the FDA has a statutory obligation to publish within 30 days of approving a drug
Peter Doshi and Matthew Herder note the review team was likely understaffed and was rushed to finalize the review in three weeks, a process that normally takes 10 months. The review did not address concerns that the trial was unblinded or the high number of side effects from the vaccine
The package inserts for medical professionals in the Moderna and J&J vaccines are intentionally left blank, sending people to a website where they can download the information
A nonprofit group filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the data used to license Comirnaty and subsequently had to file a lawsuit to release the documents THE FDA HAS A STATUTORY OBLIGATION TO PUBLISH WITHIN 30 DAYS OF APPROVING A DRUG
MAY 2022
The second section of this article is even better than the introduction.
This shows shocking idiocy and malfeasance on the part of the FDA, as well as complete regulatory capture.
The powers that be are simply saying they will do whatever they want and they defy anyone to try and stop them.
(HHS.GOV) U.S. Department of Health & Human Services
This gives the government power to do whatever they want.
Who are these alledged experts and what made them experts?
'The Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) authority allows FDA to help strengthen the nation's public health protections against chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) threats including infectious diseases, by facilitating the availability and use of medical countermeasures (MCMs) needed during public health emergencies.
Under section 564 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act), when the Secretary of HHS declares that an emergency use authorization is appropriate, FDA may authorize unapproved medical products or unapproved uses of approved medical products to be used in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions caused by CBRN threat agents when certain criteria are met, including there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. The HHS declaration to support such use must be based on one of four types of determinations of threats or potential threats by the Secretary of HHS, Homeland Security, or Defense.
Please note: a determination under section 319 of the Public Health Service Act that a public health emergency exists, such as the one issued on January 31, 2020, does not enable FDA to issue EUAs. On February 4, 2020, the HHS Secretary determined that there is a public health emergency that has a significant potential to affect national security or the health and security of United States citizens living abroad, and that involves the virus that causes COVID-19.'
JUNE 2021
The following statement has been co-signed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American College of Physicians (ACP), American Heart Association, American Hospital Association (AHA), American Medical Association (AMA), American Nurses Association (ANA), American Pharmacists Association (APhA), American Public Health Association (APHA), Association of Public Health Laboratories, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), Big Cities Health Coalition, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Infectious Diseases Society of America, and National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO):
The following statement has been co-signed by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), American College of Physicians (ACP), American Heart Association, American Hospital Association (AHA), American Medical Association (AMA), American Nurses Association (ANA), American Pharmacists Association (APhA), American Public Health Association (APHA), Association of Public Health Laboratories, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), Big Cities Health Coalition, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists, Infectious Diseases Society of America, and National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO):
“As physicians, nurses, pharmacists, public health and health care professionals, and, for many of us, parents, we understand the significant interest many Americans have in the safety of the COVID-19 vaccines, especially for younger people. Today, the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) met to discuss the latest data on reports of mild cases of inflammation of the heart muscle and surrounding tissue called myocarditis and pericarditis following COVID-19 vaccination among younger people.
“The facts are clear: this is an extremely rare side effect, and only an exceedingly small number of people will experience it after vaccination. Importantly, for the young people who do, most cases are mild, and individuals recover often on their own or with minimal treatment. In addition, we know that myocarditis and pericarditis are much more common if you get COVID-19, and the risks to the heart from COVID-19 infection can be more severe.
“The vaccines are safe and effective, and they prevent COVID-19 illness. They will help protect you and your family and keep your community safe. We strongly encourage everyone age 12 and older who are eligible to receive the vaccine under Emergency Use Authorization to get vaccinated, as the benefits of vaccination far outweigh any harm. Especially with the troubling Delta variant increasingly circulating, and more readily impacting younger people, the risks of being unvaccinated are far greater than any rare side effects from the vaccines. If you get COVID-19, you could get severely ill and be hospitalized or even die. Even if your infection is mild, you or your child could face long-term symptoms following COVID-19 infection such as neurological problems or diminished lung function.”
“We recommend getting vaccinated right away if you haven't yet. It is the best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, your community, and to return to a more normal lifestyle safely and quickly.”
