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The purpose of this page is to document proper government and my journey towards becoming an American State National.

Your Unalienable Rights.
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Common Law

All humans are born equal, with complete freedom of choice and action. If you live in the same place as a lot of ther people, then there are a few restrictions which have grown up, by common consent, over time. These restrictions are for your protection and the protection of the other people living near you. These restrictions are called “the Law” (or more accurately: “Common Law”) and they are few in number and very easy to understand. They are:

  • You must not înjure or kill anyone.
  • You must not steal or damage things owned by somebody else.
  • You must be honest in your dealings and not swindle anyone.

These restrictions have resulted from hundreds of years of disputes which have been dealt with through using common sense and the opinions of ordinary people. They are the only limitations on you, and if you don't want to abide by them, then you need to go to some isolated place, and stay away from other people.

Many people think that there are hundreds of other laws which they have to keep (and new ones every other day), but that is not so. Those other things are called “statutes” and keeping them is opţional for you, the human, BUT they are NOT opţional for your fictitious Strawman, and that is why the people who benefit from those things want to persuade you to represent your Strawman and so become subject to all of their invented restrictions and charges.

The Law of Necessity

The Law of Necessity of otherwise known as the doctrine of belligerent occupation overrides all other Law. It covers all people, persons that are under the "jurisdiction thereof." It suspends the Constitution if you are under the jurisdiction thereof.

American History

Date Event Debt
800 Charter of the First Holy Roman Empire
1213 The Holy Alliance of 1213. Treaty (Trust Agreement) between King John and the Vatican. Thereafter all lands explored (America) and claimed on behalf of the British Monarchs, is a vassal of Rome. The Holy See retained the global jurisdiction of the Air (Spirit), granted jurisdiction of the land to the Monarchs, and the Sea Jurisdiction (Admiralty) to the British Crown Temple Bar.
1215 The Magna Carta was an attempt to overthrow the 1213 Holy Alliaqnce. The Pope gave the Barons notice of the private contract; thus, the Barons had no standing to challenge it.
1302 The Unam Sanctam (1302) was a papal bull issued by Pope Boniface VIII (served 1294-1303) requiring the complete submission of all people, including kings, to the authority and dictates of the pope. As the Church was understood as holding the keys to heaven and hell, and the pope was head of the Church, failure to comply threatened salvation.
Unam Sanctam: Spiritual Authority & the Medieval Church
1776 Declaration of Independence 6 Million

Treaty of Peace (7 years after the DOI)

The UNITED STATES OF AMERICA was incorporated in London in 1783.

The United States of America is a territory of Great Britain. The Colonists did not win the Revolutionary War. The British troops did not leave until 1796.

Republican v. Sweers, 1 Dallas43;Treaty ofCommerce, 8 Stat. 116; The Society for Propagating the Gospel & c. v. New Haven, 8 Wheat 464, Treaty of Paris (Peace), 8 Stat. 80, IRS Publication 6209, Articles of Association, October 20,1774.

18 Million
1787 The Ordinance of 1787 (The Northwest Ordinance)
Thomas Jefferson ??? warned us NOT to do a central bank.

The Constitution for the United States of America (1st trust agreement)
With the Constitution the due in 7 years becomes due in 70 years.
19 enumerated powers are detailed.

1791 First Bank of the United States is founded with a 20 year charter.
1812-1814 The war of 1812.
Financed by the Rothschild-controlled Bank of England, Britain then launched the war of 1812 to re-colonize the United States and force it back into slavery to the Bank of England, or to plunge it into so much debt that the people would be forced to accept a new private central bank
1822 The Vatican's Treaty of Verona 1822 - Article 1 - The high contracting powers, being convinced that the system of representative government is equally incompatible with the Monarchy priciples as the sovereignty of the people of the divine right, in the most solemn manner is to use all their effors to put an end to the system of representative governments, in whatever coungtry it may exist and to prevent it being introduced in thos count4ries where it is not yet known.
1828 Andrew Jackson - President - March 4, 1829 - March 4, 1837
1859 Civil War
(70 years after 1789)
90 Million
1861 Congress walked out.
The managing company (US Government INC) was bankrupt.

United States bankrupt under Lincoln.

April 24, 1863 - Lieber Code 100
Instituted after Sine Day The South Walked out. There wasn't a quorum, so Lincoln appointed the US Army the duties of the Federal Government.
Lieber Code (written by a Jew) Section 1.16 Military necessity admits of deception. The Israeli Mossad's motto is, 'Through deceit, we will wage war.'

