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The purpose of this page is to document information relative to the religion of Judaism.

I am becoming increasing concerned that Judaism is being confused with the instructions (Torah) given to us on Mount Sinai. It seems that the Hebraic faith experienced by Abraham is being renamed to Judaism. I do not think Scripture supports this. Abraham had 12 sons and 1 daughter. It is these 12 tribes that represent 'the children of Israel' and not just the single tribe of Judah which has become the focus of Judaism.

For example, I offer the following quote from the article "History Crash Course #54: The Reform Movement" by Rabbi Ken Spiro, "While the ideological differences between Orthodox and Reform remain enormous, these changes clearly reflect the modern Reforms Movement's recognition of what has shown to be a historically proven reality: What has kept Jews Jewish for thousands of years is a commitment to Judaism ? its study, observance, and the primacy of Judaism as a central component of every Jew's identity."

My understanding of YHWH's instructions is that HE is to be the focus of mankind and not a man made institution called Judaism.


Ashkenazim - Jews of European extraction

Hassidim/Chassidism - generally wear special garb

non-Hassidim -

Mizrahi Jews or Mizrahiyim

(Hebrew: Modern Mizrahiyyim Tiberian Mizrahiyyîm ; "Easterners"), also referred to as Adot HaMizrach (Communities of the East; Mizrahi Hebrew: Adot(h) Ha(m)Mizra?) are Jews descended from the Jewish communities of the Middle East, North Africa and the Caucasus. The term Mizrahi is used in Israel in the language of politics, media and some social scientists for Jews from the Arab world and adjacent, primarily Muslim-majority countries. This includes Jews from Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, Iran, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Kurdish areas, the eastern Caucasus, India, Northern and Eastern Sudan and Ethiopia. Sometimes, Sephardi Jews such as Jews from Morocco, Algeria, or Turkey are erroneously grouped into the Mizrahi category for some historical reasons.

Despite their heterogeneous origins, Mizrahi Jews generally practice rites identical or similar to traditional Sephardic Judaism, although with some differences among the minhagim of the particular communities. This has resulted in a conflation of terms, particularly in Israel, and in religious usage, where "Sephardi" is used in a broad sense to include Mizrahi Jews as well as Sephardim proper. Indeed, from the point of view of the official Israeli rabbinate, the Mizrahi rabbis in Israel are under the jurisdiction of the Sephardi Chief Rabbi of Israel who, in most cases, is a Mizrahi Jew. Today they make up more than half of Israel's Jewish population, but before the mass immigration of 1,000,000 mostly Ashkenazi immigrants from the former Soviet Union in the 1990s they made up over 70% of Israel's Jewish population.


Jews who are the descendants of those who spent the last several hundred years of the exile in Moslem cultures. While the term Sephardi is often used to categorize all Jews who came from the Middle East/Moslem world, the term is not really accurate. Many of these communities have little or no connection historically with the Jews of Spain i.e. Persian Jews, Yemenite Jews etc. The more accurate term would be Edot HaMizrach or "communities of the East" which would cover all non-Ashkenazi Jewish communities.

Yemenite Jews

(Hebrew: Standard Temanim Tiberian Têmanîm; singular, Standard Temani Tiberian Têmanî) are those Jews who live, or whose recent ancestors lived, in Yemen (Standard Teman Tiberian Têman; "far south"). Between June 1949 and September 1950, the overwhelming majority of Yemen's Jewish population was transported to Israel in Operation Magic Carpet. Most Yemenite Jews now live in Israel, with some others in the United States, and fewer elsewhere. Only a handful remain in Yemen, mostly elderly.

Yemenite Jews have a unique religious tradition that marks them out as separate from Ashkenazi, Sephardi and other Jewish groups. It is debatable whether they should be described as "Mizrahi Jews", as most other Mizrahi groups have over the last few centuries undergone a process of total or partial assimilation to Sephardic culture and liturgy. (While the Shami sub-group of Yemenite Jews did adopt a Sephardic-influenced rite, this was for theological reasons and did not reflect a demographic or cultural shift.)