Dr. Rachel Levine, Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Dr. Rochelle Walensky, Director, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dr. Ada Stewart, MD, FAAFP, President, American Academy of Family Physicians
Dr. Lee Savio Beers, MD, FAAP, President, American Academy of Pediatrics
Dr. Maureen G. Phipps, MD, MPH, FACOG, Chief Executive Officer, American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists
Dr. George M. Abraham, MD, MPH, FACP, FIDSA, President, American College of Physicians
Dr. Mitchell S. V. Elkind, M.D., M.S., FAAN, FAHA, President, American Heart Association
Richard J. Pollack, President and Chief Executive Officer, American Hospital Association
Dr. Gerald E. Harmon, M.D., President, American Medical Association
Dr. Ernest J. Grant, PhD, RN, FAAN, President, American Nurses Association
Dr. Sandra Leal, PharmD, MPH, FAPhA, CDCES, President, American Pharmacists Association
Dr. Georges C. Benjamin, MD, Executive Director, American Public Health Association
Scott J. Becker, MS, Chief Executive Officer, Association of Public Health Laboratories
Dr. Michael Fraser, PhD, CAE, FCPP, Chief Executive Officer, Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Chrissie Juliano, MPP, Executive Director, Big Cities Health Coalition
Janet Hamilton, MPH, Executive Director, Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
Dr. Barbara D. Alexander, MD, MHS, FIDSA, President, Infectious Diseases Society of America
Lori Tremmel Freeman, MBA, Chief Executive Officer, National Association of County and City Health Officials
Oh look at this! All the government doctors from all the government bureaucracies all agree that what the government is doing is good. Imagine my shock and surprise. I feel better already.
For some reason, I was unable to download a copy of this document?
(NIH.GOV) National Institutes of Health
February 2021
They knew before they started the vaccine roll out that if you were younger than 70 years old, you had less than a 1% chance of dying from COVID!!!

They knew before they started the vaccine roll out that if you were younger than 70 years old, you had less than a 1% chance of dying from COVID!!!
October 2021
'On June 8, 2019, Francis Collins finger-picked his guitar and sang Andy Grammer's song “Don't Give Up On Me” at the memorial service for a young man who had died after a four-year battle with a rare kidney cancer. The man had enjoyed the song, and Collins, director of the National Institutes of Health, cared dearly for him. He concluded his performance with an emotional benediction, promising that he would see the young man again and that he and his staff would not give up searching for a cure. This is the kind of man Francis Collins is.
One month earlier, Collins's NIH had approved a research grant requested by University of Pittsburgh scientists who desired to graft the scalps of aborted fetuses onto rats and mice. Their research findings were published by Nature in September 2020 and include photos showing patches of soft, wispy baby hair growing amid coarse rodent fur. This, too, is the kind of man Francis Collins is.'
I am seeing more and more examples of nihilists, psychopaths, and sociopaths in government, finance, and medicine world wide.
I find it very disturbing to see examples of humane behavior placed in juxtapostion with research that violates the very core of spiritual priciples that I hold sacred.
(OSHA.GOV) Occupational Safety and Health Administration
'Are adverse reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine recordable on the OSHA recordkeeping log?'
'DOL and OSHA, as well as other federal agencies, are working diligently to encourage COVID-19 vaccinations. OSHA does not wish to have any appearance of discouraging workers from receiving COVID-19 vaccination, and also does not wish to disincentivize employers' vaccination efforts. As a result, OSHA will not enforce 29 CFR 1904's recording requirements to require any employers to record worker side effects from COVID-19 vaccination at least through May 2022. We will reevaluate the agency's position at that time to determine the best course of action moving forward.''
So, even though they are required to report adverse reactions, OSHA has decided that they are NOT going to record adverse reactions because they do not want to discourage you from getting a jab!
This page includes frequently asked questions (FAQs) and answers related to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic. In States with OSHA-approved State Plans, additional guidance, provisions, or requirements may apply. Check here for a list of current State Plans and a link to their website for any additional information:
(VAERS.HHS.GOV) Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
Established in 1990, the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines. VAERS is co-managed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
This screen shot was taken 2022-0123. Since the Beast is now changing the meaning of the words and the suppression of anything that is not pro VAX, I thought it wise to make a copy to see if this changes like the CDC's definition of the word vaccine was in 2021.
