Unalienable -vs- Inalienable
The purpose of this page is to document scriptural references indicating the importance of knowing and using the true name of our Heavenly Father and HIS son the Messiah.
Exerpts from the Declaration of Independence
Questions & Answers
Q: 'What has happened to our individual compasses of truth, reason, logic and self-determination? '
A: The human race has turned away from the laws of God Almighty and adopted, promoted and enforced the laws (and traditions) of man.
All the major religions have a dozen or so 'laws' that they all claim came from God Almighty on how individuals and societies should function for the good of the human race. If you do a comparison, they are all pretty much the same, none of them are impossible, and they seem quite sensible.
Q: So if these people comprise over 70% of the world's population, then why aren't these principles the 'law of the land' ANYWHERE in the world?
A: Because, according to Black's Law Dictionary, the law (of man) deals with inalienable rights. Inalienable rights can be altered or transferred because they are subject the government that created them.
Unalienable rights are given from God Almighty and therefore cannot be altered or transferred. Governments and Lawyers recognize this legal fact and that is why they always try to use the word inalienable when referring to legal rights.
My View of Modern Day Tyranny
When America turned from the unalienable rights stated in the Declaration of Independence and embraced the inalienable rights stated in the Constitution of the United States, America was doomed.
Are you still clinging to the illusion of a two party system. Where have the Republicans been for the last 2-3 years? Republicrat or Democran, makes no difference. Just different ends of the same snake. Poison on one end, feces on the other.
Personally, I do not hold Trump in high regard but the fact is that he was the 45th President of the United States.
During his presidency, the US Government spent MILLIONS of tax payer dollars impeaching him twice for what appears to be nonsense.
They censored the standing President of the United States!
They illegally cut of funds to the standing President of the United States!
The US Government illegally raided the home of an ex-President of the United States with fully loaded automatic rifles, seeking documents they knew were in a secure vault on the premises that the US Government had previously built for him!
And where were the Republicans during all this? Doing just what they have been told to do and keeping their mouths shut while the American people were brutalized.
America has no rudder. American justice, legality, morality and ethics are all based on a bank statement.
The Price They Paid in 1776 (WWW.THEKEYOFKNOWLEDGE.NET)