When I began to study Scripture as an adult, almost immediately, I had questions. Since the same questions kept cropping up, and my initial attempts at resolving them failed, I started writing down my questions so I would not forget them as new questions arose.
After a year or so, my original list was still only 8 - 10 questions. As I continued to read through the Scriptures, I would annotate my questions with Scriptural references which explained or clarified my question.
Then I found 'The key of knowledge' and my list started to grow very quickly. As I continue to study HIS word, my list continues to grow. I have since managed to put together a good deal of Scriptural references to either prove, disprove or clarify my thoughts on these various subjects. As I read through the Scriptures today, when I come across a 'nugget' of information or clarity, I add that reference to the appropriate page in my list below.
I hope this page will be as helpful and informative to you as it has been and continues to be for me.
Numeric Topics
- The Aaronic Blessing
- The Ahab Spirit
- Aleph and Tav
- Amalek
- Ancient Knowledge
- Animal Husbandry
- Anti-Absolutes References
- Alcohol & Drinking
- Angels
- Angel of YHWH (The Messiah in the Torah)
- The Apocrypha
- The Apple of HIS eye
- The Arabs
- Arabs & Jews
- Assemblies, Churches, Synagogs and The Temple
- Assyria
- Astrology, Astronomy & the Zodiac
- Baptism & Mikvah
- The Beast
- History of the Bible
- Blessings & Curses
- The Book of Wars of YHWH
- The Lessons of the Bread & Fishes
- The Bride
- Who is my Brother?
- Busybody
- YHWH's Calendar & Time (see also 'Moons')
- Canaanite Tribes
- Charity (Charity and Tithes)
- Chastize (Rebuke)
- The Chosen People
- Christians
- Circumcision of the Heart -vs- Circumcision of the Flesh
- Clean & Unclean Diet
- Compliance to YHWH or Government
- Conditions for Living in the Holy Land
- Convocations
- Covenants
- Curses (Blessings & Curses)
- The Line of King David
- The Day of YHWH
- Dead Sea Scrolls
- Death and Dying
- Deliverance
- Dietary Laws (Clean & Unclean Diet)
- The fallible and non-divine nature of the Disciples
- The practices of 1st Century Discipleship
- Dispensationalism
- The Divinity of the Messiah
- Divorce
- Assyrian Empire (Assyria)
- Phoenician Empire
- End of Days
- Enoch
- Equinox
- Essential Oils
- Dealing with Evil
- Captivity/Exile
- 2nd Exodus (2nd Exodus)
- YHWH's Fairness & Justice towards mankind
- Faith vs Works, Obedience and the Law
- False Doctrine and Common Misconceptions
- Family
- Fasting
- Feasts of YHWH
- Fellowship
- Five Fold Ministry (5 Fold Ministry)
- Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Have Old Testament Prophecies Been Fulfilled?
- Gifts of the Spirit (Fruits of the Holy Spirit)
- Gaza
- Gentiles
- Gog & Magog
- What is the Gospel
- Gossip (Busybody)
- Mankind's inability to Govern
- Historical Governance Of Israel
- Grace
- Haggadah
- Hard Facts About the 2nd Coming
- Hate
- Head Coverings & Womens Attire
- HE knows what is in my Heart
- Hebrew
- The Hebrew people's relationship with YHWH (The chosen people's relationship with YHWH)
- Why did YHWH choose the Hebrews? (The Chosen People)
- Hebrew Language
- Hermeneutics
- The Hexagram - Six pointed star symbol
- The Highway from Assyria to the Holy Land
- The Hittites
Holidays & Holy Days
- Christian
- Jewish
- The Holy Land
- The Holy Land Covenant
- The Holy Land Dispute
- Holy One Of Israel (The Messiah in the Torah)
- Holy Spirit
- Holy War
- Homosexuality
- Honesty
- Humility & Pride
- Injustice (Justice)
- Literal Translation -vs- Interpretation
- Islam
- Islamaphobia
- Who is Modern Israel?