'VAERS is the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System put in place in 1990. It is a voluntary reporting system that has been estimated to account for only 1% (see the Lazarus Report) of vaccine injuries. OpenVAERS is built from the HHS data available for download at
The OpenVAERS Project allows browsing and searching of the reports without the need to compose an advanced search (more advanced searches can be done at or'
APRIL 2021
'Reports of adverse events related to experimental coronavirus vaccines are coming in at an astounding clip.'
MAY 2021
Now the medical industrial complex is attacking the very institutions that they created. Once again the 'official narrative' (which changes over time) is the ONLY narrative you are allowed to believe.
Looks like they are trying to 'sanitize' the numbers. So much for 'following the science'.
When you insert a record into a database, that record should always be there.
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) is among the best adverse event data collection systems in the world, but it's antiquated and difficult to use. Still, it's a good way to detect safety signals that weren't detected during premarket testing or clinical trials
There are unmistakable, unprecedented safety signals in VAERS for the COVID shots. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention claim no deaths can be attributed to the COVID jabs, it's impossible to discount 8,986 deaths in the U.S. territories alone, reported as of November 26, 2021
The estimated underreporting factor for COVID jab injuries in VAERS is between 31 and 100, so the actual death toll in the U.S. could be anywhere from 278,500 to 898,600
There's a strong safety signal for female reproductive issues and for heart inflammation (myocarditis) in young men and boys. VAERS data show an inverse relationship between myocarditis and age, with youths being more frequently affected than older men
VAERS data are being deleted without explanation. Each week, about 100 or so reports are routinely deleted, so there are now thousands of inexplicably missing reports
MAY 2022
The U.S. Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) was created as an early warning system to identify vaccines that may be triggering a higher than expected number of adverse events
Publicly available VAERS data clearly reveal that the COVID shots are the most dangerous “vaccine” ever created, accounting for more injuries and deaths than all previous conventional vaccines combined over the last three decades
Data analyst Albert Benavides has been analyzing VAERS data since the release of these novel shots. According to Benavides, at least 10,000 reports of death or serious injury following COVID “vaccination” have vanished since the rollout of the shots — and they were not duplicate reports, which is a common “explanation” for their removal
About 2% of all COVID jab-related reports are deaths, and about 5% of death-related reports are being deleted
Only the initial VAERS reports are available to the public. Updated reports are only viewable internally. That means we have no way of knowing how many of those who were injured have since died from those injuries. This is a loophole that can make a vaccine appear less deadly than it actually is
While the idea sounds good in theory, the concept of a government health agency has always bothered me.
Having seen first hand the abuse that centralized control has brought to the American medical industrial complex, I shuddered at the thought of this level of control going global. They want to institutionalize, empower, and control the practice of medicine.
(WHO.INT) The World Health Organization

My how the mission has changed since 1946.

So let us consider that in 2019 the WHO believed:
- Contact tracing was irrational
- Quarantine was NOT recommended
- The effect of school closures was generally limited.
- The evidence of workplace closure was very low.
- The effect of avoiding crowding was very low.
- There was NO evidence of the effectiveness of travel restrictions.
- The did NOT recommend entry and exit screening of travellers.
- They did NOT recommend border closures.
APRIL 2020
APRIL 2021
Deaths rates are dropping everywhere but allegedly India, and the WHO issues this statement?
MAY 2021
'“TrustWHO,” a documentary film produced by Lilian Franck, delves into the corruption behind the World Health Organization
Industry influences, from Big Tobacco to the nuclear industry and pharmaceuticals, dictated WHO's global agenda from the start; WHO's 2009 H1N1 pandemic response was heavily influenced by the pharmaceutical industry
WHO works closely with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), a promotor of the nuclear industry, and has downplayed health effects caused by the Chernobyl and Fukushima nuclear disasters
WHO's investigation into COVID-19's origins is corrupt, as China was allowed to hand pick the members of the WHO's investigative team, which includes Peter Daszak, Ph.D., who has close professional ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) that was being investigated
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was the biggest funder of WHO when Donald Trump stopped U.S. funding, making Gates' priorities the backbone of WHO
Given the strong and ongoing evidence that WHO is heavily influenced, if not outright controlled, by Bill Gates and industry, WHO's usefulness as a guardian of public health needs to be reevaluated'
June 2021
'During a June 8, 2020, press briefing, Maria Van Kerkhove, the World Health Organization's technical lead for the COVID-19 pandemic, made it very clear that people who have COVID-19 without any symptoms “rarely” transmit the disease to others
Van Kerkhove explained that in countries that are doing contact tracing, asymptomatic cases are being followed, and they're not giving the disease to others
June 9, 2020, Dr. Mike Ryan, executive director of the WHO's emergencies program, quickly backpedaled Van Kerkhove's statement, saying the remarks were “misinterpreted or maybe we didn't use the most elegant words to explain that”
A preprint systematic review and meta-analysis found rates of transmission from asymptomatic cases ranged from zero to 2.2%, with asymptomatic spread being unlikely
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the biggest funder of WHO, and Bill Gates has stated that life cannot return to normal until there is a vaccine against COVID-19'
See associated video.