1865 Civil War Ends. 2.5 Billion
1867 New law form created Admiralty Law Article 2 Executive power - Gold fringe on the flag
1868 14th Amendment to the Constitution
1871 Washington D.C. is incorporated
The Constitution of the United States of America (2nd trust agreement)
(The word 'of' in legalese can mean 'without'.)
1872 New York bankers sent a letter to every bank in the United States, urging them to fund any newspapers which opposed govemment-issued money (Lincoln's greenbacks).
1913 The Federal Reserve is formed.
The Federal Reserve Act
The Federal Reserve Act (local copy)

They charged 6% per year to use their money. However, they did not want to be paid in their money, they wanted to be paid in gold certificates. 20 years later, the United States will be out of gold.

1914-1918 The First World War WWI

Trading with the enemy act (1917)
FDR (Assistant Secretary of the Navy (at the time)) was the politician who introduced the Trading With The Enemy Act.
When later, FDR is elected President, he is the one who plays a big role in amending the bill that he introduced only 16 years earlier!

1929 (70 years after 1859) 17 Billion

March 9th (Thursday) - Proclamtion 2040 - Emergency Banking Relief Act.

March 4, 1933 (Saturday) FDR Takes office.

March 5, 1933 (Sunday) President FDR issues Proclamation 2038 - Convening The Congress in Extra Session

March 6, 1933 (Monday) FDR declares a national emergency
President FDR issues Proclamation 2039 - Bank Holiday, March 6-9, 1933, Inclusive
Proclamation 2039 - The same effect as going to war. FDR seizes ALL registered property.

March 9, 1933 (Thursday) President FDR issues Proclamation 2040 - Continuing in Force the Bank Holiday Proclamation of March 6, 1933 (Monday)
The March 9th Emergency Banking Relief Act (EBRA) amended the TWEA Act of 1917 (coincidentally introduced by FDR 16 years prior in 1917).

The ONLY person that can repeal Proclamation 2040 is another sitting President.
FDR blamed it on people hoarding gold when in fact the United States Government was out of gold and the world bankers wanted more.
Banks close for four days!!!
They took away the real money!
What they were doing was taking away legal title to property, all registered property. They held it in trust (so they couldn't be charged with theft) and they gave us equitable title (use & possession).
If they repealed Proclamation 2040, many government agencies would have to close their doors tomorrow. They were not created Constitutionally and they would not be allowed to operate in a Republic.

April 5, 1933 The U.S. Government makes it illegal to own gold.
May 3, 1933 All persons must surrender their gold to the U.S. Government.
1934 The Gold Reserve Act is signed into law.
1938 Prior to 1938, the Supreme Court was dealing with Public Law; since 1938, the Supreme Court has dealt with Public Policy.
1963 July 1, 1963, Zip Codes introduced in the U.S.
1971 August 15th, 1971, Richard Nixon “temporarily” suspended the gold convertibility of the US Federal Reserve Notes.
1973 Senator Frank Church Congressional Record
Senate Report 93-549, the first sentence reads "Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a declared national emergency".
1989 Federal District Tax Court - Southern Florida - U.S. v. Austin Gary Cooper Case #89-109 - Judge Hulver
The judge ruled that you are a United States citizen AND and an American citizen.
We have two citizenships!!!
1998 June 1st 1998 - Rothschild controlled, European Central Bank created.
1999 (70 years after 1929) The Euro is introduced January 1st 1999. 5 Trillion
2019 (20 year grace period from 1999)


"Buy" vs "Purchase"

Note that the difference between “buy” and “purchase” is huge. According to Black's Law Dictionary (4 th Rev.) “buy” means, “To acquire the ownership of property . . . .” but “purchase” means “Transmission of property from one person to another . . . .” [emph. add.] One who “buys” acquires ownership (legal title) to property while one who “purchases” merely “transmits” (changes the possession or equitable title) of that property from one person to another.

Cestui Que Vie

Ens legis

Ens legis - L Lat. A creature of the law; an artificial being, as contrasted with anatural person. Applied to corporations, considered as deriving their existence entirely from the law. (ref: )

A more thorough explanation:

Definition: Ens legis (enz lee-jis) is a term used in Law Latin to describe an artificial being created by the law, as opposed to a natural person.

For example, a corporation is an ens legis because it is a legal entity that exists only because the law allows it to exist. Other examples of ens legis include government agencies, non-profit organizations, and partnerships.

These examples illustrate the definition of ens legis because they are all entities that are created by the law and have legal rights and responsibilities, just like natural persons. However, unlike natural persons, they do not have physical bodies or exist in the same way that humans do. (ref: )


Joinder - where a human voluntarily agrees to represent the Strawman and so become subject to statutes

Pro Tanto


When they take your house, cause you didn't pay taxes, it is called a repossesion. That means they possessed the legal title all along.

void ab-initio

void ab-initio - void from the beginning

"Do you understand?"