Branches of Judaism:







Just Jewish

Not Sure



The Three Branches Of Judaism (WWW.JEWSFORJESUS.ORG)

What are the different denominations (types) of Judaism? (WWW.JOI.ORG)

Karaite Judaism (HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG)

Jewish History Series

Jewish History Timeline (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0331)

#1 Why Study History #35 Destruction of the Temple
#2 The Bible as History #36 Timeline: From Abraham to Destruction of the Temple
#3 The World Of Abraham #37 Bar Kochba Revolt
#4 Abraham's Journey #38 Exile
#5 The Promised Land #39 The Talmud
#6 Isaac and His Sons #40 Seeds of Christianity
#7 Joseph #41 From Paul to Constantine
#8 Reunion #42 Rise of Islam
#9 Moses #43 The Jews of Babylon
#10 Ten Plagues #44 The Jews of Spain
#11 Mount Sinai #45 The Crusades
#12 The Golden Calf #46 Blood Libel
#13 The Tragedy of the Spies #47 The Black Death
#14 Joshua and Conquest of the Promised Land #48 The Inquistion
#15 The Time of the Judges #49 The Jews of Poland
#16 King Saul #50 Reformation and the Jews
#17 David: Shepherd & Warrior #51 The Kabbalists
#18 David: The King #52 The Hassidic Movement
#19 King Solomon #53 The Enlightenment
#20 A Divided Nation #54 The Reform Movement
#21 Assyrian Conquest #55 Jews and the Founding of America
#22 The End of Israel #56 Pale of Settlement
#23 Babylonian Exile #57 The Czars and the Jews
#24 Purim in Persia #58 Jewish Life in America
#25 The Second Temple #59 The Face of Anti-Semitism
#26 The Great Assembly #60 The Holocaust
#27 The Greek Empire #61 The Final Solution
#28 Greek Persecution #62 Return to the Land of Israel
#29 Revolt of the Maccabees #63 Modern Zionism
#30 The Romans #64 The British Mandate
#31 Herod the Great #65 The State of Israel
#32 Hillel and Shammai #66 War
#33 The Great Revolt #67 The Miracle of Jewish History
#34 War For Jerusalem #68 Timeline: From Abraham to the State of Israel



Nissan: Blossoms of Redemption (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


The Radiance of Iyar (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Sivan: The Mystical Power of Three (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Tammuz: Forces of Nature (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Av: Disaster and Consolation (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Elul: The Time for Closeness (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)

ABC's of Elul (WWW.AISH.COM)


The Incredible Month of Tishrei (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


The Bitter Month (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)

Cheshvan: Facing the Ordinary (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Kislev: United Colors of the Rainbow (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Tevet: Lost in Translation (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Shvat: Filling the Bucket (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


The Choice of Adar (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)


Jewish Holidays & Holy Days (WWW.INFOPLEASE.COM)


10th of Tevet:

The Tenth of Tevet (WWW.AISH.COM) (04/06/12)

Tisha B'Av:

ABCs of Tisha B'Av & the Three Weeks (WWW.AISH.COM) (07/10/12)

17th of Tammuz:

3rd of Tishrei:


The fast of the 13th of Adar is intended to hone the soul and galvanize Jewish strength for the challenges ahead.

Fast of Esther (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0221)


The day after Rosh Hashanah marks the Fast of Gedalia, one of the "minor fast days" in the Jewish calendar year. The fast begins in the early morning at dawn, and ends in the evening at dusk. This holiday commemorates a story of Jews killing other Jews on the third (3rd) of Tishrei.

The Fast of Gedalia (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0919)


It appears that the entire 'oil that lasted for 8 days' story is just a fable that was made up around 500 CE.

Hanukkah Scripture References:

And it was at Jerusalem the feast of the dedication, and it was winter. (KJV)

Translation Difference

'At that time the Hanukkah came to be in Yerushalayim, and it was winter.' (The ISR Scriptures)

'And it was at Yahrushalayim at Chanukah, and it was winter.' (The Restoration Scriptures)

'And the Feast of Dedication took place in Jerusalem, and it was winter.' (Hebrew Roots Bible)

'And it was at Yerushalam Chanukkah (the Feast of the Dedication), and it was winter;' (Interlinear John)

'Then the Chag (Festival) of Channukah took place in Yerushalayim. It was winter.' (Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha)

'IT was the feast of the renovation at Urishlem, and it was winter.' (Khabouris)

And Jesus walked in the temple in Solomon's porch.(KJV)

Translation Difference

'At that time the Hanukkah came to be in Yerushalayim, and it was winter.' (The ISR Scriptures)

'And it was at Yahrushalayim at Chanukah, and it was winter.' (The Restoration Scriptures)

'And the Feast of Dedication took place in Jerusalem, and it was winter.' (Hebrew Roots Bible)

'And it was at Yerushalam Chanukkah (the Feast of the Dedication), and it was winter;' (Interlinear John)

'Then the Chag (Festival) of Channukah took place in Yerushalayim. It was winter.' (Orthodox Jewish Brit Chadasha)

'IT was the feast of the renovation at Urishlem, and it was winter.' (Khabouris)

My Notes From A Facebook Hanukkah Post

John 10:22-23 does not state that the Messiah went up for the feast but rather that he was on Solomon's porch, in Jerusalem, DURING the feast. This is consistant across 7 versions of Scripture that I checked. (References provided upon request.)

I will 'borrow' a passage I read recently on a 'Nazarene Israel' website.

"I have learned the hard way not to assume things when reading Scripture, as Scripture is sometimes written in ways that conceal the true meaning. Sometimes a passage can seem like it means something else, in order to keep the true meaning 'sealed up' for a later time. (Shaul's writings are an excellent example of this.) If we read Yochanan (John) 10:22-23 carefully, it does not say that Yeshua 'went up' for Hanukkah like one would 'go up' for a pilgrimage feast. Rather, it only says that Yeshua was 'in' Jerusalem at that time.

The question we have to ask ourselves is, "Is it possible that Yeshua had 'gone up' to Jerusalem for Sukkot, and had never left it...and that He just happened to still be there when the Feast of Dedication took place?" If the answer to this question is, "Yes, it is possible," then we cannot assume that Yeshua 'went up' to celebrate Hanukkah (as a pilgrimage festival). He may very well have already been there, simply because He had not left. Because Scripture does not say that Yeshua 'went up' for Hanukkah, we have no reason whatsoever not simply to default to YHWH's Instructions, which tell us very clearly not to add to His Torah.

I do understand that the Maccabees were heroes. I also understand that they were valiant men of battle, and that they suffered great hardships. However, why would we institute a national holiday out of their re-dedication of the Temple, when we did not make a national holiday out of the dedication of the Tabernacle, or the dedication of the First Temple?

Israel got in big trouble with the Golden Calf; and our forefathers got kicked out of the Land of Israel for making their own festival days. When the Third Temple is built, shall we make a national holiday of that as well? If so, then where will the 'adding to YHWH's words' stop? Just because something is recorded in Scripture does not mean we can do it. Because King David killed Uriah, does that mean we get to also? (I mean no respect to the righteous King David.) Just because Hosea took a harlot, does that mean we should? (I mean no disrespect to Hosea, or even Gomer.) Scripture is unique among all of the histories of the world in that it records our people's blemishes, as well as our successes. So just because something is written in Scripture is not a good reason that we should do it."

The Judaic website I frequent loves to dramatize how the Jewish race would have been wiped off the face of the earth if the Maccabees had failed. This statement contradicts Jeremiah 31:36-37. The children of Israel and the Hebrew people aren't going anywhere and the only danger they face is self induced. If we simply repent and return to worshipping the one true Eloha with ALL our heart and ALL our might and ALL our soul, HE will protect us and we will live in peace.


Jews observe a day dedicated to Rachel mourning for the loss of her children.


The 18th of Iyar, April 28, 2013 is likely to draw close to a quarter of a million people to the tiny northern Israeli village of Meron, Rabbi Shimon bar Yochai's final resting place. It is a 24-hour spiritual festival with music, dancing, intense prayers, and a teeming street bazaar where the latest edition of the Zohar (the core text of Jewish mysticism) are raucously hawked alongside pictures of tzaddikim (righteous rabbis), hand-shaped amulets, and colored scarves. Scores of three year olds are there for their first haircut, which will take place in the presence of their family and the tens of thousands of Jews of all stripes and colors who throng to Rabbi Shimon.

This all takes place in the midst of Sefirat HaOmer, the 50-day count up between Passover and Shavuot. This time period is accompanied by laws that require a degree of mourning. No weddings. No music. The mourning is a reminder of the terrible death of Rabbi Akiva's 24,000 students who all passed on during this time period.