A very informative presentation on how the bankers, media, and government have created and promoted this plandemic.
I share Dr. Wofgang Wodarg's anguish over the needless pain and suffering being caused by groups of people who care more for profits than they do for people.
MARCH 2022
(Reuters) - Figures showing a global rise in COVID-19 cases could herald a much bigger problem as some countries also report a drop in testing rates, the WHO said on Tuesday, warning nations to remain vigilant against the virus.
They seem to be trying to maintain the fear narrative so people will think they need the WHO to protect them from the boogie man de'jour.
The Solidarity Trial is a WHO-led conglomeration of many national trials of treatments for Covid-19. In March 2020 alone, the WHO collected $108 million from donors to cover the costs of its Solidarity clinical trials. After the overdosing was exposed, WHO claimed it paid for the trial itself, perhaps to cover for a donor?
Just like with cancer, the medical industrial complex does not want to cure disease, they only want to sell you an expensive treatment for your symptoms. If something works but cannot generate a profit, it is discouraged at the very least.
APRIL 2022
This paper presents the key outcomes of the above WHO informal consultation with global stakeholders including regulatory authorities, vaccine developers and manufacturers, academia and other international health organizations and institutions involved in the development, evaluation and use of messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines.
Is it just me or does anyone else get real anxious when they hear the phrases 'global stakeholders' and 'messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines' in the same sentence?
I sure don't see any concern for public health and safety, only corporate profits.
Secret WHO negotiations on the proposed Pandemic Treaty are scheduled for January 9th through 13th. These meetings are part of a continued effort to finalize proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
They want the authority to make vaccines mandatory for every man, woman, and child on the planet
In October 2022, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new initiative called One Health Joint Plan of Action
The plan was launched by the Quadripartite, which, in addition to WHO, includes the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH)
The World Health Organization already has too much power; this new initiative will only give it more
The One Health Joint Plan of Action combines multiple globalist organizations and synchronizes their plans, while at the same time combining their resources and power to create a global superpower
Decentralized health care and pandemic planning makes sense, as both medicine and government work best when individualized and locally oriented. As it stands, however, the opposite global agenda is being applied
They want the authority to control the health of every human being.
Consumer Advocacy Groups
Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) (CSPINET.ORG)
A consumer advocacy group partnered with Bill Gates' agrichemical PR group, the Cornell Alliance for Science, and bankrolled by billionaires with ties to Monsanto, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, the Rockefeller Family Fund and Bloomberg Philanthropies
Pharmaceutical Companies
(JNJ.COM) Johnson & Johnson
'As the company announces that its single-dose Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine has been granted Emergency Use Authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, here are some key facts about how it works (hint: it involves an inactivated common cold virus), how it has been studied, how it would be transported—and more.'
'An 86-year-old Ohio woman became the first person in the US to receive the single-dose coronavirus vaccine from Johnson & Johnson on Tuesday, according to a report.'
'American pharmaceutical giant Pfizer Inc. and its subsidiary Pharmacia & Upjohn Company Inc. (hereinafter together "Pfizer") have agreed to pay $2.3 billion, the largest health care fraud settlement in the history of the Department of Justice, to resolve criminal and civil liability arising from the illegal promotion of certain pharmaceutical products, the Justice Department announced today.'
'...misbranding Bextra with the intent to defraud or mislead.'
'...and caused false claims to be submitted to government health care programs...'
'The civil settlement also resolves allegations that Pfizer paid kickbacks to health care providers to induce them to prescribe these, as well as other, drugs.'
