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The purpose of this page is to try and determine, with Scriptural references and historical evidence, who or what is modern Israel.

Israel was created out of terrorism and now relies on it for its very existence

Uprootedpalestinians's Blog WWW.UPROOTEDPALESTINIANS.WORDPRESS.COM (2014-0820)

lebensraum - le-bens-raum : territory believed especially by Nazis to be necessary for national existence or economic self-sufficiency

lebenstraum WWW.MERRIAM-WEBSTER.COM (2014-0930)

It is interesting to note how much of Israeli dogma is strikingly similar to Nazi ideology.

Meme of Ariel Sharon quote.
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Scripture References:

11Then shall an oath of the LORD be between them both, that he hath not put his hand unto his neighbour's goods; and the owner of it shall accept thereof, and he shall not make it good. (KJV)
2For all those things hath mine hand made, and all those things have been, saith the LORD: but to this man will I look, even to him that is poor and of a contrite spirit, and trembleth at my word. (KJV)

Are Modern Jews Descendant From Biblical Hebrews/Israelites:

The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand (HTTP://INVENTIONOFTHEJEWISHPEOPLE.COM) (2014/0722)

Are Today's Jews the Physical Descendants of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and the Israelite Tribes? (HTTP://QUESTIONS.ORG) (2014/0723)

"Jews" Are Not Descendants of Abraham (TEXEMARRS.COM) (2014/0723)

How the Racial Hoax of the Jews Was Finally Exposed (TEXEMARRS.COM) (2014/0730)

Israel deliberately forgets its history (HTTP://MONDEDIPLO.COM) (2014/1017)

International Jewry (HTTP://EN.METAPEDIA.ORG) (2014/1117)

Bolshevik Keys:

Declaration Of Independence:

Israeli settlements are war crimes according to international law
Settlements As War Crimes (2020-0418)

The State of Israel was declared independent on Friday evening May 14, 1948.

Declaration of Israel's Independence 1948 - Issued at Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948 (5th of Iyar, 5708) (AVALON.LAW.YALE.EDU 2014-0822)
Map of modern Israel
Map of modern Israel (2014-0723) (FLICKR.COM)
NOTE:The Palestinians are not bulldozing Israel homes to put up settlements.

Rachel Corrie killed by Israeli Bulldozer

Road Map
Israeli Segregated Road System
NOTE: There are no Palestinian Only roads in the Holy Land.

Israeli Propaganda:

Jewish Terrorism under the British Mandate (CJPMO.ORG) (2014/0827)

Netanyahu responds to U.S.: I am under attack for defending Israel (HAARETZ.COM) (2014/1030)

A fine example of Israeli propaganda. Netanyahu can say anything he wants at is assumed to be the truth.

  • Allegedly, a senior U.S. Official was quoted calling him a "chickenshit prime minister".
  • No names given.
  • "A senior U.S. official was quoted report by The Atlantic's Jeffrey Goldberg as saying Netanyahu was “a chickenshit prime minister,” who only cares about his political survival."
  • The journalist is an Israeli. (Jeffrey Goldberg)
  • If the official was quoted, who was it?

Netanyahu insists he is 'under attack for defending Israel' after remarks from US official (THEGUARDIAN.COM) (2014/1030)

Israel By The Numbers - by Yvette Miller & (AISH.COM) (2014/0507)

Israeli infographic

Debunking Israel's 11 Main Myths About Gaza, Hamas and War Crimes (HUFFINGTONPOST.CO.UK) (2015/0118)

David Horowitz Claims Credit for #JewHaters Posters at UCLA (FRONTPAGEMAG.COM) (2015/0225) (20150225-10.pdf)

Zionist scholars make racist statements at London university (HTTP://ELECTRONICINTIFADA.NET) (2015/0301)

An attempt to deny the Deir Yassin massacre and to stop the campaign of boycotts, divestment and sanctions (BDS) against Israel.

An Expensive Speech (AVNERY-NEWS.CO.IL) (2015/0302)

An interesting commentary from an Israeli.

Open your eyes to Israel with these videos (2015/0820)


Definition Of Terrorism:

- the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal


- The use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims.

Oxford Dictionaries

- The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence by a person or an organized group against people or property with the intention of intimidating or coercing societies or governments, often for ideological or political reasons.

The Free Dictionary by Farlex
Interesting to note that this definition means that state sponsored terrorism is not really terrorism.

The difficulty in defining “terrorism” is in agreeing on a basis for determining when the use of violence (directed at whom, by whom, for what ends) is legitimate; therefore, the modern definition of terrorism is inherently controversial. The use of violence for the achievement of political ends is common to state and non-state groups. The majority of definitions in use has been written by agencies directly associated with government, and is systematically biased to exclude governments from the definition. The contemporary label of "terrorist" is highly pejorative-- it denotes a lack of legitimacy and morality. As a practical matter, so-called acts of “terrorism” or terrorism are often a tactic committed by the actors as part of a larger military or geo-political agenda.