- Israelite/Israeli relationship with YHWH (The chosen people's relationship with YHWH)
- Provoked to Jealousy
- Jerusalem
- Etymology of the words Jew, Jews & Jewish
- Jewish people's relationship with YHWH (The chosen people's relationship with YHWH)
- The Jezebel Spirit (The Ahab Spirit)
- The Jezreel Valley
- John The Baptist's Message
- Flavius Josephus
- Jubilee & Shemittah (PART OF: The importance of the Sabbath)
- Judaism
- Judging
- Justice (Injustice)
- The Hebrew Kings
- Kipa
- Ancient Knowledge (Ancient Knowledge)
- Land, Conditions (Conditions for Living in the Holy Land)
- Land, Holy (The Holy Land Dispute)
- Land, Violations
- Scripture Language
- The Law
- Left Behind or Taken Away?
- Levi
- Literal Translation -vs- Interpretation
- Lying (Honesty)
- Magog (Gog & Magog)
- Marriage
- Meat & Milk (Clean & Unclean Diet)
- The order of Melchizedek
- When was the Messiah born?
- The Messiah in the TeNaKh
- The Middle East
- Mikvah (Baptism & Mikvah)
- Milk & Meat (Clean & Unclean Diet)
- Missing Links
- Mixing & Hybrids
- Modalism The Relationship of YHWH & YAHUSHA
- Months/Moons (see also 'Calendar & Time')
- Mysteries, Secrets & the Mark
- Scriptures Pertinent to Modern Times
- Was YHWH's Law Nailed to the Cross?
- The importance of the Name
- The Nicolaitanes
- Noahide Laws
- How does YHWH treat Non-Hebrews/Israelites (Gentiles)
- Numerology & Scripture Numbers
- Pagan Dieties
- Palestine
- The Papacy
- Parables
- The Patriarchs
- Are Religions Peaceful?
- Is Peter the Rock of the Church?
- Pharisees/Phariseeism
- Pleasing YHWH (YHWH's Pleasure)
- Poor Man Rich Man
- Prayer
- Preachers (Preachers, Teachers & Shephards)
- Pride (Humility & Pride)
- The Prophets
- Rebuke (Chastize)
- The Redeemer (The Messiah in the Torah)
- The Hebrew/Israelite/Israeli/Jewish relationship with YHWH (The chosen people's relationship with YHWH)
- Replacement Theology (a.k.a. Supersessionism)
- Resurrection
- Restored Israel Hallmarks
- The Return of Yisrael and Yahudah (Israel & Judah) (2 Houses of Israel)
- Personal Revelations
- Rich Man Poor Man (Poor Man Rich Man)
- Righteousness and the Torah.
- The importance of the Sabbath
- Has the Sacrificial System Been Done Away With?
- Salvation
- Samaritans
- Samaritan Pentateuch (Samaritan)
- The Scarlet Worm
- Second Exodus (2nd Exodus)
- Shephards (Preachers, Teachers & Shephards)
- Signs of the End of Days (End of Days)
- Slaves -vs- Servants
- Songs of the Scriptures
- The Spirit (Holy Spirit)
- The Star of David (The Hexagram)
- The Synagogue of Satan
- Tallit
- Teachers (Preachers, Teachers & Shephards)
- The Temple
- Tithe (Charity and Tithes)
- To Do
- Speaking in Tongues
- Topheth
- The Torah
- Literal Translation -vs- Interpretation
- Translation Differences in the Scriptures
- Tribes of Israel (12 Tribes of Israel)
- Yahusha's Return Relative to Tribulation
- The False Trinity Doctrine
- Truth (see Honesty)
- Twelve Tribes of Israel (12 Tribes of Israel)
- Two Houses of Israel (2 Houses of Israel)
- Tzitzit
- Violations of the Holy Land (Land, Violations)
- Violence in Religion (Are Religions Peaceful?)
- War & Peace according to YHWH and YAHUSHA
- The Book of Wars of YHWH (The Book of Wars of YHWH)
- The Way (derech)
- What Should We Do?
- Why Didn't the Jews Believe the Messiah?
- Why Did The Messiah Come?
- Do the Jews or Israelis have to worry about being wiped off the face of the earth?
- Women in the Assembly
- Worship (in the Temple & out) past, present and future.
- YAHSHUA's message
- The Importance Of YHWH's Commands & Covenents (Laws)
- YHWH's pleasure (Pleasing YHWH)
- YHWH's Eternal Promises