'"Pfizer violated the law over an extensive time period. Furthermore, at the very same time Pfizer was in our office negotiating and resolving the allegations of criminal conduct by its then newly acquired subsidiary, Warner-Lambert, Pfizer was itself in its other operations violating those very same laws.'
And this is who the US Government wants you to trust with your health.
APRIL 2020
Zantac Lawsuits:
Would YOU take a drug from these people?
'Popular heartburn drug Zantac is being investigated for cancer risks by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) after their testing showed that the household heartburn medication contains the presence of a cancer-causing chemical. FDA testing of Zantac 150 tablets revealed the carcinogenic chemical N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NDMA, can be found in the drug and generic versions of the drug at excessively greater amounts than the daily intake limit when tested under the FDA recommended protocols.'
'For years, Zantac was everywhere you turned. It was present on your television screens and the supermarket shelves. When people had heartburn, no matter what drug they took, they were “taking a Zantac” in the same way that people “drank a Coke” when they had a soda. Zantac was the first drug in the U.S. to hit the “billion-dollar club.”
Now, Zantac is no longer on the shelves and will never be again. It all happened in a matter of months after research showed that the drug that people turned to for heartburn relief actually could cause cancer. Zantac went from being a household name to the subject of what may be one of the larger mass tort cases. In many cases, victims are poised to recover significant compensation for their Zantac-related injuries.'
'Pfizer, a drug company which appears to have won the lottery to produce the first Covid-19 vaccine, is currently battling hundreds of lawsuits over Zantac, a popular heartburn medication. Zantac lawsuits claim the popular drug can be contaminated with a cancer-causing substance called N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA). The Zantac suits are open-ended and ongoing, as the drug maker is fighting them; but Pfizer has, we know, committed several crimes or transgressions for which it has been punished in recent years. The company's failings are well documented and worth reviewing at this critical time in human history as we all search for answers.'

This is a good example of official misinformation. The chart shows a 'Comparison Group' but does not state what the "Hospitalization and Death" numbers are for the baseline group!?

APRIL 2021
'The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine has not been approved or licensed by FDA, but has been authorized for emergency use by FDA under an Emergency Use Authorization to prevent Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) for use in individuals 16 years of age and older. The emergency use of this product is only authorized for the duration of the declaration that circumstances exist justifying the authorization of emergency use of the medical product under Section 564(b)(1) of the FD&C Act unless the declaration is terminated or authorization revoked sooner.'
June 2021
'Would you be comfortable inviting a convicted sex offender to babysit your 8 year-old daughter for the evening? I know what you're thinking, “That's preposterous, what a ridiculous question! Who in their right mind would ever consider such nonsense?”
I agree, it does sound crazy. But think about this.
Way back in 2009 Pfizer Inc. which is one of the four manufacturers of the not-yet-approved-by-the-FDA experimental therapy called a “vaccine” was convicted by the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) for fraud resulting in the largest settlement in the agencies history at that time. Here's the headline from the DOJ's website dated September 2, 2009:
Justice Department Announces Largest health Care Fraud Settlement in its History
Pfizer to Pay $2.3 Billion for Fraudulent Marketing'
'Revelations of poor practices at a contract research company helping to carry out Pfizer's pivotal covid-19 vaccine trial raise questions about data integrity and regulatory oversight. Paul D Thacker reports'
According to a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
Jackson was the regional director of Ventavia Research Group, a research organization charged with testing Pfizer's COVID jab at several sites in Texas. Jackson repeatedly “informed her superiors of poor laboratory management, patient safety concerns, and data integrity issues,” and when her concerns were ignored, she finally filed a complaint with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
The FDA did not follow up on her complaint. Ventavia was not one of the nine trial locations audited, and Pfizer did not bring any of those issues up when applying for emergency use authorization for its COVID shot
Documentation shared by Jackson shows a Ventavia executive had identified three site staff members who had falsified data
After being notified of Jackson's complaints, Pfizer contracted Ventavia to conduct four additional trials — one for COVID shots in children and young adults, one for the COVID jab in pregnant women, a booster shot trial, and an RSV vaccine trial
It seems the criminals are still acting criminally.
This is the criminal company the the Federal Government's leading medical experts chose to create a treatment that they were going to force on the American public.