Lag B'Omer: The Beauty in Every Jew (WWW.AISH.COM)


ABC's of Purim (WWW.AISH.COM) (03/16/11)

Hide and Seek with God (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0224)

A classic example of Rabbinic excessive interpretation in the Talmud. "The Talmud (Hullin 139b) asks if Queen Esther is ever hinted at or alluded to in the Torah. The Sages answer that she is hinted at in the verse where God says, 'I will surely hide [My Face from them]' (Deut. 31:18). The Hebrew for 'I will surely hide' is haster astir, which contains the letters of the name 'Esther.' "

Understand Purim in 5 Minutes or Less (WWW.AISH.COM) (03/16/11)

Purim Reconsidered (WWW.NAZARENEISRAEL.ORG) (03/20/11)

Four Parshiot (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0207)

The Babylonian Carnival: Origins of the Purim Festival (HTTP://MESSIANICEVANGELICALS.WORDPRESS.COM) (2014/0317)

Twin Towers for Purim (WWW.GILAD.CO.UK) (2015/0213)



An almost textbook example of how badly the Jewish religion has distorted and changed YHWH's feast day of Yom Teruah. NOWHWERE in scripture is the term Rosh Hashanah used to describe the events on the first (1st) day of the seventh (7th) moon.

Hiding from God (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0916)

Another fine example of how badly the Jewish religion has distorted and changed YHWH's feast day of Yom Teruah. In this fable, they even make up a story about Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden.

The overarching theme of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur is "change:" to change from what we were before and to become new individuals. (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0917)

ABC's of Rosh Hashanah (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0917)


ABCs of Shavuot (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0518)


Beginning the Saturday night before Rosh Hashana, and continuing through Yom Kippur, Jews around the world say "Slichot," a special set of prayers designed to awaken us to the significance of the High Holidays.

Slichot and the 13 Attributes (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0726)


Teshuva literally means "return." When we "do teshuva," we examine our ways, identify those areas where we are losing ground, and "return" to our own previous state of spiritual purity. And in the process, we "return" to our connection with the Almighty as well.

Teshuva: Dry Cleaning for the Soul (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0923)

Tisha B'Av:

When Tisha B'Av falls on Shabbat or Sunday (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0726)

Tisha B'Av - The Ninth of Av (WWW.AISH.COM) (2012/0726)

Tu b'Shvat:

A Renewable Light Unto the Nations (WWW.AISH.COM) (03/03/12)

ABCs of Tu B'Shvat (WWW.AISH.COM) (2013/0122)

Yom Kippur:

ABCs of Yom Kippur (AISH.COM)


Kol Nidre (HTTPS://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (2014/1117)

KOL NIDRE (2017/0616)


Acharonim (HTTP://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (02/16/12)

A term used in Jewish law and history, to signify the leading rabbis and poskim (Jewish legal decisors) living from roughly the 16th century to the present.

Akiba Ben Joseph (Rabbi Akiva) (HTTP://JUDAISM.ABOUT.COM) (2013/0301)

Judah Loew ben Bezalel (Maharal of Prague) (WWW.THEKEYOFKNOWLEDGE.NET) (02/03/12)

Menachem Mendel Schneerson (WWW.THEKEYOFKNOWLEDGE.NET) (2014/0413)

Descendants of Rabbi Gabriel Steinschneider (WWW.STEINSCHNEIDER.COM) (2014/1117)

Sabbatai Zevi (Self proclaimed Jewish Messiah) (2016/0614)

1666 Redemption Through Sin (Global Conspiracy in History, Religion, Politics and Finance) (2016/0614)


Sanhedrin (WWW.BRITANNICA.COM) (2015/0115)

Sanhedrin (WWW.NEWADVENT.ORG) (2015/0115)

Sanhedrin (WWW.JEWISHENCYCLOPEDIA.COM) (2015/0115)

Sanhedrin (HTTP://CHRISTIANITY.ABOUT.COM) (2015/0115)

The Sanhedrin (WWW.JEWISHVIRTUALLIBRARY.ORG) (2015/0115)

Sanhedrin (HTTPS://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG) (2015/0115)

The Re-established Jewish Sanhedrin (WWW.THESANHEDRIN.ORG) (2015/0115)