Do you understand? - In legal terms when the judge asks you do you understand, he means do you stand under the authority of this court? So when you say yes, you just gave him/her jurisdiction over you!

My Path To Independence

Gain Control of My Name

I obtained:
three (3) double authenticated (DA) copies of my County certificate of live birth (COLB)
three (3) double authenticated (DA) copies of my State Birth Certificate.

Three (3) signatures by government officials makes it legit and indisputable. (One government official on the original certificate and one each on the two (2) authentication pages for a total of three (3) government official signatures on the entire document.)
Also, double authenticated (not apostilled!) is land jurisdiction.

The significance of each is that they are used for different purposes because the COLB is the living, private man and the State Birth Certificate is the dead entity Strawman that the State created from your afterbirth, which is your token used in their Commercial world… it is a bond bought and sold on the stock market

County - Certificate of live birth

The COLB is our proof of state citizenship… proof of being born on the land. You can take it into any court in the land. Use it to claim natural right over the strawman.

The double authenticated (DA) COLB with the UCC together wins you any court case because it puts you in equity jurisdiction… you can rebut their presumptions.

The DA COLB is needed to change your political status with the US Secretary of State… this is key to you being free. It is all about political status and which jurisdiction you claim. You have no rights until you claim them. The Bill of Rights only applies to Nationals/State Citizens, NOT to US citizens.

State - Birth certificate - Short Form - Strawman

Proof we are beneficiary to the cesti que vie trust.

Set up a 'Doing Business As' account.

I was born in New Jersey but will be doing business in North Carolina.

Change your legal name from all caps to capitalized.

Christian name is in all caps.
You can only have one Christian name.
The name your mother gave you.


(42:29) The preface to the United States code states that all law of the United States of America founded on God Principles (the Bible) and on these four documents:

  1. The Bible
  2. The Declaration of Independence
  3. The Articles of Confederation
  4. The FIRST Constitution
  5. The Ordinance of 1787 (The Northwest Ordinance)
  6. Any Treaty

US Flag of Peace

US Flag of Peace
US Flag of Peace

Another point about State identity and structure is that actual States are formed by Compact, not by Constitutions. Underline that — our States were not created by any Constitution. Our States were created by social and political Compact.

And finally for this little segment — this is of utmost importance, underline it and remember it the rest of your days — only the actual States are Parties to the Constitutions. This means that only the actual States of the Union have the right, power, and standing to enforce the Constitutions and only the People — the State Citizens — have standing to bring demands and disciplinary action against the Federal Subcontractors.

Public Law trumps Private Law at all times, except in the case of actual Foreign Diplomats and Military Personnel


  • natural person
  • ens legis
  • corporation
  • trust

Red ink means PRIVATE

Blue or Black ink means PUBLIC


  • Living wo/man can contract with another living wo/man
  • Corporation can contract with another corporation
  • Corporation CANNOT contract with a living wo/man
Rules for contracts
  1. Parties competent to contract
  2. Free and genuine consent
  3. Full disclosure
  4. Valuable consideration
  5. Certainty of terms
  6. Meeting of the minds
  7. Autograph or signature
    • in wet ink
    • If between a living man or a living woman, it is an autograph.
    • If a is signing on behalf of their legal fiction, then it is a signature.)
  8. Privity of contracts

Face to Face Rebuttal:

  • I do not consent
  • I do not wish to contract with you
  • I do not answer questions

Rebuttal in writing

Conditional Acceptance:

I will accept the terms of your offer if:
  • You can show a contract
  • You can prove that I am not a living wo/man, etc.


Trust agreements are the mechanism of control that the powers that be used over us.

All trusts are contracts but not all contracts are trusts.

Three parties.

Another essential feature of trusts is that they always involve at least three parties: grantors, trustees, and beneficiaries.

The contracting parties who create the trust are typically the grantors and/or trustees. They sign a contract (called an "indenture") under which the grantor conveys legal title to some property into the trust which the trustees agree to manage for the "benefit" of the beneficiaries (children, for example).

Hence the essence of a trust is that a mature grantor "trusts" his trustees to manage property for the "best interests" of the relatively incompetent beneficiaries.

Reference Literature:

When used by government, trusts have five characteristics that make them ideal for evading the Constitution and subverting our Rights:

  • Divided Title
    One of the 'key' identifying characteristics of a trust.
  • Minimal Liability
  • Legal Superiority
  • Compulsory Performance
  • Law of the Case
Trust Fever II
Divide and Conquer
by Alfred Adask

American State National

Pre-Study Materials for Constitutional Enforcement Seminar

Land Ownership

Allodial Title

Video References

Out of Babylon with David Straight
Very informative
Making history cancelling two 1934 Gold Bonds - Justice Anna Von Reitz
Very informative

Reference Documents

Reference Books: