The purpose of this page is to collect information about various massacres that have occurred through time. Perhaps the most appropriate place to start is by defining what exactly constitutes a massacre.
Massacre Defined:
For this page, I use the following definition:
massacre: the act or instance of unnecessary killing of unarmed, defenseless, or unresistant civilians and/or prisoner combatants.
AL-Dawayima: (OCTOBER 29, 1948)
al-Dawayima Massacre Keys
Al-Khisas: (DECEMBER 18, 1947)
al-Khisas Massacre Keys
American Indians:
American Indian Holocaust (WWW.RATIONALWIKI.ORG)
Andijan: (MAY 13, 2005)
Andijan Massacre Keys
Aremenian Genocide:
Turkish-Armenian War (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
Armenian Genocide (WWW.HISTORY.COM)
Frequently Asked Questions about the Armenian Genocide (WWW.ARMENIAN-GENOCIDE.ORG)
The "Chmielnicki Massacres" (WWW.SHEARIM.BLOGSPOT.COM) (01/29/11)
Dalet Plan
DALET: Another Dirty Word in The Conspiracy to Steal The Land of Palestine (WWW.VETERANSTODAY.COM) (2013/0312)
Deir Yassin (Dir Yassin): (SEPTEMBER 9, 1948)
Deir Yassin Massacre Keys
Distomo Massacre (June 10, 1944) (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (2014/1117)
Dresden Massacre (February 13-15, 1945)
We aren't actually taught WW2 history in this country, and never were. All we are taught is propaganda and fiction. Most Americans derive their knowledge of WW2 from 3 primary sources. Public school Holocaust-guilt classes, History Channel and Schindler's list. The relentless stream of WW2 propaganda has never stopped being broadcast to the American public. Even in 2023 you can scroll through the channels on your cable subscription at any given time and find a program revolving around WW2 and Nazi Germany. The same can not be said about any other war. When was the last time you saw a 6 part History Channel documentary run 24/7 about the war of 1812? or Desert Storm? WW2 is still the most glamorized, propagandized, and glorified war in the minds of the American public.
Gaza Massacre (December 27, 2008)
Gaza Massacre Keys
Genocides in history (WWW..WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
Haifa Oil Refinery Massacre: (December 30, 1947)
Haifa Oil Refinery massacre (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
The Haifa Oil Refinery massacre took place on 30 December 1947. After members of the Zionist paramilitary organisation, the Irgun, threw a number of grenades at a crowd of 100 Arab day-labourers who had gathered outside the main gate of the then British-owned Haifa Oil Refinery looking for work, six people were killed and 42 wounded. Minutes after this attack, Arab refinery workers and others began attacking the Jewish refinery workers, resulting in 39 deaths and 49 injuries, before British army and Palestine Police units arrived to put an end to the violence. Haganah later retaliated by attacking two nearby Arab villages in what became known as the Balad al-Shaykh Massacre, where between 21 and 70 Arabs were killed, while skirmishes followed in Haifa.
Holodomor: (Soviet Union/Ukraine 1932 - 1933)
Hula Massacre: (October 31 - November 1 1948)
Samuel Lahis
"When I asked him why he had done this, the officer answered that this was 'his revenge for the murder of his best friends in the Haifa Oil Refinery massacre.'" (Journal of Palestine Studies, vol. VII, no. 4 (summer 1978), no. 28, pp. 143-145)
Menachem Begin
- Hula massacre (WWW..WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
- Hula, Lebanon (WWW..WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
- Lebanon's Hula Massacre: 64 Years on History's Sidelines (WWW.ENGLISH.AL-AKHBAR.COM)
Hebron (August 29, 1929)
Hebron Massacre Keys
Kafrqasim (OCTOBER 29, 1956)
Kafr Qasim (Kfar Kassem) Massacre Keys
Katyn Forest Massacre
Katyn massacre (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG 2023-0826)
Committed by Jewish Communists or Germans?
Kfaretzionm (MAY 13, 1948)
Kfar Etzion Massacre Keys
Nemirov massacres and the Chmielnicki uprising (WWW.JEWISHWORLDREVIEW.COM) (01/29/11)
Norwegian Massacre
The Norwegian massacre whodunit (HTTP://MAJORITYRIGHTS.COM) (05/24/12)
Oradour-Sur-Glane Massacre (June 10, 1944)
Oradour-Sur-Glane Massacre
Pol Pot
- Killing Fields (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG)
- Pol Pot in Cambodia 1975-1979 2,000,000 Deaths (WWW.HISTORYPLACE.COM)
Port Arthur (Australia):
- Port Arthur massacre (Australia) (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (2013/0120)
- Port Arthur massacre (HTTP://MEMBERS.IIMETRO.COM.AU) (2013/0122)
- Lessons from the Port Arthur Massacre Ignored by the U.S. (HTTP://POLITICALGATES.BLOGSPOT.COM) (2013/0122)
- Port Arthur massacre (HTTPS://ENCYCLOPEDIADRAMATICA.SE) (2013/0122)
- Shredding the Constitution: The Port Arthur Phenomenon (WWW.AMERICANTHINKER.COM) (2013/0122)
Qibya Massacre (October 13, 1953):
"The Qibya massacre, also known as the Qibya incident, was a reprisal operation that occurred in October 1953 when Israeli troops under Ariel Sharon attacked the village of Qibya in the West Bank. At least sixty-nine Palestinian Arab villagers, two-thirds of them women and children, were killed. Forty-five houses, a school, and a mosque were destroyed. The attack followed cross-border raids from the Jordanian occupied West Bank in which Israeli civilians were killed.
The act was condemned by the U.S. State Department, the UN Security Council, and by Jewish communities worldwide. The State Department described the raid as "shocking", and used the occasion to confirm publicly that economic aid to Israel had been suspended previously, for other non-compliance regarding the 1949 Armistice Agreements.
The operation was codenamed Operation Shoshana by the Israel Defense Forces (IDF). It was carried out by two Israeli units at night: a paratroop company and Unit 101, a special forces unit of the IDF.
Qibya massacre (WWW.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (2014/0730)
Reference Links:
What makes a massacre? (2003-0125)
This Is A Massacre - Not A War - In Iraq (2010-0504)
This is a massacre, not a war in Iraq. The U.S. bombing Samarra, Fallujah, Baghdad and other cities, killing hundreds of civilians and calling them terrorists is like the massacres of the Native Americans during America's push westward.
In this case, it has to do with America's push eastward.
What is also troubling is that no major media outlet, no major politician--none are callig this what it is, an immoral, unmitigated killing of hundreds of Iraqi civilians every week.
Notorious massacres of Palestinians between 1937 & 1948 (2013-May)
Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder of Palestinians Discovered (2013-0608)