December 2021
According to Brook Jackson, a whistleblower who worked on Pfizer's Phase 3 COVID jab trial, data were falsified, patients were unblinded, the company hired poorly trained people to administer the injections, and follow-up on reported side effects lagged way behind
The FDA did not follow up on Jackson's complaint or investigate the allegations before granting full licensing to Pfizer's Comirnaty shot
FDA now wants 75 years to drip out the data it relied on to grant full licensing to Comirnaty
An adverse event report from Pfizer, covering December 2020 through the end of February 2021, shows the shot causes severe and often long-term, unresolved injuries
Pfizer's data also show the shot causes severe injuries in pregnant and nursing women. Based on these data alone, which the FDA was aware of at the end of April 2021, the Pfizer shot should have been pulled from the market
The evidence of lies, deceit, and deception is overwhelming. Yet the government, medical industrial complex, and the corporate media have gone out of their way to cover it up.
How Pfizer Buys American Politicians
FRANKFORT, Ky. - In what may be the largest political contribution ever given to a political party in Kentucky, the drug maker Pfizer Inc. gave $1 million last month to the building fund of the Republican Party of Kentucky.
Pfizer is buying out the Republican party in Kentucky in an effort to silence Senator Rand Paul who has been a vocal critic of Pfizer
Brought to You By Pfizer
Criminal activity by Pfizer
July 2023
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a real boon to Pfizer. Not only has it doubled Pfizer's annual revenue, it has also given the drugmaker unique weight in determining U.S. health policy — something that concerns even staunch vaccine-pushers like Dr. Paul Offit
Pfizer's revenue in 2021 was $81.3 billion — approximately double that of 2020 — and the COVID shot accounted for $36.78 billion of that
Pfizer's COVID jab dominates 70% of the U.S. and European markets, and Paxlovid, its COVID drug, has become a standard treatment choice in hospitals. This despite findings showing the shot doesn't prevent infection or transmission, and that Paxlovid causes severe rebound and supercharges mutations
The U.S. had thrown away 82.2 million expired COVID jab doses as of mid-May 2022, yet the Biden administration ordered another 105 million doses at the end of June 2022 for a fall booster campaign that will cost taxpayers $3.2 billion
Pfizer's contracts are almost exclusively slanted in Pfizer's favor. They're guaranteed payment while having no financial liability for injuries and deaths, and it appears this indemnification applies even if they were to be found guilty of fraud
An advisory panel to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration voted to grant emergency authorization to Merck's oral COVID-19 pill molnupiravir (Lagevrio) — by a narrow 13-to-10 margin
Among those who received the drug, the rate of all-cause hospitalization or death was 6.8%, compared to 9.7% in the placebo group — a relative risk reduction of just 30%
The full data showed more hospital admissions among patients taking molnupiravir (6.2%) than among those taking a placebo (4.7%)
Molnupiravir works by triggering mutations that ultimately kill the virus; a risk of cancer and birth defects is possible, and the drug shouldn't be taken by pregnant or breastfeeding women or children
By driving mutations but not killing off all of the virus — such as if people don't take the full course of the drug — new and deadlier variants could be unleashed across the globe
The U.S. government is already on the hook for about 3.1 million courses of molnupiravir, which it bought for approximately $2.2 billion
'SAN FRANCISCO — Moderna Therapeutics, the most highly valued private company in biotech, has run into troubling safety problems with its most ambitious therapy, STAT has learned — and is now banking on a mysterious new technology to keep afloat its brash promise of reinventing modern medicine.'
Moderna and a handful of its collaborators at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) seemed to know that Moderna's miracle had arrived — well before anyone else knew or could have known
Moderna's CEO Stéphane Bancel emailed the director of the NIH and asked to be sent the genetic sequence for what would become known as SAR-CoV-2, allegedly because media reports on the outbreak “troubled” him
In order to begin its human trial, regulatory agencies had to allow Moderna to bypass major aspects of traditional animal trials, which many experts and commentators noted was highly unusual but was now deemed necessary due to the urgency of the crisis
Instead of developing the vaccine in distinct sequential stages, as is the custom, Moderna “decided to do all of the steps [relating to animal trials] simultaneously”
US taxpayers may have an ownership stake in vaccines made and sold by Moderna