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The purpose of this page is to collect related information on the books of Scripture.

King James Bible Scriptures ~ Tanakh Author Date
Old Testament Torah ~ Teaching    
Genesis/Berĕshith Genesis/Berĕshith Moses/Mosheh  
Exodus/Shemoth Exodus/Shemoth Moses/Mosheh  
Leviticus/Wayyiqra Leviticus/Wayyiqra Moses/Mosheh  
NumbersBemidbar NumbersBemidbar Moses/Mosheh  
Deuteronomy/Debarim Deuteronomy/Debarim Moses/Mosheh  
  Nebi'im ~ Prophets Author Date
Joshua/Yahusha Joshua/Yahusha    
Judges,Rulers/Shophetim Judges,Rulers/Shophetim    
Ruth 1 Samuel/1 Shemu'ĕl    
1 Samuel/1 Shemu'ĕl 2 Samuel/2 Shemu'ĕl    
2 Samuel/2 Shemu'ĕl 1 Kings/1 Melakim    
1 Kings/1 Melakim 2 Kings/2 Melakim    
2 Kings/2 Melakim Isaiah/Yeshayahu   760 - 700 B.C./B.C.E
1 Chronicles/1 Dibre haYamim Jeremiah/Yirmeyahu   630 - 580 B.C.
2 Chronicles/2 Dibre haYamim Ezekiel/Yehezqel    
Ezra Daniel/Dani'ĕl    
Nehemiah/Nehemyah Hosea/Hoshĕa    
Esther/Ester Joel/Yo'ĕl    
Job/Iyob Amos    
Psalms/Tehillim Obadiah/Obadyah    
Proverbs/Mishlĕ Jonah/Yonah    
Ecclesiastes/Qoheleth Micah/Mikah    
Song of Solomon
Song of Songs/Shir haShirim
Isaiah/Yeshayahu Habakkuk/Habaqquq    
Jeremiah/Yirmeyahu Zephaniah/Tsephanyah    
Lamentations/Ĕkah Haggai    
Ezekiel/Yehezqel Zechariah/Zekaryah    
Daniel/Dani'ĕl Malachi/Mal'aki    
  Kethubim ~ Writings Author Date
Hosea/Hoshĕa Psalms/Tehillim    
Joel/Yo'ĕl Proverbs/Mishlĕ    
Amos Job/Iyob    
Obadiah/Obadyah Song of Solomon
Song of Songs/Shir haShirim
Jonah/Yonah Ruth    
Micah/Mikah Lamentations/Ĕkah    
Nahum Ecclesiastes/Qoheleth    
Habakkuk/Habaqquq Ester/Esther    
Zephaniah/Tsephanyah Ezra    
Haggai Nehemiah/Nehemyah    
Zechariah/Zekaryah 1 Chronicles/1 Dibre haYamim    
Malachi/Mal'aki 2 Chronicles/2 Dibre haYamim    
New Testament B'rit Hadasha
Messianic Scriptures
Author Date
Matthew/Mattithyahu Matthew/Mattithyahu    
Mark Mark    
Luke Luke    
John/Yohanan John/Yohanan    
Acts Acts Luke 60-64 A.D./C.E.
Romans Romans    
1 Corinthians 1 Corinthians Paul  
2 Corinthians 2 Corinthians    
Galatians Galatians    
Ephesians Ephesians    
Philippians Philippians    
Colossians Colossians    
1 Thessalonians 1 Thessalonians    
2 Thessalonians 2 Thessalonians    
1 Timothy 1 Timothy    
2 Timothy 2 Timothy    
Titus Titus    
Philemon Philemon    
Hebrews/Ibrim Hebrews/Ibrim    
James/Ya 'aqob James/Ya 'aqob    
1 Peter/1 Kĕpha 1 Peter/1 Kĕpha    
2 Peter/2 Kĕpha 2 Peter/2 Kĕpha    
1 John/1 Yohanan 1 John/1 Yohanan    
2 John/2 Yohanan 2 John/2 Yohanan    
3 John/3 Yohanan 3 John/3 Yohanan    
Jude/Yahudah Jude/Yahudah    
Revelation Revelation    
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