Various Definitions of Terrorism WWW.AZDEMA.GOV (2014-0727)
examples of Israeli terrorism

Israeli Terrorism:

This record, partisan though documented and accurate to my knowledge, offers a valuable corrective to the flood of propaganda about Arab terrorism -- which Hirst reports and condemns -- that inundates the English-language press, journals, and books. Hirst notes that the perpetrators of the terrorist acts of that period are now honored in Israel. He is quite correct. The commander of the major terrorist army is prime minister, the speaker of the Knesset was a commander of the group that assassinated U.N. mediator Folke Bernadotte, among other atrocities, and the secretary-general of the Jewish Agency is a man who murdered several dozen Arab civilians under guard in an undefended Lebanese village during the land-clearing operations of October 1948 -- he was sentenced to seven years in prison but was quickly amnestied, then granted a second amnesty which "denies the punishment and the charge as well," and later granted a lawyer's licence by the Israeli Legal Council on grounds that his act carried "no stigma."

David Hirst - Middle East correspondent

The perpetrators of the attack on the West Bank village of Qibya in 1953 and the massacre at Kafr Qasim (within Israel) in 1956, as well as other actions against innocent civilians, went unpunished, or were even made into national heroes.

Zionism Good and Bad (WWW.MERIP.ORG) (2014-0723)

How Israel Silences Dissent (NYTIMES.COM) (2014/0928)

Defense Minister Ya'alon: I am not looking for a solution, I am looking for a way to manage the conflict (HTTP://972MAG.COM) (2014/1030)

I was “part of a terror organization,” says Israeli pilot turned activist (HTTP://ELECTRONICINTIFADA.NET) (2015/0211)

Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London (HTTP://ELECTRONICINTIFADA.NET) (2015/0301)

Historic Speech in Damascus sends Shockwaves around the World (VETERANSTODAY.COM) (2015/0312)

"Duff explained that what is going on in Iraq and Syria with ISIS is not Terrorism, it is simply CRIME. That is, it is the works of an international Crime Cabal which has gotten control of the American Congress. Yes, this is a large Organized Crime problem that must be understood at its simple root cause."

"Duff identified this Crime Cabal as Israeli and pointed out that this is Worldwide Crime on a scale never experienced before."

'I didn't suggest we kill Palestinians' (20150704-02.pdf)

Two Israelis arrested with bombs in the Mexican Congress (2016/0830)

Israel's Mossad - Black Ops and False Flags (2016/0915)

Jewish Terror Groups:

The classification "Jewish Terror Groups" was made since the nation of Israel did not exist when these exclusively Jewish groups were formed.

Haganah Keys:

Palmach Keys:

Irgun Zvai Leumi Keys:

LEHI (better known as the Stern Gang) Keys

Israeli style of Public Relations; Deny, Deflect, Diffuse.


Israeli Torture:

Israeli Eugenics:

The Ringworm Affair Keys:


IAEA rejects pressing Israel to join Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (MIDDLEEASTMONITOR.COM) (2014/0928)

Israeli/Palestinian Cease Fire Violations:

Cease Fire Violation Keys (THEKEYOFKNOWLEDGE.NET) (2014/1020)

Israeli Historian: Palestinians Are Biological Descendants of Bible's Jews (HTTP://MONDOWEISS.NET) (2014/0723)

Evidence of Israeli Mass Murder of Palestinians Discovered (HTTP://BEFOREITSNEWS.COM) (2014/0819)


Questions to ask your pro-Israeli friends (REDRESSONLINE.COM) (2014/0824)

Israeli president's diagnosis — 'Israel is a sick society' — doesn't go viral in the U.S. (HTTP://MONDOWEISS.NET) (2014/1024)

Talmudic Israel:

May 2023

Israeli Religious Persecution:

The illusion of religious freedom in Jerusalem (HTTP://972MAG.COM) (2014/0929)

Israeli rabbi: It's okay to kill innocent civilians and destroy Gaza (HTTP://972MAG.COM) (2015/0213)

(Interesting to note how people who slam the Islamic religion are not aware of this ideology in the Jewish religion.)

Israeli/Jewish Persecution:

Over a hundred locales expelled Jews before “Zionism” was even a factor. Why? (2014/0817)

"The New Testament and the Qur'an are wide open to public scrutiny, and all people are welcome to become a part of their respective faiths, whereas Judaism is full of dark secrets which gentiles are forbidden to know."

Edict of Expulsion (2014/0817)

"This article is about the Edict of Expulsion given by Edward I in 1290, that expelled all Jews from England."

Video Links:

The Bigger Picture - The Synagogue of satan
That's Us
Israeli Myths & Propaganda
Gilad Atzmon on 'Jew, Judaism, Jewishness' - an interview with Bill Alford
Israeli Soldier Reveals 1948 Palestinian Genocide and Zionist Ideology of Ethnic Cleansing
Israelis - Do you see non Jews as equal to you